
Fallout: Braving the Wastes

Typical fallout trashy isekai right? Some fallout fan becomes John fallout forming his own assaultron harem right? Well no, our protagonist wakes up in pre-war fallout and decides what to do from there. Also little bit of a spoiler but our mc's a ghoul

MirukuTaku · วิดีโอเกม
6 Chs

My Mammy

A/N: Quick warning to ya'll, but this might get a bit angsty depending on how emotional you get I guess. Just a little reminder that this chapter may get a little sad depending how you view it. Anyways let's get on with it!


(Manuel POV)

It is now the year 2053, and me and my friends are currently studying for a quiz that was assigned to us by our new teacher Ms. Faraday. Her full name was Ms. Felicia Faraday, a tall woman with a lanky physique. She dressed quite professionally with a white shirt under her black blazer with a black pencil skirt and beige flats.

"Come on Manny! Don't be a Bogart, just let me peek at some of your answers during the test."

Now that cry for help belonged to no other than my good friend Frederick Quimbley. He was what you would describe as a dumb as bricks jock. He was the best player in our school's little league game, and since he was fast that meant that a lot of girls developed a puppy crush for him.

"How about you actually start studying and using that piece of mulch in your head that you call a brain."

Now the person who replied to Frederick's fruitless begging was none other than Ms. Sharon Foster. Just as much a spitfire since the day I saw her arguing with Frederick in the playground 2 years back. Anyways, they continued to argue again throwing insults like 'halfwit' or 'prude', and as the verbal assault continued I looked back at Alisson who seemed to be struggling with an exercise question in math.

"Hey Ali, you seem to be in a bit of a pickle there."

"Oh yeah, I'm having trouble on this part here, multiplying such big numbers confuses me to no end Manny."

I then spent the rest of the day reviewing with my friends until it was time to go home. My mom picked me up from school and we headed back home to the ranch. I should also probably mention that I have started learning how to ride a horse. Of course I had to start with ponies, but I'll eventually work my way up to larger breeds.

I was also able to finally meet up with my grandfather from my mother's side, Sven Hafdanson, a veteran who only recently got discharged from the Scandinavian Commonwealth army. He retired with a stellar service record of 43 years and was a Brigadier General when he was honorably discharged. 

He actually started living with us on the ranch recently and has started to enjoy the work there despite being told numerous times that he didn't have to. It was also a surprise to learn that it wasn't mom who offered him to stay with us at the ranch.

Dad was always a man who believed in family before duty, it was a philosophy I could respect and follow myself if I could. If only there wasn't the looming threat of nuclear apocalypse, then maybe I would have thought of settling down and starting my own family.

Anyways during the drive home I noticed that my mom looked kind of sick. She was looking pale and she was sweating up the next flood. I asked her if she was alright and she assured me that she was fine as we continued on our way home.

We finally parked up in the driveway and I rushed inside the house only to be greeted by my grandfather who picked me up by my armpits and swung me in a circle which made me dizzy. As soon as my mom entered the house she immediately gave my grandfather a thorough scolding for being so rough with me.

I looked back up at my grandfather and wondered how he was in the military. He was a tall and barrel chested man, standing at a height of around 7 feet tall. He sported a Santa Claus beard that reached all the way down to his chest. He also had this gnarly scar that went up from the left side of his forehead all the way down to his lip, also crossing over his one blind eye.

I eventually went into my room and opened up my safe, you see during my time as a baby I wondered how I could secure a future in the Wastes, and what came to mind was saving all the bottle caps of the Nuka Colas I would chug down.

I began to start collecting as soon as I could walk, my parents found out about my fascination with bottle caps and found it adorable. I had multiple caches of bottle caps around the house and around places I thought would survive the fallout of the bombs.

I would ask for caps from my family, friends, and pretty much anyone who would give them to me. I've even started dumpster diving for caps to ensure that I could sit on a mountain of capital instead of just taking jobs and trading all around the wasteland.

The main safe I had was really just a lockbox, but so far it has around 150 caps, excluding all the other caches I had lying around. I had just finished adding another 10 caps to the pile when I decided to go to the living room and turn on the T.V.

"Good afternoon my fellow Americans, on this day I regret to inform you all that the government is enacting a nation wide lockdown and have shut all its borders. The reason for this is the spread of a new contagion that has been discovered in Colorado Springs, Boulder, and Denver. Hundreds of people have already died to this disease. To make sure you can properly protect yourself from this virus the World Health Organization has provided a list of symptoms for the disease. Viewer discretion is advised as some of these symptoms may cause one to faint at their brutality. These are the following symptoms:

Profuse Sweating

Unexplained Convulsions or Swelling

Massive External Hemorrhaging

If any of these symptoms seem to be present in you or any of your friends or family. It is heavily advised that they immediately report themselves into your local hospital and be quarantined immediately." 

I don't remember anything like this in the games. Was this ever mentioned, I don't even remember. Shit I thought the only thing that I'd have to go through would be the Resource Wars, FUCK! What the hell do I do now?

(A/N: Just a reminder the MC is just a fan of the games and the fps aspect of it, he wasn't fully invested into the lore or reading the wikis or any of that shit. Hope this clears up any confusion that you may or may not have.)

The best thing I can do right now is follow the government with the whole quarantine thing. God it's COVID all over again isn't it? Just hope there won't be any riots for more toilet paper or some shit like that.

As the announcer was getting more into depth about the nature of the new virus I heard a loud thud coming from the kitchen and a sudden scream from my grandfather. I quickly run to the kitchen only to see my mother having a seizure on the kitchen floor with my grandfather holding a spoon in her mouth.

"Quickly boy! Go get your father!"

I immediately went of to do as he asked of me as I ran out of the house and headed to the barns. Thankfully it wasn't very far, maybe a few minutes walk from the house. I saw my dad talking with the other ranch hands while circling around a radio on a barrel with worried expressions on their faces.

"DAD! Come quickly! It's mom, she's really sick!"

As soon as those words left my mouth my father sprang up from his lawn chair and sprinted towards me, picking me up and running all the way to the house with me in an ironclad grip under his armpit.

It didn't even take him 5 minutes before we reached the house, I saw my grandfather carrying my mother, silver spoon still in her mouth to prevent her from biting off her tongue. As soon as my dad reached the front of the porch he dropped me on the ground and rushed inside to grab his keys.

He quickly came out and we all jumped into the car as my dad sped to the nearest hospital. It was a 15 minute ride all the way to the hospital, and those 15 minutes felt like hell on earth. My grandpa was calling the hospital about our arrival, my dad was driving as fast as he could and maybe breaking a few traffic laws, then there was my mom, she looked so weak, almost as if she was already dead.

No! Can't have these thoughts now!

We finally made it to the hospital and at the front gate was a team of nurses and doctors with a gurney ready for my mother. She was quickly put on the gurney, but before they carted her off to the ER she started convulsing again, this time with her coughing up blood and it leaking out of her ears and nose.

My dad tried to shield my eyes before it happened, but the damage was already done. The woman who I had called mother for nearly 8 years, was probably on a bloody table getting pumped full of drugs.

(Time skip-3 hours later)

It had been a couple hours since we were also admitted to the quarantine sector. It seemed that my mother had contracted the new virus that was spreading around so that meant that my family and I had to be quarantined as well in case of infection.

My grandfather had started shouting at the doctors, demanding to know what had happened to his daughter. My father on the other hand had already become a nervous wreck, fidgeting and muttering to himself while constantly wiping his head from the sweat that gathered on his brow.

After a few mor minutes a doctor had finally come into the room and told us what happened to mom.

"I regret to inform you all, but as of today at 6:34 p.m., Ms. Rodriguez had passed away."

And for the first time in my reincarnated life, I wept like a child my age.


A/N: Hope all of ya'll enjoyed this chapter. Anyways please give me those precious power stones, and I'll see you guys in the next chapter.