

    The time is 10:05 pm and Ash can't sleep. she has been worrying about the journey she is about to partake in.

    Her and many of the young-lings in her tribe must voyage out into the expansive world once they turn 15, a pilgrimage if one would be so willing to call it that.  Ash and her sister Sylvia must go together in the morning light of thrisdas, though unbenounced to our two young heroines the journey will be dangerous, and exciting.

    Sylvia, who was mentioned earlier, is sleeping soundly as if in her mind nothing could go wrong in the days to come. She who spent most of the days during her youth was playing, rather than sitting and listening to the elders recall stories of their pilgrimages, and the horrors they were met with. To Sylvia there was no evil in the world, there was no conflict, love and peace could out do anything that she and her sister came across. Well that and magic, for what are two elvish daughters of the high priest without a variety of magics.

    Ash, who has only just started to drift to sleep thanks in part to a self directed sleeping spell, thought of only how best to protect her and Sylvia during all that could possibly happen in the days to come.

The two girls awake and rise from there beds. Ash who didn't sleep well that night, got up and for the first time in her life didn't make her bed. She simply left her room to go and get ready for the day. Sylvia however after waking flicked her wrist in what one would almost consider a dismissive manner causing the bed to straighten up on its own, and then joyfully skipped down to breakfast.

     Ash, as of this point being a half-hour late heard her dad saying something to her through the bathroom door.

     "Ash, sweetie are you..." 

She couldn't hear the rest but guessed that he was asking if she was ok.

     "Ya, Dad I'm fine. I'll be down in a minute." 

     "Ok, you don't want to be late."

Sylvia sitting at the table eagerly awaiting her breakfast noticed her sister coming down the stairs about 10 minutes after their dad.

     "Hey, you feeling well sis?"

     "Hum, oh, no, ya I'm fine. Why do you ask?"

     "You look like you were up all night practicing your magics, and alchemy." Sylvia said with a little sarcasm, and worry in her voice.

     "Sylvia, be nicer to your sister, she is all you will have for the next few months." their mother said, as she placed bowls of fruits, and vegetables with a few strips of bacon in front of the two girls.

     "Thank you for the food!" they say in unison.

     "Lets not forget that your life, and adulthood start today as soon as you walk out the gate into the forest!"

     "GRANDPA!!" Shout the sisters.

     "Dad, it's so good to see you." 

     "Ah, Breona my daughter. Ash, Sylvia, my girls how are you all doing?" His elderly voice crackles out.

By this point it was a quarter to nine and the girls had to get moving. So with quick goodbyes, and breakfast they won't soon forget they rushed off to the ceremony.

     "As you all know, every elf on their 16th birthday must venture out into the world, and may only return when they have found something that may aid the clan or have been traveling for a minimum of 23 months. Even though you, daughters, are making your journey today as well let me make one thing clear. The rules are the rules and none of you shall be allowed entry until such time has passed!" The shaman leader spoke to the crowd of 43 children whom all with in that month turned 16.

     "Now open the gates, and may the goddess guide you all!"

The large stone gate opened revealing a dense forest behind the shaman, behind Trif-ner. Ash and Sylvia walk up to their father's stand, Ash composed, but only on the outside, gave her father a worried look.

     "It will be ok, my dear, mouse." he says in a soothing voice.

     "Daddy i.. i..."

     "All will be fine as long as the two of you stay close together."

Ash looks to her sister who doesn't seem to worry at all. 

     "Ash, let's get going we don't want to fall behind."

     "R..right, lets go."

As they walk out into the lush green forest, the gate closes behind them. They were the last ones out. The myriad of colors was nothing new to the girls, but the new proximity to old and terrifying sounds was. The two left heading West into the forest, little did they know that their fate would soon be made clear.
