
Fate/Marvel: Chaldea Descent

Ryougi Ken, a young man who suddenly died from depression caused by a gacha game, finds himself transported to a chaotic new world of which he only has a general impression. Armed with the blessings and curses he received from his addiction to playing gacha games, Ken and his organization must find a way to survive in a world full of aliens, monsters, gods, and people wearing spandex in public. --------------- AU MARVEL X FATE (As I'm only a normal fan of both franchises without deep knowledge about them, I hope you could understand if I somehow made a mistake, and I will appreciate any suggestion you guys tell me.) (Disclaimer: I don't own any of the material such as anime, manga, game, movies, and even the cover that used in this book. All of it belongs to the OG creator.)

Xeviouzzz · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
27 Chs

The Philanthropist Inventor & A Trip Gone Wrong

( 3rd POV )

In the midday sun, which streaked the buildings and pedestrians with its heat, stood an imposing structure—a symbol of modernity and innovation. Located in the heart of a bustling metropolis, its sleek glass facade reflected the surrounding cityscape. The exterior boasted sharp lines and geometric shapes, giving it a futuristic and industrial aesthetic. The company's brand was prominently displayed in front of the building, adding to its majestic allure.

Inside one of the rooms within this architectural marvel, several people engaged in animated conversation and heated arguments. The room was bathed in natural light, its walls adorned with holographic displays showcasing cutting-edge weaponry concepts.

Seated at the head of the table was a man in his mid-thirties, impeccably dressed in a luxury tailored suit. His bored expression betrayed a mind that wandered elsewhere as he swirled his scotch in his left hand, the ice clinking against the crystal glass.

Noticing the escalating tension among the shareholders, a bald old man seated beside the disinterested man took charge. His gleaming bald head caught the harsh fluorescent light. "Gentlemen," he began, his voice smooth as silk, "our military contracts are our bread and butter. I understand that we need to innovate, create new weapons, and stay ahead of the game, but let just give Tony some more time to do it."

The man he referred to as Tony stifled a yawn. He'd rather be tinkering with his latest project or enjoying the company of women than enduring this tiresome discussion. Yet duty bound him—to the company, his father's legacy, and the shareholders who demanded profits.

"Obadiah," Tony drawled, "you're right. But let's not forget that quality matters. We're not some peddling lemonade stands here. These new weapons that I intent to make is one of his kind and can be used for the next 30 years."

The shareholders exchanged glances. One of them—a portly man with a walrus mustache—cleared his throat. "Mr. Stark, we appreciate your genius, but we need results. Our competitors are churning out new toys for the military every week, especially with the advent of mutants and other powerful terrorist group ."

Tony leaned back on his chair before propping his feet on the table. "Toys? Gentlemen, what we create are not toys. They're works of art, precision-engineered death machines. And you know I won't compromise on their quality." He spoke with a hint of haughtiness in his tone.

But the bald man beside him, interjected. "Tony, I understand but we've got deadlines. The Pentagon wants our latest missile system by the end of the year." He said with a tone full of complexity. He knows that he can't rush a genius and their money maker when it comes to his invention, but time is not in their side.

Tony feels nonchalance, only give him a smirked. "Obie, deadlines are for mediocre people. I'll deliver, but it'll be worth the wait. Our new repulsor technology—" 

"—is untested," Obadiah interrupt and finishing Tony's word. "We need to demonstrate its capabilities." He continues. 

Despite being interrupt by his late father business partner, Tony just ignores him before rebutting his word. "Oh, it's tested, Obie. I've blown up a few mountains in the process. But you know what they say: 'Art is never rushed.'" 

But the walrus-mustached shareholder leaned forward, feeling fed up by his playful and arrogance words. "Mr. Stark, we're not running a gallery here. We're in the business of war. We need your guarantee." His words apparently is also in line with the rest of the shareholder present.

After hearing and observing every money grubber on this room, Tony stood up from his seat before he faced them with his serious eyes. "Fine. Here's my guarantee: I'll make our weapons be so advanced, that the military enemy won't know what hit them. Those poor bastards will be begging for mercy while our stock prices soar. 

So, be patient and let me handle this, I'll even call Colonel James Rhodes himself later. But if you want mediocrity, then go invest in a toaster company like Osborn or Hammer." He walked out of the room after declaring his intention to them, leaving those old bastards perplexed in their seat. 

In the end, Obadiah needed to clean up his mess and reassure the shareholders that everything would be delivered on time, persuading them to place their trust in Tony.

After the boardroom meeting, Tony stepped out and headed toward the elevator. Waiting for him outside was a blonde-haired woman who called out to him. "Tony, you came out much earlier than I expected," she said, walking alongside him.

"Well, I can't stand being in the same room with sweaty, overweight old men who rely on Viagra to survive their nightlife. I'm afraid I'll get infected by their ED if I stay much longer with them." He said casually with a joking tone while stopping just in front the elevator door. 

The woman pressed the elevator button, and the doors opened. Both of them stepped inside. "You really have a way with words, boss," she remarked, operating a tablet in her hands. "I bet they're all fuming with anger now. If not for Obadiah, I wonder how your company could survive this long."

"My mouth is a part of my charm Pepper, and even without Obie the company will still be functioning normally. After all, there are still you who will keep it running." Tony said with smug faces to the woman he called Pepper. 

The women beside him is Pepper Potts and she is Tony Stark's personal assistant, she would take care of his schedule and perform any task he wished. During this time, Potts became good friends with Stark and that's why despite their status as a boss and an employee, they can be casual and joke around each other. 

"Sigh, I feel like I'm doing the job you were meant to do," Pepper said wearily whenever she interacted with Tony. It was like dealing with a brilliant, oversized child.

"That's the point of being my secretary." He said in the most natural way while shrugging his shoulder. "But that is not my poi-, never mind..." She whispers softly, careful not to let Tony catch her words.

As the elevator continued its descent to the ground level, the doors opened, and they stepped out. Stark Industries headquarters sprawled before them. Soon, a slightly overweight man in a black suit approached, scanning the area.

"Happy! Here you are, let's get out from this building." Tony said while patting the fat man shoulder before being led toward the building exit by him. 

"You sound like you are running from something, Tony." The man named Happy comment on his boss behavior, wondering why he is so eager to leave his own building. Luckly Miss secretary who are walking with them is kind enough to explained. "He is running from the shareholders meeting upstairs and of course he is also eager to go to New York for his other 'business'." 

"Ah, that 'business' in his penthouse." Happy nod with an understanding on his face. Being a bodyguard and his driver for a long time, Happy already knew what kind of person his boss is. 

Meanwhile Tony who is listening to both of his employee gossiping behind him is shamelessly admit it while adding an excuse to his trip to New York. "Can't let those beautiful guests be disappointed, can I? And I also need to talk to Rhodes about something related to the military, I hear he is supposed to be in New York for a week, so basically I'm indeed going there for a business." Both his employee just rolled their eyes at his poor excuse. 

The three of them exit the building toward the main gateway, Happy guide them toward the fancy car that just parked outside the building before opening its door and let both of them enter the car. After that he is also entering the car and seat as the driver before starting up the engine. The car immediately sped up, leaving the Stark Industries headquarters behind. 


"The ice cream from that place is really good. It's been a while since I tasted something that sweet,"

"The one called Dondurma is my favorite, Ken-sama. I've never eaten anything like it, even in my time. The variety of foods in modern times is far more advanced compared to the past,"

"Yes, every ice cream we tried was delicious. Thank you, Senpai, for bringing us to that shop. Even Fou-san seems to be enjoying it,"


In the bustling city, a group of three people and a white creature strolled along the pedestrian walkway. Their animated conversation echoed amidst the urban chaos. The man, clad in a black leather jacket over a white shirt, showcased a well-built physique. His jeans and sneakers lent him the air of a teen model.

One of the women had lavender hair and wore rectangular glasses, a gray hoodie over a black shirt with a white collar, a red tie, a black skirt, tights, and brown shoes. Her natural beauty couldn't be hidden even in casual clothes, especially with her huggable, hot body. She held the familiar white creature in her hands.

The last woman in the group wore a crisp white shirt with rolled-up sleeves and a black tie. Her black baggy jacket clung to her form, emphasizing her beautiful figure. Combined with her black skirt, which fell just above the knees, her outfit was both practical and stylish.

"It's my pleasure, Mash. There are still many places we can visit while we're in this country. I heard there's a good restaurant nearby that sells delicious Shawarma," Ken said after pondering for a moment, trying to remember the restaurant's location.

"Oh, another food hunt? Let's get going then, Master," the woman with a ponytail hairstyle said enthusiastically.

"Unfortunately, the others are tied up with their own schedules," the lavender-haired girl sighed. "Only Ushiwaka-san, Senpai, and I have the freedom to roam the city." the lavender-haired girl lamented, hoping they could all spend time together once their tasks were finished.

As they continued their walk, they passed a dimly lit alleyway. Faint sounds of a scuffle reached their ears, prompting them to investigate. Turning a corner, they witnessed a young man with brown hair being pummeled by a group of tough-looking boys. Despite the odds, he clung desperately to his bag, determined to protect it.


Hearing a hint of concern and pleading on her tone, Ken understood what she is trying to imply to him. He knows that this kind of thing is normal to happen in this country, so at first, he intends to to nothing, he feels getting into this kind of trouble is too bothersome for him. 

But his kouhai was different; she possessed all the good qualities humanity had to offer. Despite her struggles in every battle in the past, she had never changed. She was always a kind girl who gladly helped others as long as she could. If he did nothing, his kouhai would definitely intervene. So, in the end, Ken decided to get involved.

"Fine, let's help the poor guy," he said with a wry smile before leading his companions toward the bullied man.

"Take that, you nerd!"

"You poor bastard!"

"Give us your bag!"

"How dare you glance at my soon-to-be girlfriend!"

The group of high school boys continued kicking the brown-haired guy, who was already on the ground, desperately trying to keep his bag safe. Their blonde-haired leader seemed to hate him for some reason.

"P-please... S-sto... Ughk!" The skinny figure tried to endure their kicks while pleading with them to stop.

"You think you'll get off easy just because you're friends with that blonde bitch? We can still beat you up outside school," the blonde-haired leader said venomously, about to continue his attack.

Before they could land another blow, the sound of applause echoed through the quiet alley. They turned to see three people watching them with a hint of disgust. A lavender-haired woman held a phone, recording the scene, while the young man stopped clapping once he had their attention.

"Well, well, well, look at this: a group of horny teenagers beating up their schoolmate in a shady alley. I wonder what your parents or the police would think of this video, hehe." Ken said with a playful grin.

Ushiwakamaru on his side just glance at them with an indifferent eye. She can see that his master is having a fun despite he is doing it because of Mash request, and she honestly didn't care what happened to the bullies as long as her master was fine.

"Who the fuck are you people?" The blonde hair leader asked while gritting his teeth, feeling irritated that they are being interrupted. 

"We're just a passing by foreigner..." Ken teased them even further by saying it in such an annoying way. 

Hearing Ken words, the group of bullies couldn't control their anger anymore and was just about to teach him a lesson before their blonde hair leader utter a taboo word directed to Ken. 

"Is this the way of foreigner greeting us nowadays? Hahahaha, maybe you will change your mind after we beat the shit out of you and take those women for us as our trophy. I never taste a foreigner woman before, you've brought us such a nice gift, especially that lavender hair girl. I'll surely taste her slowly in front of your eyes, ahahaha." The blonde hair guy said with a hint of madness in his tone. 

His mind was clouded with rage as time passed, his hatred for the guy he had just beaten up combining with Ken's arrival, causing him to explode. "Boys! Beat hi-" but just as he was about to finish his words, the atmosphere around them grew colder.

The leader of the bullies felt sweat trickling down his back, and his spine shivered from the sudden chill. Meanwhile, the two women beside Ken remained silent after hearing the blonde idiot's words. Mash stared at Ken in worry, while Ushiwakamaru tried to suppress a grin at the corner of her mouth. "They fucked up..." She murmured slowly. 

Ken, on the other hand, is now staring blankly at them, his eerie blue eyes glowing. His expression is completely void, a stark contrast to his earlier teasing demeanor. Moments later, his eyes sharpen with focus as he looks at them and speaks in a tone devoid of any warmth.

"I only intended to play at first, but you've chosen death... So death shall I deliver."



A/N: Please donate your power stones and leave more reviews for my story, I appreciate it and thank you for your support!

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