


(Note, for information about the book go to auxiliary Volume's. All book Introductions, books created for this book like the ones mentioned in Chapter two, Character list, and a few more will be there. The first one will have all the information, Specials will also be there, as well as at the end of each book)

Narrator Pov:

It was a cold winter night in the year 703 Oakleigh Era and month of Ambro. Oakliegh was the name of the Era we are currently in and Ambro was the 12th month of 24. A man and woman were carrying 3 children. One was 8 (16) years old and running himself, the Second was 5 (10) years old and carried, and the Third was 4 (8) years old and being carried as well. They were carried since they were to slow.

The couple had taken out a dungeon on the border of the nation 'Strike Tribes' and a Kingdom 'Jones'. They were planning on living there alone and using it as a training facility for some friends. But those plans Changed when they were charged with protecting the kids by their dying parents. The Parents and an army were defending them from bandits and people of the 'Kingdom of Jones' Who wanted them for some reason.

The army was small and 100 Strong in retired Holy Knights. The strongest knights were called Holy Knights. The people did not know who they were, but took the request anyway. The reason was because they followed the golden rule and always helped where and when they could. It was known that the Kingdom of Jones wanted to take over the world. It was also known that they were no match for the Tribes of Strike. The golden rule they followed was 'Treat others as you would have them treat you' and 'help those who cannot help themselves'.

They were near the Dungeon they heard people behind them. The bandits had most likely killed the parents of the two and had caught up. The man sent his wife ahead with the children so he could slow down the bandits or whoever they were. The wife got to the dungeon and went to the second Level. There she put them in a hidden room and left a note for them. Then she left to help her husband, but not before she cast a spell using Light Magic.

But hours later the bandits had entered the Dungeon. They had killed the couple it seems as well. Just why do they want these children? It takes them hours, but only about five find the children.

They go to get them but they are repelled somehow. They go at it again but get attacked again by the shield made from the spell earlier. But spells should disappear after the caster is killed, just how strong was that lady?!

The men seeing that they cannot get in, leave. Most likely to get reinforcements to get in but after they leave the eldest child gets up. He looks around and spots the note nearby.

He grabs the note and reads it. "I don't know who you are, but, your parents asked us to look after you guys. The bandits had followed us so we went to take care of them. Currently I set up a magic barrier that protects against all attacks. It will be removed in 2 weeks due to magic running out if we don't return. When I leave I am going to send for a friend to come help you. His name is Rider. There..." After he is done reading it he goes to where it said there was food.

Opening it up he finds about one week of Bread and water for the three of them. From there he takes it to the table and starts eating as his younger brother wakes. He comes over and the eldest shares the bread. After that he goes and grabs their sister who wakes up as he approaches. He takes some food and feeds her.

As he does so he wonders when help will come. His family was from Jones, but did not want to let their children be used for evil deeds. Knowing that they left with help from adventurers, who were retired Holy Knights. They were sent by the Strikes to help them out as they desired peace and not war. But no-one knows where they are so who is going to help them now.
