

Something has Invaded the Nasu Multiverse

anoanowilkum · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
18 Chs

A Strange Day
















John was scratching his head.


A neighbor ask for him to get their Cat that stuck in a well.

He was about to refuse but they convince him with a pretty good sum of money.

Now he is stuck in this situation.

"Ohh well"

He throwed a bucket with a rope tied to its side.



The cat was shock as a bucket falls down the well.

For awhile, it didn't move as it was scared. But after time passes.

It then started moving to it and finally plop down in the bucket.

After then, he retrieved the bucket and brought the feline to its owner.

"Thank you young man." His Neighbor then gave him his due.

John then started going his way.

He is Already 16 at this Time. And was now living in Japan for 6 days.

His mother told him that her work will now be in this Country. And that they will live here for a long time.

Not gonna lie everything here is nice he thought.

The fresh air he breathes, Forests, and a Vivid Scenery as they lived near the River. Quite similar to the place back in Baguio.

It was peaceful.

Agh! Until a sharp pain hits John's Head.

Gawddam." He cursed.

These has been happening for the the past weeks.

Thank X that he is already numb to pain

Being stuck in the Void has its perks

Like turning off 'emotions' and 'feelings'

Although, he left his receptors open.

He is definitely not a masochist.











Birds are chirping in the Morning rays of the Sun.

It was a new day.

A new beginning for the Raven haired Teen. Or so one thought. But to him it was just another waste of time.

Not only is he advance studying, having an Eidetic Memory Certainly helps in remembering those Subjects and Memories that are forgotten after a long time, Expecially from those from his old world.

Oh how he miss the humor.

John absentmindedly walks along the gentle street for another 10 minutes until he reached his destination.


A local School in Fuyuki, Japan.

And a setting the story will take place.

John knows.

When he heard the word Fuyuki he knew which world he is in.

Also excited that he can meet the Characters in the story.

Oh well.

Theres also the 5th war.

He doesnt know if its already happening. But he made sure to go early and to not get caught in whatever bullshit is happening at night.

Don't wanna die from a stray magical blast after all.

It also made him more suspicious of his mother.

Why this Place? Can't she be in another place in japan

Dunno, like tokyo?

He wondered if its coincidental or not.





Everyone looks at the Door Creaking and opening with a Raven Haired Teenager coming inside.

Many Murmurs was heard.

Who is that guy?

A new transferee?

Hes quite handsome.

Tch! I thought it would be another girl.

Please stop being desperate man.

It was then silence by the Teacher.

"Everyone meet your new Classmate. He Comes in the Philippines. Make sure to treat him Kindly Everyone."

The Familiar Teacher then told me to introduce myself.

Sigh, What a drag.

"Its nice to meet everyone, My name is John Light from the Philippines. 16 years old Born in October 10, 1990. I like reading Stuff about mythologies."

I then bowed to everyone.

"My name Is Fujimura Taiga. Nice to meet you Mr.Light, You can have the seat at the back"

I nodded and finally let out a breath.






The Class was Fine

Similar back home just with a different language.


??? POV

Everything is a mess.

The [] is infected by something.

I know this because i am the first one to see it.

Being capable of moving to other realities gives me an edge in information.

At first i didnt care about this. Being that the [] can easily erase whatever it IS.

But it was a mistake

My Other Selves in other Timeliness has been slowly seeing weird anomalies.

Naked Singularities.

Unknown Spatial Distortions

Not just that, Gaia and Alaya has also been Docile recently.

While most of humanity doesnt notice this. Those with higher senses can. And some have their own agenda and most are not good for the Continuation of Humankind.

All of this Happen when a foreign Invader entered Nothingness.

Some World is Deviating to what it was supposed to.

Some to Destruction. And some to things which even i cannot see.

Like this Worldline that i am managing now.

My Powers have also been Fluctuating making it harder to jump between timelines.

Im just glad that this world is not Destroyed yet.

Im not talking about the World being Pruned. But straight up Destruction. I saw it in other timelines.

An Earth that was Shattered. Another was swallowed by a singularity, Another was Burned and Melted back to its Basic Atomic components making it look like a second sun, there was also an Alien Invasion but it doesnt come from that native Universe. But one im Irked the most is BLANK. An earth that straight up Cease to exist. With its record and concepts Absent, i bet that even the counterforce is even alive in that timeline.

This is insane. How did all of this happen. Who is capable of this much destruction. But then i discovered that it was NOTHING.

These destructions that was happening was simply a Side effect of the [] and "it" Colliding and Fighting for Control Outside of Everything. And from what i observed our [], our creator is losing, i dont even know how that is possible because [] is a place and not an Entity or there's a chance i am wrong which is very High.

Theres also the fact that we Cannot do anything about it.

The R*****F********N did but it was all in vain.

For you cannot fight the "UNKNOWN".

Anyway, as I said this World that i am observing is deviating but the Pillars or the Characters which hold the Fate of the world didnt change, most deviation happens when these Pillars change decision by chance or the World passing the Pillar title to another person. But these two didnt happen.

It's as if the Background IS MOVING ON ITS OWN.

I am also interested in Code 1-10 or John Light. I do not know why. But i feel like he is important In Movement of this World. Its a given fact as he is one of the Child that was Born in that GATE ritual. For now i will keep on observing. Afterall what can i do. Chaos is Stirring Everywhere and i must be on my feet all the time."

John POV

I suddenly felt a chill. As if someone was observing me.

I then look at my surroundings.

Weird. Theres no one around me.

Creepy, Everything is Silent. The sun was slowly on the verge of disappearing as darkness sets in. Less cars are also Passing down the street.

I also notice some shadows at the edge of my Vision.

Okay, this is weird.

I rapidly walked down the road but i then heard a scream and that was the last straw for me as i ran as rapidly as i can.

"Damn, i suddenly remembered the Nun from Conjuring"

I then felt a cold breeze pass my back. I look behind to see a Veiled Nun where i once was before.

'Nah' i ran like a dad getting his milk. adrenaline fills my body. Until i return home and closed the Door behind me.

"Damn, This was a Strange Day"






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