
Fairy Tail... My Home

"I wanna go to FairyTail!" I said. I was going there no matter what. "You can't just choose..." God said, sweatdropping. "Just did!"

TsubakiHimiki · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
17 Chs


I walked into the middle of the room and crouched down, hugging my knees. Mavis's last words left me confused.

"It's not that I didn't want to. I couldn't. You wouldn't let me," she said, running her hand through Zeref's hair.

"That's... not possible. We met when I first found you on Tenrou for help," I shook my head. Strangely enough, deep down, I felt like I was lying.

"We met 300 hundred years ago and then you disappeared," Mavis sighed. "You only told me one thing before you left."

"Never tell me that Zeref's my brother."

This can't be possible. I'm sure that I was an orphan since I was 5 and... Wait. Where was I before I turned 5?

I began running through my memories but nothing popped up. Or rather, I couldn't remember anything before I turned 5. It was like it didn't want to be shown. I groaned, not hearing the footsteps coming down the tunnel.

"I'm all fired up, Happy! I bet we'll find Erza here," Natsu yelled, fire coming out of his mouth.

I looked up, my eyes were still red and puffy from all the crying. Natsu skidded to a stop, horrified.

"Hi, Natsu. Exit's right there," I muttered, laying down on the floor. I curled up into a ball, sniffing.

"Um, what's wrong? I kinda want to fight you to win," Natsu admitted sheepishly.

"...It's nothing."

"It's a lie. We can help, Lilith! You always give me fish. Maybe you want one?" Happy said, offering a big fish to me.

I got up on my feet and forced a smile on my face.

"I'm fine. Really. Let's fight, Natsu," I gave him a cocky smile.

Natsu looked skeptical but came at me with a flaming fist. I quickly dodged, sweeping my foot at him. Happy grabbed him, flew him in the air, and dropped him right above me. I jumped out of the way seconds before he hit the floor. I sweatdropped at the size of the crater.

Really? A 5 ft deep hole? So much for being a resting place for Mavis...

We fought in this continuous pattern a couple more times. I bent over, panting. Natsu and Happy doing the same on the other side of the room. I stood up and stretched my legs. Natsu paled but got back up on his feet, exhausted.

I sighed and threw him a flame ball. "Catch."

He caught it and looked at me in surprise. He threw it right in his mouth without hesitation. Did he not consider the fact that I could've done something to the fire?...

"Exit's over there," I said, stretching my arms.

Natsu pouted and tried to refute. Happy tried dragging his partner out but didn't succeed. I sighed and blasted them both out with a wind current.

"Finally! Peace and quiet!" I cheered, my fake smile slipping off my face.

I walked down the tunnel and made a few turns before arriving at Mavis's "grave". I knelt down in front of it, touching it gently with my hand.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you. I... understand why you did what you did. I just need time to figure some things out," I whispered.

The grave glowed a bit as if it understood me. Tears welled up in my eyes. I brushed them aside as I got back up. Suddenly, a loud explosion noise was heard from outside, causing the whole island to shake.

"What the..."

I ran outside, requipping back my cap. My hair flew wildly in the wind as I threw off more of my layers. I yanked off my jacket as I hopped over a root on the floor. I pulled my sweater over my head, exposing my arms to the cold wind.

"Capricorn! Gemini!" I shouted, tying up my hair messily.


"Gemi! Mini!"

"Capricorn, find Leo and get to Lucy as soon as possible. Gemini, turn into Minerva," I ordered, finally out of the cave.

What I saw shocked me beyond belief. The beautiful island was trashed. The giant tree that Mavis and I hung out in was uprooted and trees left and right was burnt or destroyed. Capricorn immediately took off as Gemini remained as itself. I turned to it in confusion.

"We can only copy your future and past. No one else's," they chimed.

I sighed and gritted my teeth. But if they... No, we don't have time for this. I'll have to face my past eventually.

"Gemini... turn into me," I said, forcing the words out of my mouth.

Gemini nodded, a pained look in its eyes. They transformed into the girl I rejected for 17 years. I swallowed, ignoring the bile I felt in my throat. Just seeing myself in this pitiful state made me sick. It reminded me of... those times.

My bangs covered my eyes as I pointed towards the tree.

"Help them," I croaked out as Gemini took off running.

It took all my energy to not collapse on my knees. I looked towards the open, free ocean with a blank look on my face. Water started rolling down my cheeks. I touched my red cheeks gently, wiping away a stray tear.

"Time to go," I said aloud to myself. I pushed off my right foot, jumping into the air, landing on a nearby cloud.

I breathed in before spreading my arms out slowly.

Thunder spirits

Heed my call

I ask of you to rid me of my enemies

Thunder Gathering!

As I chanted, the wind picked up, my ponytail hitting me in my face. No sooner did I utter the last words, thunder rained down all over the island, yells crying out into the dark sky.

I spotted the ship and sped over there, stopping at the entrance of the ship. I slid off the cloud and walked in, my clothes dripping water on the floor.

"Well, well, well. Look here, we have a wandering fairy," Hades sneered.

"Good to see you too, Precht Gaebolg," I looked at him with no emotion.

"Lilith, back I see?" he hissed, getting off his throne.

"Did you know that Mavis spent years trying to look for you?" he said. With every word, he got closer and closer until there were just a few inches separating us.

"I wasn't aware nor do I remember the time I spent with you."

A loud slapping noise echoed in the quiet ship as my cheek stung. I hung my head. I guess I deserved that.

"You hurt her! She was killed when she came back. She came back dead because of you!" he howled, lunging at me with a blade.

"I'm sorry," I whispered as my blade plunged into his stomach.

I ask that this soul goes peacefully with no more regrets

Purify with pure moonlight

Musamura Pt.1

"At least... she won't be alone anymore," he groaned, his body turning into little pieces of dust.

"I hope you won't be alone in your next life either," I said, putting away my sword.

He gave a smile before he completely disappeared. A small, but genuine smile, crept onto my face.

As much as I hated it, I had to follow my own advice. 'Don't be alone in your next life.'

I'm not alone anymore unlike last time. I'm surrounded by family and friends who will stay by me 'til the end.

Maybe that's the answer I needed this whole time. The answer I was searching for these 12 years...

"I'm all fired up!"

"Slow down, Flame Brain!"

"Wendy, watch out!"

"Sorry, Carla!"

"Erza, don't swing randomly!"

"Lushee... you're heavy."

"Shut up, cat!"

I turned around to see my friends staring at me in shock. I giggled at their expressions, warmth enveloping me. Maybe I was just searching too hard. The answer was all around me. I jumped onto Natsu's back. He caught my legs as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Let's go back," I murmured, leaning my head on his back.

I couldn't see his answer but he was radiating with warmth. I snuggled a bit closer to him.

"You liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiike him~" Happy cooed, landing on my head.

"Of course I do!"

My answer shocked my friends, causing them to look at me.

"We're family!"

They all smiled at my answer, but I knew better. Natsu was more than just "family" in the guild. He was really my family. My real family.

We walked out of the ship, chatting happily until we heard a roar. A roar that would haunt the citizens of Fiore in their sleep. A roar that should never have been heard.


"No... I got rid of Zeref. He shouldn't be here," I whispered.

"What?" Natsu said, looking at me.

I got off his back before teleporting to the rock edge. The beautiful open ocean was now blocked by a dragon.

"Acnologia! What do you want?" I shrieked, hoping to get his attention. Hopefully, Gramps would get the hint and take everyone away.

The dragon looked at me








And disappeared.

My eyes widened. Where did he go-?

Strong arms hugged me from behind. I started to struggle as soon as I realized the scent. Acnologia. Acnologia was hugging me. Could life get more confusing?

"Lilith. Come with me. I don't want to hurt you," he murmured, hiding his face in my hair.

"I don't know you. So," I said, pushing my way out of his grasp. "Get away from me!"

I think I broke his heart. He looked shocked, hurt, then determined.

"Then I'll help you remember," he mused, grabbing me in his arms. He jumped off the edge of the rock, plunging straight for the sea.

"What are you doing?!" I screamed. I wrapped my arms around his neck and hung on for dear life.

"We're fine," he chuckled, stopping our fall just inches above the water. I let out a sigh, not realizing that I was holding my breath the entire time.

"How is this supposed to be remembering, dummy?" I whacked him on the head with my fist.

"Um, oops?" he said, rubbing his head.

I quickly teleported over to the nearest guild member I could sense: Mavis. I skidded to a stop in front of her, barely stopping myself from knocking us over.

"Mavis. What are you doing?" I asked quietly.

"You know why I'm out here," she said firmly, raising her hands.

"What are you-?" I looked over at the giant shadow behind me in horror.

"No..." I breathed. I fell onto my knees. I thought I could prevent this. Maybe I could have...

I watched as Acnologia's breath came at us. It was like the whole world slowed down. Natsu was running over to me slowly, shouting something inaudible. I just sat there petrified.

Maybe this was for the best. I couldn't save them... Now just to wait 7 years... Oh my Mavis. FairyTail.

The world started speeding up again, the minute I realized. I had no time to waste.

"Forced gate closure, Capricorn, Gemini!" I shouted, the wind picking up as Mavis chanted faster.

I clasped my hands together and chanted the spell quickly. Honestly, I wasn't sure this was going to work. I've never succeeded before...

I split my soul in two

I take a small part of my soul in this tiny new body of mine


Heavenly Twin Body

A flash of light shined and I was looking at myself, lying on the floor. I slowly moved my arm, watching in fascination as it moved.

"I'll see you, Mavis!" I shouted, teleporting straight to FairyTail's entrance. I collapsed at the entrance, out of magic.

"Damn it!" I howled, getting strange looks from everyone on the street.

I got up shaking and walked, or rather, limped over to the door. I banged my fist on it a couple of times before realizing how I would tell them the news. How would I tell them that their family is gone for 7 years? They wouldn't believe me. No, they can't believe me.

A head of blue popped out from the door looking around for a person. I cleared my throat, getting their attention.

"Jellal, down here," I called.

He bent down and looked at me before laughing. I scowled at him.

"Blueberry, not funny."

He stopped laughing. "Lilith, what happened to you?"

I sighed, raising my arms up so he could carry me.

"Long story. You're not going to like it."


"To get this straight," Macao said, burying his head in his hands. "You're Lilith."

I nodded.

"You split your body in two to help us out."

I nodded again.

"The island was blown up by Acnologia-"

Everyone fell silent at that line. It's been 24 hours since I was back and I'm starving. I haven't eaten and I'm 5. AGAIN. Ugh. HOW BAD DOES THIS WORLD WANT ME SHORT?!

"But there was a spell-"

Everyone exhaled. How many times are we going through this infinite loop?! I've been through this so many times and nodded so many more, I'm literally going dizzy here.

"Called Fairy Sphere. And that's why they'll be gone for a couple of years but they'll be back," Macao finished.

"Yes!" I exclaimed. "Now can I get some food? I'm starving!"

Jellal chuckled and walked out of the kitchen holding come cake in his hands. My eyes lit up and I reached up for it. He yanked it out of my reach teasingly.

"Did you wash your hands?" he asked, a smile on his face.

I pouted. "Yes. Can I have the cake pwease?"

He put the cake down on the table and plopped me in his lap. I began chowing down on the cake happily.

"Why are you here then?" a guild member from the back yelled.

"I'm here to help you guys take care of the S-Class missions. This guild is running low on money. Someones got to stay here to help protect FairyTail," I said, my mouth of cake.

"Anyways," I said, wiping my mouth. "I'm going to make a pit stop at the Council. Macao, you don't mind being the guild master, right?"

"What?" he exclaimed.

"Okay, great. Everybody, Macao's the new Guild Master!" I chirped as Jellal held in his laugh.

Macao stood there sputtering out words as Wakaba patted his friend on the back. Romeo only stared at us in disbelief.

"Jellal and I will go fill out the paperwork."

Jellal's face paled. He hated paperwork. Well, he deserves it. No one plays around with cake. Especially when I'm hungry.

"Capricorn, Leo! Watch over them, okay?" I said, summoning the two spirits.

"As you wish, your highness," they said in sync. I tilted my head to the side.

What were they talking about? I shrugged off the thought and teleported Jellal and I to the entrance of the Council.

"Stop! What's your business with the Council?" the guards said.

"I'm with FairyTail. Lilith Winters Dragneel," I said, emphasizing the last name.

Trust me. After the last time Natsu broke in here, the guards knew better not to hold back anyone related to Dragneel.

"We're here to fill out forms for the new Guild Master," Jellal interrupted, giving me a strange look.

"You may enter. Just... don't destroy anything," the guard whispered the last part. I heard it though.

"Don't worry, we don't plan on destroying anything," I said, dragging Jellal into the building.


"So due to circumstances, your new Guild Master is Macao Conbolt," the frog said.

"That's correct," Jellal said, sighing. I'm starting to feel kinda bad, but not really! <3

"Also, I'm here for a separate reason. Be a dear and get me Doranbolt."

The boys looked at me confused. I sighed and waved my hand.

"Tell him Lilith asked him to get over here."

The frog's eyes widened at my name and nodded, hopping down the corridor.

"Why do you know a Council Member?" Jellal asked suspiciously.

I watched as Doranbolt came down the hall. "You'll see."

"Did you consider it?" Doranbolt asked.

"Does he still want a vacation?" I joked.

Doranbolt only nodded with a blank look on his face.

"I'll take it. But I don't want you guys to make it public. Use a fake name like Melody or something," I said, signing the papers.

"Melody it is, then," he mused.

Jellal watched our interaction with an amused look. I turned around to look at him with a smile on my face.

"Well then, I just secured our funds for the next 5 years."

His face paled. "What the hell did you sign?"

I motioned for him to bend down and whispered it in his ear. He almost screamed it aloud if I didn't clap my hand over his mouth in time.

"Let's go!" I chirped, taking his hand, teleporting us back to FairyTail.

"Please don't tell me-" Macao begged but gave up his act upon seeing Jellal cackle.

"Too late?" Wakaba said, walking over to his friend.

"Too late," Macao replied, glumly.

"It's fine. She has more paperwork," Jellal said laughing, picking me up and spinning me around.

"Jellal!" I squealed. "Put me down!"

I couldn't help but join them laughing. Despite all the weird stuff that has happened to me today or yesterday, it was still pretty fun I guess. But knowing that they're gone for 7 years has shattered my heart.

It'll be a while before it's whole again. If I can ever fix it. What I didn't know, is that he fixed my heart, again and again, as I fell. To enemies, to loss, to him. He was my whole world. I didn't even know it until I fell for him. Hard.