
I Came, I Saw, I Conquered

(A/N: Brooo, I wanted to post today too. I forgot it was Monday and thought it was Tuesday. Sorry for the late post.)

"Is this what we were warned against? The greatest magi of times far beyond our own? If so, I can see the need for a warning." Julius Caesar wiped his face with a small frown, somehow having accumulated brain damage without actually being clocked.

"Hm! Hm! Senpai is the greatest magus ever, period! Trust BB."

And it didn't help that the servant floating in the air just reaffirmed his words.

Nicholas himself, well, he was too busy trying to do a video game finisher on a random soldier... He wrapped his hands around a man's waist, making the enemy combatant blush and hesitate for a moment for some odd reason... up until his feet left the ground and he saw the clear blue skies with a new appreciation for their beauty before his head was shoved into the ground.

Drawing the poor soldier's sword, Nicholas reeled it back and yeeted in a random direction, piercing through dozens of fully armoured men enhanced by a variety of magecraft like they were paper or something.

He would have continued with the absolute beatdown he was doling out but stopped and started scratching his chin noting that they weren't approaching him anymore.

"I wonder why?"

The highly intelligent individual called Nicholas Martel wondered aloud like he didn't just face off a whole fucking army, brush off weapons of the highest quality, and open a rift in the Earth under them...

Pondering for a bit, Nicholas held up a hand, this time noting that they silently flinched at the gesture... He moved it to the side and they flinched again... He raised his knee and the same thing happened again, "Let's just stop y'all..."

"Well I can't possibly blame them..." The rows of hesitant soldiers parted, giving way to a chubby man wearing a golden chest plate, an ornate sword in one hand and the other on his jaw... His belly jiggled with each step, threatening to burst out of his armour and clothes, "Young man, could we parlay?"

"We don't have any food so I don't think that'll be possible. Bleh!"

BB chose this moment to float down next to Nicholas and Kiyohime stopped her rampage, coiling around her Master in her serpentine form as if forming a barrier, "Should I turn down the heat a bit, dear?"

"Stop callin-... Gah, nevermind." Nicholas couldn't be bothered, instead he narrowed his eyes and looked around a bit, feeling for something, "Yeah no, I can't even feel the heat."

The flames around him shone even more intensely at his words, "Mmm~!"

"What up?"

"Are you aware of who I am?" The fatas-... Julius asked curiously, sizing his opponent up properly for the first time since the 'battle' started... watching silently as the purple haired magus informed her master about him.

"So you came, you saw and you conquered?"


"Dunno man, it looks like you came, you saw and you just ate everything."

Julius Caesar covered his mouth with his hand, eyes twitching at the insult... but stopped himself and sighed, "I would have done the same were I in a position of power."

Provocation was a great part of any battle and of any negotiation.

"That said, I would like to profess my summoning in the Saber Class is a mistake of the highest order. I ask that you not judge me as a fighter."

Agreed, the one time the bum took part in a battle by himself, he lost his sword because he thought it was a good idea to jam into a dude's shield.

"Cool. But man, don't think you're not a fighter."

"I thank you for the pra-"

"Your whole life a continuous struggle against diabetes."


"...I feel like that was an insult." The Roman General narrowed his eyes but sighed and ran a hand through his dark hair, "Regardless, you have won this. I request that you allow u-... no, a commander's head is warranted. You allow my men to withdraw, they do not deserve to lose their lives to this damned conflict."

"But ge-"

"Silence." Julius silenced his men with a wave of his hand, "I have long judged this struggle to be foolishness of the highest order."

Yeah, because it took a real genius to see that killing his own people wasn't the way to win everybody's heart.

"Damn dude..." Nicholas regarded the fattie with newfound respect in his eyes, this was a literal hero... the type that a good boy like himself admired the most, "Su-..."

BB cut him off by putting her gloved hands against his mouth, knowing that her senpai was not the greatest of tacticians and would lose them an advantage, "What do we get in exchange?"

"I will tell you all I know regarding those you face."


Mash and the rest of Chaldea arrived to the sight of crying soldiers gathering their dead and leaving, casting hesitant glances at a lone obese man defiantly staring down Nicholas...

"This guy actually routed the army." Archer commented with a whistle, looking at the collateral damage all around them.

Yu snorted at his words, "Hitting things is the one thing Neanderthals are good at. This one happens to be a particularly fine specime-... guh!" She was cut off by Martha who chopped her in the back of the head.

"I will not listen to this slander."

"Bitch, try that again." Yu glared at the Saint of Tarascon, eyes glowing crimson as magical energy swirled like a storm, "I'll give Nicholas two of you."

The Saint giggled curtly and waved her off, clearly not taking her seriously.

"Why does Miss BB keep making faces at me?" Mash ignored them entirely, too used to their shit.

Hmm... if one thought about it... Her situation was like growing up in an abusive family where parents kept cussing and hitting each other without care for the effect their shows of 'love' had on children's mental state.

Anyway, depressing shit aside,

"She's just jealous, Mash... because Nicholas puts you on the pedestal she wants to be on." Gudako smiled reassuringly, putting a hand on her shoulder, "She thinks he'd fight a war for her... he wouldn't. He would for you though."

"Senpai, she's showing you her middle finger." 

Gudako pursed her lips and returned the kind gesture.

"Why would he?... I mean, fight a war for me of all people?"

"Hell if I know what goes on in the mind of an ADHD patient with down syndrome."


"Now then! Seeing as my men have withdrawn, come!" Julius Caesar regarded his pale haired foe with a grin, holding out his hands and his magical signature shot up as his armour grew disproportionate.

"Oh, you're powering up?"

Nicholas waited with an amused glint to his eyes.

Julius' free arm morphed into a white one, much thicker and larger than that of any human.

The prospect that this larger size meant he could hit that much harder was exciting for Nicholas... He hadn't met anyone much stronger than Fafnir till now... And it didn't help that he'd stopped taking even minimal damage after being drenched in the dragon's blood.

"Take my head if you can!" Julius provoked loudly, clenching his sword.

"I can't do it."




"...What? Young man, I'm certain you can still best me." Julius didn't believe the words coming out of the kid's mouth.

Nicholas sighed, "Nah man, I can't do it without a power up."


Silence descended on the mostly empty battlefield.

"So... Call me Ichigo the way I'm about to recall some absolutely random shit and power up!"


"One time, I woke up a bit late in the morning."

"Oh my god he's actually fucking doing it."

"And there was this bakery I loved getting doughnuts from but they sold out quickly." Nicholas ignored the nonbelievers and continued with his random ass flashback, "So I ran and ran but because my grind was lacking... I got tired from the running... and was five minutes late cause I had to take a break."

"Senpai! I can't believe you had to suffer through that!"

"Somebody fucking shoot me."

Again, Nicholas ignored the nonbeliever and continued, tears welling up in his eyes, "Just when I stepped in, some dude had bought the last box... I-I was so sad."

"G-Give me a name! I'll burn that bastard alive!"

"A...And the motherfucker sneered at me."

"Somebody stab me in the gut please... like really jam it in there cause this has to be a fever dream."

"...I'm so sorry, senpai. I wish BB was there to help."

"So I decided." Nicholas raised a clenched fist, expression showing determination that never should've been possible, "I would grind so hard that the run would never tire me out. And hustle so I could buy that bakery... I'll see that dream through... even if I have to die for it."

Julius Caesar could not believe the shit he was hearing.

He also could not believe that the teenager's presence intensified by several degrees, making cold sweat run down his back.

Nicholas pulled his fist back and punched out.

"I cast fist!"

The result?

Well, Julius Caesar couldn't see it.

Because it vapourised him, along with everything else in his general direction.

For Nicholas had casted his first ever spell.


"...How is this happening?"


Did you want an epic showdown?

Well, boohoohoo for you.

Julius Caesar was a three star.


Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

GO CHECK OUT 'DxD: Errant for Hire!' I even gave you a chapter this time.


You can find up to 9 chapters ahead at patre0n.com/Bleap

One behind cause I'm a fucking idiot and forgot what day it is.
