
Falling for the Playboy Billionaire

"I will do what you want, dear Madeline. But you have to pay me." "And how should I pay you?" I asked, eyeing him sharply. "Date me," he answered with a smirk. ***** Madeline knows better than to trust a playboy. Her brother and cousins and their friends are all womanizers, and Morris isn't an exception. But with fate playing with her, will she survive the deadly curse of this playboy billionaire wanting to consume her soul?

RileyRewis · สมัยใหม่
9 Chs

Back to Seattle

I put my pair of aviator glasses on as soon as I got out of the plane. When I got inside the car, I took my coat off, leaving my fitted long sleeved top that matched my high waist flare pants.

I pushed back my shoulder-length hair and took off my sunglasses. Mom was quiet by my side during the trip. It was just the two of us going home because Dad will say in Denali until next month to supervise the renovation of our hotel.

Three years ago, my parents and I needed to live abroad because of a big project. They also built some hotels there so we extended our stay in the Denali. My older brother, Revo, didn't come with us. Dad gave him an option to stay. Besides, someone had to stay behind to manage our business here. I was the only one forced to go with our parents because I was just sixteen that time, still a minor.

Our stay was just interrupted because of Tito Theodore's death, two years ago. He is Dad's youngest brother. At the age of forty-one, he's not even married yet. They said, it was just an accident. But our family believed that he was murdered.

I was still young so I didn't fully understand what happened. All I just did was to mourn without blaming anyone. I didn't even think about whether he was really killed and who did it. I was too young and naïve to think ill of others.

After Tito Theodore's funeral, we immediately returned to Denali. I continued my normal life there despite what happened. Just last month, I graduated in high school, and now that we're back, I need to take adjustments again. It's not that hard to get used to living at the place where you grew up, leaving good friends is.

"Welcome home, Mrs. Sawyer!" Gilda, the head maid, greeted my mother. She was with the maids lined up at our mansion's door. The smiles in their faces told me how happy they are that we're finally back.

"Jefferson, get the suitcases and bring them upstairs," Mom said to our butler.

Gilda told some maids to help Jefferson.

"Where's Revo?" I asked.

"He left this morning, Miss Maddy, but I'm sure Sir Revo will return anytime soon," Gilda answered.

I was about to go inside the house because I felt really tired, when I heard the noise of screeching tires on the gates. Probably my dear brother and our relatives. They know about our flight today. It wasn't a secret. Mom doesn't love surprises either.

I immediately knew I was right when I saw my two aunts, Odessa and Valerie. Revo and my two cousins, Sage and Markus, were behind them. They were with Livius and Morris. Markus smiled and winked at me while Livius looked amazed with how I look.

My gaze fell on Morris. He's all grown up now. His muscles are well defined, taller and has a larger frame than before. His rough features are more emphasized, making him look stark and cruel when he's serious.

We looked at each other.

His eyes are dark and somewhat blank. No emotion. Maybe he's just good at playing poker face. Or maybe, he just doesn't care at all. Whichever of the two is true I don't need to find out. I don't even like his personality, so no need to bother myself.

I looked away.

"Val, Odes!"

"Welcome back, Helena," Aunt Odessa said and smiled widely. He hugged my mom, and so did Aunt Valerie. They look like old friends who just had a reunion.

"Hi, Brother! Miss me?" I spread my arms for Revo. He grinned and hugged me for a moment.

"How about me, Maddy?" asked Markus.

I smiled and went next to him for a hug.

I also hugged Sage, too. Meanwhile, I can see Morris' stares at me on my peripheral vision. I just ignored it.

"You look like a grown woman, now. For sure, boys will flock to your feet. You're already nineteen, right?" Sage said with a small smile in his lips.


"Hey Maddy, why didn't I receive a hug?" Livius teased like a child.

I laughed. "Hmm... poor Livius Martin. Come here," I said and went closer to him. I didn't hear an appeal from my brother or cousins ​​so I think it's okay. He's their friend, anyway.

But before I could spread my arms, Morris pulled him harshly.

"You're not a family, Livius. No need to hug."

I frowned at Morris. He just looked at me darkly. Here's here actions again. Acting like a damn big brother. Fuck that role.

"What the hell, Morris! It hurts to be dragged!"

I didn't listen to anything else they were saying when Aunt Odessa turned to me. She looked amazed staring at me.

"Oh my, is that you, Maddy?"

"Obviously, Aunt." I laughed a bit, covering my irritation for Morris.

"You look so gorgeous! Men are sure to flock to you! I heard you're already allowed to have a boyfriend since you're of legal age. Don't you have a boy in mind?" she asked and grinned.

"Well... as of now, I have none."

Mom led them inside and I tagged along. They asked a lot of questions, so there was a lot of catching up. A lot of things could happen in three years, after all.

"Gilda, prepare us snacks." The head maid obliged to Mom's order right away.

My eyes wandered around the mansion. Nothing has changed. Even without us, every corner, every furniture is clean. There wasn't any trace of dust, like what Mom wanted. She's always been a perfectionist even on just simple things. She's not too strict with our maids, though. She corrects their mistakes without raising her voice. I guess that's the reason why our maids never left because of feeling sick with their masters.

"How about you, Miss Maddy? What do you want?" Agnes asked with a smile. Among them, she's the youngest maid. I remember her as young as me when she started working here four years ago. Because Gilda is his aunt and she has nowhere to live, Mom agreed to let her stay here while she studies. Mom is supporting her studies until now.

"Thanks, Agnes, but I'm fine."

My gaze drifted to the door when I heard the noise from the boys. I meet Morris' gaze. His brow twitched, his lips were pursed in a line.

"Where's Mom?" Revo asked and I diverted my gaze to him. Why would I look at Morris longer than necessary anyway? As if there's something about him worth looking at.

"In the living room, talking with Aunt Val and Odessa."

Livius whistled. "You've really turned into a pretty lady, Maddy! A lot of boys must have hit you in Denali."

I laughed and didn't answer. He knows the answer, anyway. Men like him, knows how the a boy's mind works. I'd be lying if I said no. Most boys are liberated. Hitting multiple girls at a time is normal. Good thing, I didn't give in to any boy I've met. Although I met different boys with different levels of looks, I was never attracted to anyone for a long time. Not even for once.

Maybe, none of them are really my type. But what is really my type, anyway? Even I can't answer that. I have seen many handsome faces of different races. But I feel like there's always something missing that I can't find. Is it the appeal? The personality? I'm not sure.

"Where do you want to study in college?" Sage asked. Instead of interrupting the girls' talk, we headed to the dining hall. The maids served us food and drinks. I'm sitting between Revo and Markus. Morris is sitting across from me.

"Mom agreed I'd study in the same university you graduated. The school doesn't matter to me, actually. But since Mom suggested the university where all of you studied, I'll go for that. It's fine as long as I can study," I said in between taking bites from the cake on my plate.

"How about your course? Business?" Markus inquired.

Looking at him, I shook my head.

"Culinary Arts."

"Oh, that's good."

I've always been fond of cooking. It's my passion. It was as if my hands were molded to be the master of culinary. It's my dream to become a chef, a renowned one. But I don't want to use the last name to go straight to the top. I want to strive on my own, to achieve it not because of my family, but because of my skills.