
Falling For An Inmate

AJ and her fiancée Audrey rob a store and end up in prison. But what happens when they get separated behind bars? Who will AJ meet that will change everything?

Halzhb · LGBT+
1 Chs


"I love you. I'm sorry that I got us into this mess." I tell my fiancée as we get taken out of our car by the cops. "We'll be okay." She says back, right before she disappears into a different cop car. "Don't try anything and the ride to prison will go smoothly. Try anything, and you're fucked." The cop says to me as he starts driving. I sit back in my seat, thinning about the mess this has become. We will probably end up in jail for god knows how many years. And all for what? To get enough money for a house with my fiancée. We should of tried to get money legally. "When we get to the jail, you will await your trial. The court will decide your fate. My bet is you and your little girlfriend will be charged with guilty. Good luck in prison, fucking lesbians." He laughs. What a homophobic prick.

I wonder what Audrey is thinking right now. She's sitting in a cop car just like me, probably wondering the same thing. If prison will be our new home for years. We pull up at the jail, and the fence is smaller than I thought it would be. I could only imagine how big the actual prison fence will be if we get sent there in a few weeks. The jail is only temporary until our trial, but prison can be for a long time. I try not to think about it, even though it's hard considering it could easily happen. The cop escorts me out of the car, and the cold, metal handcuffs rub against my wrists. They're so tight that I already know it's going to leave marks on my wrists. The cop drops me and Audrey off with a guard. He gives us a blue uniform and black shoes. "Right now is yard time. I will bring you there. You don't have a cell mate here, so I will tell you the simple rules. You have lunch, dinner and yard time. In your free time, don't be shy to come find me." He looks Audrey up and down and licks his lips. Gross. "Fuck off man." I say to him angrily. He laughs a little and brings us into the yard. The yard is small just like the fence, and I start to look at the other inmates.

"Look what we have here." Someone says to us. There aren't many inmates, and that's probably because the rest are all at the real prison, serving long, long sentences. Let's hope we don't end up there. Most of the inmates don't seem to care or even notice that we're here, but I'm guessing that's good for us. The less attention the better. "Your trials will be in five days. You're lucky. That's quick." A guard says, as he pops out of nowhere. With that he walks away. Audrey and I sit down at a bench, trying to keep to ourselves. "I can't believe this is happening." Audrey says, looking like she's about to cry. "Don't cry baby. We will be fine. We'll get through this together." "You say that now, but armed robbery can give you like ten years." "I know." I reply sadly. "Maybe I can get off with good behavior or something." "That will still give you like 7 years." A tear drips from her eye as she tells me this. "I'll deal with it. At Least you will get out sooner. If I'm guilty, you know I don't want you to, but you have to move on. Who knows how many years I can end up in there, while you're already on the outside. You can't wait forever." I say. "I love you. I would wait forever if that's what it took." She grabs my hand. I try to focus on her hand holding mine, like I always do, but I can't. All I can think about is how many years I might end up in prison. I'll have to watch her walk out of the gates, while I stand there without being able to do anything. I was the one with the gun, so of course I'll get time for that. Audrey didn't even really do anything. The whole thing was my idea. And now I'm going to have to pay for it. Yard time ends, and we get escorted to our cells by a guard.