

 Traume stood atop the towering clocktower structure in Romania, his gaze fixed on the chaos unfolding below. The once serene surroundings were now engulfed in a whirlwind of magical clashes between Carmilla and Tepes factions. Their feud had escalated drastically after King Tepes' demise, each faction blaming the other for the Kings brutal demise. Spells collided in a mesmerizing lightshow, tearing the very fabric of reality. Shaune observed the chaos with a wry smile, his amusement evident as the spectacle unfolded beneath him.

Inwardly, Traume marveled at the effectiveness of the scenario he orchestrated. The conflict served as a perfect diversion, allowing him to slip away unnoticed. However, his time was limited. The time class card for the assassin class was running out as he was running low on mana, urging him to expedite his escape.

As the commotion reached its peak, Shaune seized the opportunity to vanish from the scene as a ghost in the wind, making his way towards the train bound for Romania's airport. His mind was already strategizing the next phase of his ambitious plan.

!!!!An hour later!!!!

Once aboard the train, Traume contemplated his future endeavors. His goal was clear — establishing a base in Australia and its surrounding islands to carry out his sinister plans. His determination stemmed from a self-centered agenda, devoid of remorse for those he left behind.

Valerie can die for all he can care as people who has no use for him and his ideal reality for his family is of no convenience.

Shaune's thoughts delved deeper into the potential of the Sephiroth Graal from High School DxD lore,he recognizes its unparalleled capabilities in soul manipulation and animacy. His sinister plan took shape, envisioning the creation of a formidable army comprising dragon homunculi, crafted from a myriad of dragon and supernatural species, resembling chimeras of immense power.

Animacy has the ability for gene manipulation that can make him a body of incredible lifespan and not to mention the experiments that can be done on the phantasmal species running amock.

The concept of a philosopher's stone also danced in Traume's mind, an enigmatic pursuit aligning with his nefarious intentions. And then, a thought emerged — the manipulation of the DxD main character, Issei, as a pawn in his grand scheme.

He has respect for that guy for pulling in bitches left and right with his normal carefree attitude. Makes text book manipulation easier. 

Issei will be useful for him more alive than dead.

Why one may ask? It was simple Luck and fate which he does not have.

Getting a good family and having an overpowered weapon living an highschool life of the dreams with girls left and right. Problems solving themselves miraculously. Not to mention becoming the strongest by just screaming Oppai.

If he let's the plot continue then it would be precarious for him as the fangs of such being can be directed towards him.

So, he needs to make sure those fangs rot before it can be directed towards him. He needs to plan a booby trap in his sacred gear to stop his ascension. Not before he can get the data of Great red's flesh and Ophis snake. An easy grab. But waiting game would be troublesome.

He can ambush diodara and get the snake when he comes to Kuoh academy. Easy smash and grab. But for the sake of plot, he needs that piece of shit to be a puppet. 

His puppet.

Lost in his intricate thoughts, Traume couldn't help but reflect on the immense power he sought to wield and the lengths he was willing to go to achieve his goals. All for the future where he is happy. The world for the people he cares for.

Traume then lists out his other plans as he pushed his back to the seat as he look out the window of the train.

 Traume delves into his contemplations about the stock market, he thought about meticulously plotting ways to manipulate it to his advantage. He is thinking about strategizes methods to exploit financial systems, envisioning methods to acquire immense wealth swiftly to fund his ambitious endeavors. The year is before 2000 so facebook, amazon and google has not reached peak. He can buy up the market faster then anyone can imagine.

Amidst his financial scheming, Traume calculates the substantial funds required for his grandiose goals and ambitious experimentation. He needs to meticulously outlines the significant expenses needed to propel his plans forward.

 There was also need to draft a mental blueprint, meticulously planning the time, resources, and manpower required to establish his own organization, aspiring to rival the Clock Tower. He envisions an entity capable of achieving his objectives on a scale comparable to the most prominent institutions.

But there is a big problem.

Trust Issues.

 Reflecting on human nature and the treacherous tendencies of power-seekers, Traume hesitates in trusting humans entirely. He resolves to build an army loyal solely to him, a force that would serve his bidding without question, bypassing the potential betrayal of power-hungry individuals.

 Traume then remembers about the sacred gears that are easy to grab, , he needs several methods to acquire power without strain of exposure to the world. 

One of them is to study the method by which the sacred gears were made. The divine metal and the alchemy used. Not to mention the concept of creation attached to it for him to study.

He has formulated intricate plans to obtain this powerful lolis piece, to harness its full potential for his personal gain. A perpetual mana battery that does not run out. 

Maybe a mana reactor or a mana fusion reactor can be made with such incredible power.

There was also the problem of ExE Outer-Gods a big headache for him to deal with. He can leave it with the Biblical-God as he was to resurrect him. He shudders thinking about their power.

Also now that he remembers Shiva and other Gods who can watch the future may get Ahold of his track. Traume looks down at carwennan that is active by his side.

It might block his presence form fate and eyes of other primoradial when he is stationary but it would not be safe yet if he wants to make a base. He needs something that can throw the future sight of other Gods out of the window.

Shaune then envisions the perfect addition to his arsenal—a coveted sacred gear, Telos Karma. He schemes ways to acquire this artifact, contemplating its ability to manipulate fate and probability. With this in his possession alongside the Sephiroth Graal, Traume sees the potential to control destiny itself, aligning it with his ambitions while remaining hidden from the world's scrutiny.

A big smile forms on Traumes face but first he needs to make a workshop.

 Traume imagibes himself sittting in the dimly lit confines of his secluded workshop, surrounded by arcane tomes and intricate diagrams sprawled across the surfaces. The scent of ancient parchment filled the air as he pored over meticulous blueprints and esoteric writings.

As he delved into the intricacies of the reality marble, his thoughts drifted towards contemplation of his origins. He mused over the system bestowed upon him by the biblical god, pondering potential alterations and improvements. The very foundation of his existence seemed ripe for manipulation, a puzzle waiting to be solved with the wisdom of an ancient sage.

Simultaneously, Traume's mind flitted to the guardianship of his workshop. Golems, crafted from the very essence of earth itself, seemed the ideal sentinels to protect his sanctuary. His thoughts envisioned these constructs as protectors, perhaps even fashioned in the likeness of the enigmatic Touko Aozaki.

A concept blossomed within his mind—automation evolved from the Age of Gods. These guardians, not mere constructs, but entities forged from the mystical forces of yore, would be entrusted with safeguarding his haven.

In the midst of his contemplations, Traume's vision expanded beyond the confines of his workshop. His aspirations transcended the ordinary realm of magecraft. He entertained notions of true magic akin to Zelretch's legendary capabilities—a mastery over the operation of parallel worlds but on a scale beyond comprehension.

The grandeur of his ambition swirled in his mind, each fragment of thought intertwining with the next. The workshop, a nexus of boundless potentiality and arcane mastery, stood as a testament to his resolve.

But now he must sharp his fangs and wait for the opportune moment to bite off that piece of meat. First he needs to develop his personal power then he can fly to higher places.

Now he needs to leave Romania and visit Sydney.

He needs to go to Tasmania Island as it is a spiritual land that had natives filled to carry on the culture

Among the islands of Australia, Tasmania is recognized historically for its indigenous population known as the Tasmanian Aboriginal people. However, after European settlement, much of their traditional way of life, including spiritual practices, was disrupted and significantly impacted.

The Tasmanian Aboriginal people had a rich spiritual and cultural heritage, deeply connected to the land and natural elements. Their belief systems involved animistic traditions, where they revered and respected nature, considering it sacred. These spiritual beliefs were integral to their cultural identity and existence on the island of Tasmania.

A land with a leyline ripe for Harvest and he doubts fools of these world know the value of spiritual land. The amount of mana crystals and prism he could make would be useful.

With a hopeful future Traume headed towards Sydney. After he has developed his power then he could visit Kuoh and start his plans.

Lots to do so little time.

Five years Later.
