
Fairytale Love ( BL)

Gene is a popular author and an introvert whose Bl story was recently adapted into a drama series. Although he prefers to work on his fantasy novel, his editor convinces him to write another story title Boylove, he is in a delimma since he has no inspiration. Does he need to experience love to get this inspiration or not. My first real novel ( Adapted from my Lovely writer) hope it is enjoyable, just writing for experience..( Love Moonstar). The picture coverage is not mine, credit goes to the owner, I just did a little touching on it. No bad comments pls and no use of inappropriate language, just writing for fun, I come in peace.

Elizabeth_Adesina · สมัยใหม่
7 Chs

Chapter five

I looked around feeling confused while following behind Hin, Hin introduced me to the Director, the Director was very femine-like and was quite the sassy type.

Hello mai mai" The Director said happily, Oh hello" Hin introduced Himself this is Gene the new author, he just finished some work around here so he decided to check out the casting .

Oh my hello Gene, i am mai the director, I am so glad to meet you today but it is kinda wierd at first I thought you would be a female, like all the previous writers when someone said your name was Gene, I didn't think it was a guy, ok Gene, this are our Crew, give him two copies of the cast document of all the actors today" the Director said to the crew, the documents was given to Gene, ok this is all the information, there is some with experience and newcomers, please help us see who is suitable for what characters" the Director said enthusiastic.

Gene looked at the director feeling tired but he kept a poker face, damn he talks too much" he thought, I looked up at the director, you don't have to be wary, am just here to observe, just like the publishing house asked me to but the main decision is up to the directors and crew, the director looked at Gene awkwardly, oh that's how it is? why didn't you say anything at the beginning that's so nice of you, you should have told us you are easy to talk to not like the other writers we have worked with, Hin looked at Gene keeping a poker face but knew he was getting annoyed so he had to step in.

"Ok then, can I take a picture of you and Gene" Hin asked the director; Ok then, it would be my pleasure.

Ok Gene, come and take the picture please?"Hin looked at Gene almost pleading with his eyes,the Director looked at Gene and asked "Does Gene want to take a picture with me; Yes , he does, Hin pushed Gene forward..

Here We Go 1,2,3 Click...

Thank you so much, ok Gene and Hin, please take a seat, let's sit together, we are about to start the audition.