
Meeting Again

Nu Mi So smiled and pushed her way through the crowd to the balcony. The music inside was loud so she decided to relax outside. Nu Mi So sighed as she placed her hands on the balcony as the night's breeze blew her long dark brown hair back. She looked like a pure beauty clad in a black dress that highlighted her figure and long legs. Her dark brown eyes sparkling, her yellowish skin glowing. The subtle lights shining down on her highlighting her V-shaped face, double eyelids, and high bridged nose.

One would think she was always this beautiful but that wasn't the case. In high school, she was overpowered by all the beautiful glamorous girls. Her hair was short and didn't suit her and she had a sickly expression. Perhaps her 'glow up' took a little longer than the other girls. Nu Mi So is now at her prime age, 22. Thinking back to high school she couldn't help but feel bittersweet. She met her lifelong best friend, but also met someone who would break her heart, piece by piece.

Nu Mi So shook her head to devoid herself of those bittersweet thoughts. She slowly took her hands off the balcony and walked back inside to the lively party. She danced her way over to her tipsy best friend and hooked arms with her.

"Ye woon, you can't be tipsy already we just got here!" Nu Mi So giggled as she loosely danced. "Besides we have work tomorrow. It would be bad if you got a hangover. I'm going to buy us some drinks to go then we're leaving, Alright?" She smiled and watched Sok Ye woon being clumsy.

"Awww! Fine, fine. Just don't come back too fast. Some of us are enjoying ourselves!" Sok Ye woon laughed and danced into the crowd as Nu Mi So went to get their drinks.

Nu Mi So walked over the bar and sat down. She let out a tiny sigh as she felt her feet relax. Just when she was about to order the drinks, her phone rang. She dug into her purse and saw that it was an unfamiliar number. She debated for a while before answering it. When she picked it up she heard a raspy mature voice of what sounded like an older man.

"Gosh. Finally, you've picked up. Your Nam Jungs girlfriend, right? Well, I need you to come to get him from my bar, The Drunken Place. This freaks almost black out drunk. How do you deal with him every day? Is he always like this beca-"

"I'm sorry but you've got the wrong number, Mr." Just before she could hang up he cut in again.

"No, I'm sure this is the right one. It's even his emergency contact. Look whether you're his girlfriend or not you need to come to get him."

Hearing her that the one responsible for her broken heart had her as his emergency contact, Nu Mi So couldn't help but be taken aback. They hadn't talked in almost 4 years. 4 years ago they broke up. Their breakup wasn't necessarily bad, but it wasn't good either. Nu Mi So clearly remembers that that night ended with lots of tears and choked up goodbyes.

Cutting Nu Mi So out of her bittersweet flashback he cut in yet again.

"Look, lady, it's either you get him, or I call the cops to get him. I can't have him lingering around all night. With him being this drunk there's no telling just what he could do. So you need to get him, got it?" The man finally hung up.

Nu Mi So tossed her phone as she rubbed her head. She let out a long sigh and hung her head. She stood up and leaned over the counter.

" Excuse me! Can I get two margaritas to go please."

Nu Mi So grabbed the drinks and slowly walked over to Sok Ye woon who was having the time of her life dancing carelessly. For some reason, Nu Mi So got irritated seeing that. She walked over and grabbed Sok Ye woons arm. Sok Ye woon stumbled a little and struggled to gain her balance.

"Hey! Geez, what happened? Did someone hit on you or something?" Sok Ye woon pulled her arm away from Nu Mi So and rubbed it.

"God, I wish that were the case. But, I just got a call from some bar dude telling me to come to pick Nam Jung up cause he's almost black out drunk."

"WHAT!? Wait a minute, how'd he get your number?! Hasn't it been like 4 years?! And isn't he a CEO now?!" Sok Ye woon was dumbfounded and stumbled back.

Nu Mi So grabbed her before she could fall into someone.

"Gosh, I know it's shocking but you should at least be aware of your surroundings. Anyways, apparently, I'm his emergency contact. I just don't understand how a mighty CEO wouldn't travel with someone to keep him safe. I don't know, should I go?"

Sok Ye woon thought about it for a while.

"If he really is blackout drunk, it wouldn't hurt to give him a ride home at least. It's not like you've got to stay with him the whole night. If you want, I can go with you." Sok Ye woon said this seriously as they walked out of the club.

"It's alright, I can go alone. Do you need me to drive you home?"

"Heh, Mi So you worry too much. Remember, I'm older and more responsible than you. You need to hurry and take Nam Jung home. The sooner you do it the faster it's over, right. Bye~"


Nu Mi So watched as Sok Ye woon got into her car. She waved goodbye as the car sped off. She crossed her arms and drug her feet to her car. When she got it and buckled up, she went on her phone and searched the location of The Drunken Place.

"Okay, here goes nothing.." Nu Mi So allowed her nerves the calm before she slowly drove to The Drunken Place. It turned out it wasn't far from where she was at all. When she reached it she found that it was quite empty. She easily found a parking space and slowly got out of her car. She tightened her lips as she opened the door. She was hit with the smell of alcohol almost immediately. She coughed and slightly covered her nose.

She walked and looked around for a while before she finally saw him. The one responsible for her heartbreak. Seeing him there, on the couch barely leaning up, bottles everywhere, she let out a scoff. He had never been an alcoholic so she didn't understand why he turned out like this. He has everything he could ever want now, fame, money, success. So why is it the ones who always have it all are more unhappy than those who have nothing?

Nu Mi So crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes as she reached the front of him. All the anger she had a while ago suddenly disappeared was now replaced with shock and uneasiness. When his eyes reached her, they grew wide. They were like this, staring at each other for a while...

Hello!~ I'm Mishil and I'm happy that you decided to give my story a chance. It took me a lot of sleepless nights and debating, but I've decided to publish my story on here! It's going to be hard for me to keep up with since I'm doing this on my own time, but I'm up for the challenge. Thank's for reading!

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