
Falling for the vampire's assassin

I was forgiven after I committed a crime and was given another chance to capture the lost son of the vampire king.

Cloud_Alexis · สมัยใหม่
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19 Chs

Chapter 14_ Home

Skylar drives into Keisha apartment. He gets down, walks to the door and knocked to no avail. He dial Keisha number, it picks ringing with no respond.

"Pick up Keisha, pick up." He muttered as he keep trying. Then his dad call came through.

He pick up. "Hello dad."

"Son, come to the house now"


"Yes now." He hangs up.

"What's up with the old man now?" He looks at Keisha door one more time and mutter "Keisha, please be safe." He entered his car and zoom off.


"Uncle Stan, you sent for me." Eleanor said standing before her Uncle and father. Uncle Stan could be said to be the King of the Tetanus's. He was the head chief of the tetanus but he was seemed as the king in the eyes of the people of Tetanus. He has been leading the tetanus's greatly since the previous king death and he has refused to be crown the king as he choose to wait on the rightfully crown prince arrival.

"Where's he?"

She looks at the floor. "We lost him."

"Impossible!" Uncle Stan roars.

She kneels immediately and apologized.

"How could you lose him on that rear opportunity? Do you want the enemy to get hold of him before you do?"

"I'm sorry Uncle Stan."

"Apologizes isn't what we needed right now. I belt this task is too much for you. I've decided you stop now while Louise commence."

"Uncle Stan!"

"That all I can do Eleanor, because it occurs to me you're derelict this task"

She stands up. "Uncle Stan, please give me this last chance. I have my plans."

"What plans?"

Eleanor smiles

De Thomas's, Mavis, Zoe and my mom all set at the table. Dinner was serves with fresh blood wine. They chat and laugh waiting for my arrival. I step into their presence looking magnificent. The sound of my red heel made my arrival acknowledged. They all turn to my direction looking at me amazed as I take my steps majestically to the table. My long black gleaming gown was fitting with the color of the night and a red sparkling lip stick fitting with my red heel. My hair was pack up round revealing the baobab's tattoos on my neck. I walked to the table and take my sit next to Mavis. He smile at me and murmured "You look stunning". He took my hand, kiss it and look into my face. I force a smiled back at him and remove my hand from his. I turn and found Mom and Zoe staring at me. Mom was actually giving pleased smile but Zoe, her expression was indescribable.

"Let make the table merry tonight" Mr. Thomas said.

After some minute at the dinning, Mavis excuses his self and me from the table. We walked to his room in my baobab's mansion and get sited. Mavis actually does have a room. He lived with us more than with his family. Mavis sat close to me on the couch. The scenario was quiet and comfortable. My head was facing the floor and I felt very uncomfortable sitting alone with Mavis in a room. He keeps looking my eyes smiling stupidly and I tired possibly to do the same but failed. Only if he knew I feel like kicking him at of my premises right now.

"You care for drink?" Mavis asked still looking into my eyes.

"No" I answered the time facing the damn floor like I found something worth looking at on the floor.

He looks at the floor trying to find what I was so focus on. He then brought out a cigarette and put it on his mouth.

He put it backed into his pocket and lighted the one on his mouth. He puffed smoke into the air severally and in no time the cigarette was gone. He looked at me who was now looking at the opposite direction. He holds unto my jaw, bringing my face closer to his. I tired avoiding looking into his eyes and before I know, he patted a kiss on my lips. I didn't respond to the kiss and He didn't think of stopping. He tongue found his way into my mouth hard and deep. I quickly pull my mouth from his but still he didn't stop.

He patted kisses on my neck.

"Stop it Mavis." I murmured slowly still He went on and his reach and rested on my breast.

"Stop it Mavis!" I yelled removing his hand off my breast. "Stop it"

He stopped and then looked into my face. "What wrong?"

"I'm sorry; I'm not just in the mood."

"That's not a problem. I'll make you be." He replied moving abreast to me.

"Mavis, stop it please, I can't."

"What do you mean you can't? You are my fiancée remember." He said feeling annoyed.

"Your fiancée Mavis, and not your wife."

"You're still going to become my wife Keisha."

"Then let the time come first."

He looked at me, brought at a cigarette, put fire on it and puffing out heavy smoke into the air.

"Is there someone else?" He suddenly asked

The question struck me unexpectedly. I was so much taken aback. "What? No… definitely no." I stammered.

He smiled puffing smoke into the air again. "I believed you Keisha and I hope you aren't lying else…" he made wry smiled again, kiss my forehead and left me.

I exhaled deeply and when I turn to the door, I saw Zoe leaving. I guess she had been ear dropping on our conversation secretly. That has already been what she's good at.
