
Falling for the Playboy Billionaire

"I will do what you want, dear Madeline. But you have to pay me." "And how should I pay you?" I asked, eyeing him sharply. "Date me," he answered with a smirk. ***** Madeline knows better than to trust a playboy. Her brother and cousins and their friends are all womanizers, and Morris isn't an exception. But with fate playing with her, will she survive the deadly curse of this playboy billionaire wanting to consume her soul?

RileyRewis · สมัยใหม่
9 Chs

Offer Accepted

"What, Maddy?!" Neri was hysterical when I told her that I agreed to Morris' offer. With the loudness of her shout, a few people looked at us inside the restaurant where we were eating.

"Lower your voice."

"You don't have to do that!" She was still raising her voice.

"We both know what kind of men your brother's friends are! And yet, you sacrificed yourself? You, bitch! Are you out of your mind?"

"I did that for you. So, just shut up and enjoy the benefits. So you must win the competition. Make sure of it. That's the least you can do."

"No. Back out of that deal, Maddy. I just want you to please him, but I won't accept it that way. That's too much!"

I sighed.

"It's really fine, Neri. Do you think I'll be taken to that Morris? I've known him over a decade. He won't affect me, I tell you. This is a big opportunity for you. So get better only in the club so you can be chosen."

She sighed heavily and tapped the glass of juice with her fingers. As if thinking. Later sighed again. He blinked before speaking.

"Are you sure it's okay?"

"You're crazy, Neri. Do you think I'll do that if I can't stomach that man? Of course not. So don't act like that because I'm doing you a favor," I promised. and drink juice.

"Jusmiyo, Madeline. Just make sure you don't come to me in tears."

I laughed and shook my head.

"That's ridiculous."

That's definitely not going to happen. Morris is way too far from what I want. That's why what she said is really impossible.

"But how about that? He's your boyfriend, and then it's just a secret? That's it?"

"Hmm... that seems to be the case."

I coughed as I remembered what happened last night. That freaking kiss! When I actually see that man again, I will greet him with a slap. How dare he steal my first kiss! I always dream of having my first kiss in a romantic way and it's definitely not like that! He is a big fool!

"Oh, are you okay?"

I nodded and drank some water.

I never mentioned that to him. She'll just overreact. Also, I despise that moment so much to share it with others. It's too annoying and I just want to bury you in oblivion.

I was relieved after the last class for the day. Neri and I will not go home together. He still needs to do something so it will take him a while. Some boys from my batch asked me to have a ride with them, or have a snack for a while. But I was not accommodated.

When I went outside the elevator, my phone beeped. I received a message from an unknown number.

Unknown number:

I'm at the parking lot of the university.

My forehead creased. It has no name mentioned. So I decided to reply.


Who are you?

In just a few seconds, I received a message again. This time, I already have a hint who it is. I think it's that damn psycho.

Unknown number:

Your boyfriend.

I was not mistaken when I saw his car parked there. Wearing a white button down polo, I saw him leaning on his black extravagant car. I gritted my teeth as I walked quickly towards him. Fortunately there were no students around. He's very well known in this school. And I don't want to be an issue with him.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked snarlingly and hit his chest hard.

"What's that for?"

"That's for kissing me, jerk!"

He smirked.

"If you do that again, you're going to slap me, not just a slap!" I said annoyed and got into the car. So is he. Maybe someone will see us and what kind of rumor will spread.

"You should treat me nicely, Maddy. You don't want me to yell at your friend, do you?"

This manipulative bastard!

I took a deep breath and closed my mouth, groaning silently.

"Why are you here, huh? Did I tell you to come here? I have a driver. You don't have to--"

"I sent your driver home. We will have a date," he said coolly as he turned the engine on.


"Date," he repeated.

I gasped. I already expected this kind of set up. But why immediately? Is he that bored?

"Why all of a sudden? You didn't even tell me! Also, we're dating secretly! You can't just show up here! I don't want to be linked to you!"

He glanced at me.

"Fine. Next time, I'll wait for you inside the car. I won't go out. Happy?" he said sarcastically.

I folded my arms.

"Where are we going?"

"Do you want to eat first? We can go to a restaurant if you want."

"I'm full."

He hissed.

"Don't be so stiff if you want me to do my job."

"What do you want me to do, huh? Act like you're really my boyfriend? Act like I love you so much?" I dreamed.

"Yes, baby."

"Fuck you."

I exhaled exaggeratedly. Restrains the irritation that struggles to escape.

Hey h

eaved. "Fine, then. I'm easy to talk to, let's just cancel this deal if you're not willing to cooperate."

I bit my lower lip violently out of annoyance. The breath is heavy. The hell with this man!

I closed my eyes tightly and took a deep breath before speaking.

"Yes! I will cooperate, okay? So, chill!"

I swallowed all the pride I had left just to say that.

He smiled evilly. "Good girl."

I looked at him closely. How dare he! The face is really thick! Not at all embarrassed! People think of him as an honorable man because of his name, when the truth is, he's such a manipulative psycho!

I showered him with cheap thoughts.

"Let's just watch a movie," I said when I calmed down. "But not in the nearby and big malls. I don't want anyone to recognize us."

"If that's what you want..."

The next moment, silence filled the whole car. We just talked again when we arrived at a mall. It's far from the university. Aside from that, it's not crowded. I don't recognize any faces either so it looks okay here. Far from chismosas.

But even so, I still pay attention to people's glances at us. Especially girls. Well, even though it looks stupid with me, I can say that it looks really good.

I was startled when he suddenly grabbed my hand. I looked at him irritated and was about to remove his hand when he looked at me darkly. I dreamed. Stuck and just didn't appeal.

What an asshole.

"What movie do you want?" he asked.

"Kill or horror."

He paid for our movie tickets. He also bought popcorn and drinks. We sat in the middle part. There was no one on the other side of him. Same with me.

The genre of the show is action. I just kept quiet and started eating popcorn.

"I was going to choose a horror movie. But there was no showing. I just thought it would be better if the movie was scary."

I looked at him while chewing.

"And why is that?"

"Because I thought, if you're scared, you'll probably hug me. That's the point."

I winced. The intensity of the lime.

"You're crazy. Do you think I'm that kind? I don't scream when I watch horror movies. I don't even sweat. Change me, Morris. I'm not like your girls no. I" I'm not the stereotype."

He chuckled.

Maybe he said that because that's what his girls do every time they watch in the cinema. I wonder where they'll go after? To motels, probably.

"Yes, Maddy. You're different..." he said with a low voice. Look ahead. I remained looking at him, though.

Even in the dark, his irresistible appeal is evident. I can't deny that. Of course, that's one of the qualifications of being a womanizer, I guess.

"I'm really different. I'm better than them. And I don't like you."

"Hmm..." he murmured something I didn't hear clearly.

I leaned closer to him.

"What did you say?"

He glanced at me. "Nothing."

"Tss. It's up to you."

I focused on watching and we never spoke again. I was munching on popcorn when I felt a chill. How come, the air conditioner is facing my way and it's too strong. I'm not used to this kind of temperature with these normal clothes.

Morris gazed at me.

"Are you cold?"

"I wonder if I could feel the heat from the power of the air conditioner. That would be weird."

"Ang suplada," he commented and slid his arm on my back. His hand reached below my other shoulder. He then pulled me closer to him.

"What?" I calmed down. "Did I tell you to do this? It's easy for you to level up, isn't it? It's great!"

"Just stay still. I'm doing this because you're cold. I'm your boyfriend, anyway."

Your boyfriend is your face!

I sighed and didn't protest. It's true that I feel cold. It's a waste of tickets if we leave before we finish the movie. It's a good movie, actually. But instead of thinking about the scenes, I couldn't focus anymore. Morris and I were very close.

I mean, yes, we've known each other for a long time. But we've never been this close. I was used to watching him with different girls. But never once did I think that I would join those girls.