

Wait what why am I thinking this stuff me and him aren't even together and number two I don't even know his name or where he came from or who he is so why am I acting this way because of him. maybe it's nothing maybe it's just my head being dumb after all I did get hit in my head so that explains it. Well I think it does... does it or am I falling in love with a guy that I don't even know what is going on with me why do I feel this way me and him just met. "Ok I'm done now we can get going to get you food"

"ummmm well I shouldn't go out in just a shirt and underwear where are my clothes?"

"Oh yeah I'm so so so sorry give me a sec and you'll have your clothes right away"

I heard him yelling for his maid saying please go get the girls clothes she needs them I don't really want people just seeing her in my shirt and in her underwear. Oh time to stop listening to the conversation because he's coming in right now I ran to the bed and sat down as fast as I could. He comes walking in "uhm well here's your clothes sorry that we had to take them but they had-"

"It's fine really"

wow she didn't get mad at like most girls there's something different about her I just don't know what it is maybe once I get to know her I'll understand more.

"Ok I'm done now by the way these are not my clothes.... but there nice so thank you"

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't realize that those weren't yours.... I guess I was to busy making sure you were ok"

"like I said there nice and it's ok really" wow he does care he's so different from other guys.

"well we better get going just fall me to the garage then we will be on our way to get dinner"

"Ok thank you"

she's so polite and not disrespectful I think I'm starting to like her a lot but I'm still not sure I'll just have to wait and see.

It was a peaceful ride all the way to the restaurant except I couldn't keep my eyes off him his hair was driving me crazy it was beautiful its black and his eyes are gray I've never ever seen gray eyes until now he was dressed so respectfully I love it so much.

I can feel her eyes on me those beautiful brown eyes and her perfect black hair falling over her shoulders and some flying in the wind and her skin looks so flawless in the light err ok ok I need to pay attention to driving. "We are here I hope you like Chinese food"

"Oh, yes of course I like Chinese food it's amazing" thank goodness she likes Chinese food. This is great a guy that likes Chinese food "so how about we head in and get food"

"Yes that sounds amazing" as we started to walk in he opened the door for me it surprised me a little because the guys at my school were not the greatest. "thank you for opening the door for me" oh my god why is my stomach feeling as if it has butterfly's in it

"your welcome" he pulled the chair out for me to sit in and pushed it in then he sat down he was looking at me like no other guy has ever looked at me it drove me nuts it was as if I was the only girl in the world that he was looking at. "what may I get you to drink?"

"Oh, I would like a sprite and she would like" He looked at me and that's when I realized that it was my turn "Oh, sorry I would like a pepsi"

"Ok I'll be back with your drinks"

my cheeks turned to red great job now he is probably going to realize that I like him. "Here are your drinks do you know what you would like to eat?"

"yes I do Kate do you know what you want to eat?"

"yes of course but you can go first" as he was saying his order my eyes were glued to him and how perfect he is. "Kate it's your turn to order"

"oh, ok" as she finished up her order he was trying to figure out what to ask and what not to ask. "uhm... you haven't told me your name yet"

"Oh, my apologies my name is Luke"

"That's a very nice name"

"well thank you and your name is beautiful"

"Thank you"

"Here's your food my lady and sir I hope you enjoy" maybe I'll wait to ask personal questions and wait till I'm sure she'll tell me. "Yummy this food is delicious thank you for bringing me here" she said with a bright smile. "Well since we are done we better head back and get some rest for school tomorrow" "yeah we should thank you sir for serving us it was delicious tell the chef I said that"

" of course my lady I'll tell him have a good night"

as they drove back to her house she went up to the room she was in and went to sleep while he was up working more.
