8 Old Dojo(1)


"sii!" as seraph sat on his old bed, he sucked in a breath of cold air. "i thought that i was healed? so why does it hurt? sigh." seraph sighed as he climbed into his bed, causing it to creak once again. he closed his dim eyes and fell asleep.



"..." slowly opening his eyes, seraph sat up. he looked down at his shirtless chest before getting up. "...the pain is gone? hmm." he took off his bloodied trousers and walked to the bathroom. he walked out 10 minutes later, then put on one of his two remaining uniforms. "...?" ignoring the slightly uncomfortable uniform, without eating he left the old apartment. "...surprisingly that fatty isn't here. well whatever, i better leave before he appears." mumbling, he began to walk down the brick sidewalk.

after reaching into his pocket and only pulling out stuff, he could only sigh. he began the long walk to the school. after about half an hour of walking, the swarm of students came into view. "hey, did you hear about what happened yesterday?" a girl asked her friend. " yeah, i heard about it from xxxx" the friend responded. "ohh? i see." the girl replied, a sly look in her eyes. "but yeah, that was scary! i wouldn't have thought that a student of our school could kill 3 people! i was even scared to come to school today!" the girl said.

seraph walked through the large school gate, ignoring the chatter of the other students and their friends. step step! seraph walked through the already opened classroom door and without greeting the few students who were already inside, he went to his seat in the back. they also didn' t look in his direction. thump! the sound of a heavy bag dropping caused the people in the class to look around.

standing at the door, a boy stood. "y-you!" the boy pointed unsteadily, cold sweat running down his face. "why are you in here...." he mumbled as the people in the class looked back. seraph slowly turned to look at the boy silently. "why wouldn't i be here? i have classes here." he said. "don't fuck with me you bastard! i saw you being carried away by the police while covered in blood, while 3 people were dead in the old tool shed!" the boy shouted. "..." seraph said nothing as he started to look out the window once again. "don't ignore me you bastard!" seeing no response, the boy flew into a rage.


"young master, if we don't leave now you will be late." sebastian said as he knocked on the door. click! "dammit! leave me alone sebastian!" the fatty opened the door before angrily shouting. "young master, i know that you are angry with the master, but you must remember the deal you made. you of all people should know how the master is with people when they break their deals." sebastian said. the fatty stopped as a memory surfaced.

"father!" the voice of a child echoed, as he ran down the hall. "what is it, David?" a man sat behind a large table, in a room filled with books. "i want more allowance!" the boy said. "why is that?" the man looked at his son, no emotion to be seen on his face. "w-well, that, uhh...right! i got it! let's make a deal!" the boy said. "a deal?" the man asked. "yes! a deal! if you increase my allowance, i will study more!" the boy said.

"...fine." the man said. "yeah! i'm going back now!" the boy said merrily. "wait." the man suddenly said. "yes?" the boy turned around curiously. "don't forget the deal you made." the man said. "i know!" the boy turned around and left. a few days later. "hmmm, i know that i said i would study more, but it's so boring! i'll just have to sneak out!" the boy got down from the chair and began his escape. after leaving, he began running around the mansion, climbing the trees, trying to catch the fish in the pond, by the time he was finished, his cloths were a mess and he even had cuts and bruises on his knees and arms.


the boy tried to sneak back into the room, by when he walked in, his father was standing by the door, looking down at him. "where were you." the man asked without emotion. "i was, um, p-playing around the mansion...." the boy mumbled. "playing? so you weren't abiding by our deal." the man said. "um, so-i'm sorry..." the boy said softly, his head down. "sorry? that is not enough. you will be punished for not honoring our deal. maids!" the man shouted. "yes, master." four maids walked into the room, bowing respectfully. "take this boy and lock him in the old dungeon under the mansion. leave him there for 3 days without food or water." the man ordered.

"b-but sir.." one of the maids said. "did you not receive your order?" the man asked. "yes, master..." the maids looked at the young boy with grief stricken faces, before lifting him and taking him away. "wait! father! you can't do this! i'm your son!!" the boy's shouts could be heard, getting softer as he got further away.

"....er! young master!" sebastian's shouts brought the fatty back to reality. "are you alright young master?" he asked once again. "huff huff! i'm... ok...." the fatty responded as he gasped for air, his face covered with cold sweat. he would never forget his father's expressionless face that day. he couldn't help but wonder, "am i really that man's son?" he mumbled. it was a thought that ran through his head since that day.


"get up, you murderer! why don't you fight back?! come on! kill me like you killed those two!" the boy shouted. seraph was sitting on the ground, a large amount of blood flowing from his nose. but although he was bleeding, there was no anger or fear on his face. "say something you bastard! those two were my friends! even though they were assholes, they didn't deserve to be killed! and not like that!" he stomped towards seraph and pulled him up from the ground by his shirt.

"say something! you can kill 3 people but can't even respond when somebody tells you something?! you can kill 3 people, but won't defend yourself when getting beat up?!" the boy shouted. seraph looked calmly at the boy. "i didn't kill them." only these few words came from his mouth. the boy's face distorted in anger, but just as he was about to hit seraph once again, a voice echoed throughout classroom. "what are you doing?" a calm voice asked.

"mr. zebel...." the boy turned around and looked at his teacher. "release him." mr. zebel said. "but-!!" as the boy was about to protest, a bone chilling sense of danger crept up his back, causing him to involuntarily release seraph. he couldn't even talk at that point, he could only look away from those sharp red eyes. "mr. zebel. may i have the day off school?" seraph fixed his crumpled shirt before calmly asking. "hmmm? sure...." mr. zebel was slightly surprised when he saw it was seraph who was behind the boy.

"thank you for that. and thank you for saving me from that thing." he whispered as he walked past mr. zebel and through the door. 'that boy... he is alive and even remembers what happened...who or what his he?' mr. zebel's eyes narrowed as he looked at the now empty doorway. as seraph was walking through the gate, he was hit at the back of his neck, causing him to fall into darkness.
