

A thousand men are deployed for the return of the king of Olmaria to his capital. The Force of Fate mercenaries are joined to the royal troops. Simon is still amazed to be able to travel together with the royal convoy.

The trip includes a single stop of a few days in the Vanein county. The mercenaries will be discharged there and will continue only with the official troops.

The return journey is slow but very quiet. Obviously the troops are not marching as quickly as during the military campaign.

The morale of the troops is very high and even if the king likes to discuss every day with Simon, the boy still carries Selin's shadow in his heart. It's been months since her death but just passing near the mountains of the battle has shocked his heart.

For three days not even Desmond approached his friend. Simon spent this time mulling over his mistakes by venting anger on some magical beasts encountered in the woods near the road.

Arrived in view of the castle of Count Zacharias, Simon's tension is now sky-high. Worried Desmond decides to allow the men of the Force of Fate company to return home to rest.

The king's orders are clear. Only Simon, Desmond and Jason will have to follow him to the capital of the kingdom accompanied by a dozen or so men. The law does not allow the armed forces to enter the second walls of the city.

While the king discusses with the Count, Simon has to face the worst issue of his whole life. It's been weeks that he imagines this moment in his mind looking for the best solution, but now that the moment has arrived, all the simulations seem to be mixed up in a huge mess.

Selin's parents are standing outside the temple of the deity of the order. Simon has heard from some acquaintances that since their daughter died they go there to pray every day.

Simon approaches slowly with trembling legs as the sweat slips in front of his eyes. The heart starts beating very fast, then, a few meters from the couple, it almost seems to stop.

Drevor is the first to speak "Good morning Simon, I heard you would arrive today but I thought you'd be busy to come see us."

Simon opens his mouth and then closes it.

Drevor's wife, Shimmer looks down as her husband punches the boy's face. The fist fully hits the jaw while the young man remains motionless. Blood and even a tooth fall out of the mouth.

Drevor begins to cry while mumbling "She was my only daughter, I entrusted you ...."

Simon upset responds without being able to cross his eyes "It's just my fault ... I do not know what to say, I do not know what to do" then the words start to come out like water after opening a dam "I wanted to protect her, I left her in the back because I thought it was the safest place, it was not, she had to stay close to me but I did not have to let her come, I had to run from her first .... If I had arrived a few minutes before I could have saved her ..."

Shimmer with a dark look adds "It's your fault! But it is also my fault and Drevor's fault, we should not have let her go to war, but above all it is the fault of that bastard of Eric!"

Drevor in a flat tone says, "I heard you killed him."

Simon gravely adds "I killed him with my hands, I clung to him while I was using the dagger, I wanted to feel his life slip away but it was too short. I would have to torture him, ravage his body and find out who he had bribed him. The day I will discover who has corrupted him I will still turn into the black demon and not even death can stop me. I will kill him! I will kill all the guilty. Until then I can't give you my life. Once I have avenged Selin I will let you decide what my punishment will be."

Drevor doubtful warns him "I do not want your life! I want my daughter but I will not be able to get her back. I know these things can happen but I can't get a reason. Find the bastard who paid Eric and make him suffer! But then you do not come back, do not come back to us. Just seeing you makes me suffer. I want to try to forget you. Do the same too. Now excuse us ..."

So saying the couple starts towards the main road leaving Simon alone standing in front of the temple.

Elza puts one hand on Simon's head and then slides it onto his cheek. "I'm sorry, Simon."

Simon with tears in his eyes, clasping his hands tightly "I too would like to forget but I can't. The scene of her death is etched in my eyes. I'll find that bastard and slaughter him with my hands."

Elza trying to smile adds "Revenge will bring peace to the soul of that poor girl."

Simon furious replies "I do not do it for her, I do it for me, I have to direct my anger on someone else, otherwise I can only get angry with myself."


The next day Simon meets with Count Zacharias and his daughter Gemma. The stories of the black demon and his victory in the decisive battle of the war have been around Olmaria in recent months. An important number of adventurers and mercenaries went to Mountas and Vanein in search of the Force of Fate mercenaries.

Simon lets himself be accompanied by Zacharias in the courtyard of the castle. Here a large number of men and women await the young commander. The ceremony is short, Simon accepts the oath of obedience from a hundred people. The enhancing effect is particularly evident thanks to the large number of new people. Simon notes from his characteristics that in the new group there must be some good fighters.

Gemma, as a daughter of the Count, delivers the payment to the mercenaries including an extra for dealing with the traitors.

The Count himself delivers a jerkin to Simon as a prize. The piece of armor is very old and it is part of the old count's treasure. The jerkin is an artifact of past times enchanted with an ancient enchantment. Not even Igor has ever seen one like it.

Simon wears the accessory, then with small movements carefully adjusts it. Once worn, the piece of armor reacts with Simon's clothes. Desmond, intrigued, checks his friend's sleeve with the tip of a dagger. Incredibly, the shirt now has the strength of a real armor but the flexibility of the fabric.

Intrigued Zacharias exclaims "If I had known his power I would have kept it!"

A laugh rises from everyone present.


Once in the bedroom Simon confidently checks his status after enrollment. With the loss of many men in battle, even his strength had fallen. Now, thanks to new purchases, the company's number of soldiers has surpassed the previous two hundred units, not to mention that after the betrayal, Mike and Theodore have asked for the chance to stay with Simon.

Simon's strength and dexterity have increased considerably. He, looking at himself in the mirror, realizes the change. His muscular body no longer remembers the slender build of the young boy a year and a half ago.

The newcomers' skills are all average. Simon refines his skills as a warrior and archer by taking them to 'major warrior' and 'major archer'. Surprisingly, some rather picturesque skills like 'Pickpocket Minor' and a rather entertaining 'Telling Jokes Minor' also appear.

Simon happily thinks "I really have to meet this soldier who can tell the jokes professionally!" Then exhausted by the events of the day he drags himself to bed where he hopes to fall asleep immediately and maybe not having the usual nightmares.

In a few days the king intends to leave for Carbin, the capital of Olmaria. The young commander will be a guest of the royal carriage.

The boy thinks back to how many things he has seen in recent months: foreign kingdoms, battles, distant capitals and much more. Now he will also have the opportunity to see the capital of the kingdom of Olmaria and travel with the king, one like him who is a simple son of a miner.

Falling asleep dreams of a huge army that screams with all its voice 'let's remember where we come from while we're aiming at the stars!'.
