
Time skip and relic.

<10 years later, 1941>

10 years had passed after I joined the Masters of the Mystic Arts and moved to Kamar Taj to study under the Ancient One. I was finally a master! That's right, I could make portals, use Telepathy, Telekinesis, access the mirror dimension, create constructs of eldritch magic, the whole shebang and more.

Onto much grimmer news, my talent for the Mystic arts was to put it simply... horrible. Although no one said it outright, it had taken me 10 years to reach where I was then and I was still nowhere near the skill level of Strange or even Wong had shown during the Infinity War. The one thing no one could beat me at was mental defense. According to the Ancient One it was completely impenetrable. Now that was something I could take pride in, while sucking at almost all other forms of magic.

My stay in Kamar Taj had been extremely helpful in finding out more information about this world. This world had mutants, celestials, Eternals , Inhumans, and so many more. There was so much information in this place that the only way one could remember everything would be by possessing photographic memory. I had tried searching for Occlumency's equivalent in this world but failed to find a viable one.

My 'ability' of looking into the future was occasionally discussed with me by the Ancient One. As someone who could see the future herself. She did once theorize that the few 'visions' I had were from an alternate reality.

I walked into the room where I had met the Ancient One for the very first time. "Ah, Mr. Flynn! I believe you have come to meet me for the last time before you leave on your journey to see the world?" The Ancient One greeted me with a smile.

The Ancient One was cool in my books. She was always kind to me during my stay in Kamar Taj. And although she could be tough while teaching, I wouldn't have been able to do half the stuff I was able to do, if not for her patient guidance.

I grinned back, "I mean, I did get your permission to leave Kamar Taj and explore the world for a while."

"Yes. Though I would have expected better from a student of mine than to explore the world during these times," she replied, referring to the ongoing war.

She gestured me to follow her as she walked through Kamar Taj. "There is something I must tell you before you leave," She started walking towards the Library as I followed. We entered one of the deeper section of the library, the one which housed Books like The book of Cagliostro and the Eye of Agamotto. She walked towards the Eye of Agamotto, "I trust you know what this artifact is and what it contains."

"The Time Stone," I replied .

She nodded, "The Time stone is one of the six Infinity stones. The Eye of Agamotto allows us to draw its powers to perform different time related spells. One of the spells even allows me to use the stone's powers to look into the future."

I got excited when she spoke about looking into the future. I thought that I was finally going to get my fortune read to me. "I occasionally use its powers to look into the various possible variations of the future, to prepare for future threats"

She took the Eye of Agamotto out of the pedestal and put it on herself. "However, this changed around the year 1919, around the time you were probably born. I could no longer look into the future as easily as I could before. Few of the visions were hazy and frankly impossible to see." She paused and looked towards me, "It was as if a part of the spectrum of possible futures were sealed off from being seen by anyone."

Her expression was grim. "Why are you telling me this?" I questioned her, even though I had an idea of what her reason could be.

She hesitated for a second, "I called you here because your own spectrum of futures is also being shielded from prying eyes."

"What does that mean?" I frowned.

"Mr. Flynn, you need to be careful because this could mean that someone extremely powerful has its eyes on you. Someone powerful enough to block the powers of an Infinity Stone," she hypothesized.

"I am not saying that you shouldn't explore the world outside of Kamar Taj. You have lived here since you were eleven. You should explore the world, but I must implore you to be careful while you are out there."

I remained silent and processed what the Ancient One said. This probably was the work of the Voice, but wasn't he coddling me too much. I mean, I understood making me invulnerable to other's telepathic attacks. However, hiding my future just seemed a bit paranoid, not that I was complaining.

There was still a chance that The Voice had nothing to do anything with it. In that case, I was going to have to be cautious.

I probably looked worried, because the Ancient One tried calming me down, "I didn't tell you about this to scare you. I just wanted to prepare you. Speaking of which, I think it's time that you had a relic of your own."

Her offer confused me. I had tried to get a relic before. Unfortunately, none of the relics seemed to like me in the past. Relics always chose their own masters. It was High school all over again, only this time even inanimate objects didn't want to be on the same team as me. "What do you mean? I have already tried once before. None of the relics liked me before," I questioned her.

"Well, not all of them. There is one place which just might have the relic you are destined for," She responded cryptically.

She created a portal to what looked like a cavern. muttered an enchantment which created little balls of light to light up our way. "Where are we going?" I asked.

"It's just up ahead. It's where I have stored relics which are slightly more dangerous than the others." She kept walking.

"Here?" I asked in surprise before shrugging and going along with it. We walked until we reached the end of the cavern. The Ancient One stopped and just stared at the cavern wall. I too joined her in staring at the wall, but couldn't see anything special about it.

"Um, Ancient One?-" "Shush," I was about to ask her what we were doing but she just shushed me.

"All these years and you still haven't learned to be patient..." She reprimanded me before tapping the wall once with her index finger.

"I don't see-" The wall started to emit a blindingly bright light which immediately blinded me. "What the Hell!" I blinked and rubbed my eyes a bit before I could see again. The wall in front of me now sported a bright seal of Vishanti on it.

"I suppose I should have warned you about the light," The ancient One joked. The Seal dispersed, revealing a passageway but before we could enter I was startled by something which shot directly towards my face. I immediately created an eldritch shield construct but was thrown backwards along with it.

I groaned and as I tried getting up, I felt something heavy on me. It was a some sort of a small slab made of rock. I tried getting it off of me but the moment I touched it jitters travelled throughout my body. The rock dissolved and left a thick book in it's place. The book had weird symbols and runic circles on it.

"It's a grimoire," The Ancient One stated.

"Yeah, I kind of figured that out from all the decorations it has on it's cover," I stood up with the book in my hand. "What is it?" I questioned her.

"That grimoire is known for only choosing sorcerers with an innate soul magic," She answered. "That means.... you posses a soul ability."

"What's a soul ability? There was nothing mentioned about soul magic in the books I read." I asked her.

"It has been hardly mentioned because of its rarity. The last known person to posses a soul ability/magic was Agamotto." She replied as she eyed the book in curiosity. "The contents of the grimoire of Agamotto are said to be privy only to it's owner which is now you."

I took a better look at the grimoire as The Ancient One recast the seal. I couldn't help but wonder whether this soul ability had something to do with All for One. I slowly opened the book, filled with great expectation.

The first page was filled with words of a language I didn't know. It didn't seem to be written in Latin nor Sanskrit. The first page had a symbol which resembled an asterisk being formed by three rapiers. I felt drawn in by the symbol. Something made me run my finger across it and as I did, I felt sparks travelling throughout my body, particularly in my head as knowledge, knowledge about All for One poured into my mind.

It taught me how I could use All for One to copy other people's abilities and powers. I looked down at the book after the ethereal experience and was shocked to find that the page was completely empty now. There were no words nor symbols on the page. I tried turning the page but couldn't for the life of me. The page refused to budge! I sighed and closed the book.

"Is something wrong?" The Ancient One asked.

I shook my head and smiled, "No, it's nothing."

"Well if nothing's wrong we better return, yes?" She asked as she formed a portal.

<The next day>

I was ready to leave. I created a portal. (The Ancient One allowed me to keep the sling ring as long as I kept it's usage on the down-low) I stepped out of Kamar Taj and onto the front gate of the future school of mutants, the X-Mansion.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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