
319. Lightning

Laxus gets excited when his name gets called to fight in the battle round. "Finally, I've started getting impatient." He says that before he enters the arena to face Orga.

"Hasn't Orga already fought on the 1st day?" asks Mira confusedly.

"Well, there's no rule that forbids him from fighting again. Also, the choosing of fighters is entirely on the sponsors & organizer. They must've wanted to see our guild against Sabertooth after what happened last night. And coincidentally, we have Lightning Dragon & God Slayer Mages. They must've thought it will be interesting," says Ben.

"Heh, a Dragon against a God, huh? This will be tough for Laxus," says Cana.

"Yeah, the tier of their magic is different. Natsu has fought against a Fire God Slayer and his magic was completely useless against it. His fire could only injure his opponent after he ate the Fire God Magic flame, but he needs to empty his magic power first. Does Laxus need to use that method too?" asks Freed.

"That's certainly a method that we have known. But I don't think Laxus will use it right away. He will try to use everything he has first and will only use that as a last resort. Besides, Laxus's magic power amount is far higher than Natsu's at that time. Emptying it will give him a great backlash," says Ben.

"Let's just watch how he'll solve this problem. Laxus will certainly find a way," says Mira.

They stop talking because the battle is about to start. Both Laxus and Orga are excited by their battle because their magic is similar. In terms of magic tier, Laxus's Lightning Dragon Slayer Magic is lower than Orga's, but he doesn't really care. He just wants to fight a strong opponent.

"Lightning God Slayer, huh? Let's see how strong it is," says Laxus while smiling.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a big lightning bolt strikes from the sky and hits Orga. A massive crater is created by that attack and dust flies everywhere. The crowd is shocked, but they get even more surprised when they see Orga just standing there without any damage.

"Damn, no damage, huh? This will be troublesome," says Laxus.

"That was good but too bad that it was used against me. Other people will get fried instantly by that lightning. Then, it's my turn now, right?" asks Orga while extending his hands forward.

Black lightning bolts appear between his hands and his magic power gets concentrated. Then, a blackish-yellow lightning beam is shot toward Laxus. It's the same attack Orga used on the MPF match, so it's a strong spell.

A big explosion appears and Laxus is engulfed in it. Another big crater appears and dust flies everywhere again. Much to Orga's & the crowd's surprise, Laxus is still standing there without any damage.

Freed seems happy about it, "As I thought of Laxus. God Slayer or not, lightning won't affect him."

"No, it affected him, and he knew it. He doesn't seem affected because he covered his whole body with his lightning. His lightning prevented Orga's lightning from damaging his body," says Ben.

"Then, how will Laxus attack? His magic can't damage his opponent and he even needs to use more magic for defense," says Cana.

"Well, the answer is easy," says Ben while grinning.

The others are confused, but they find the answer soon. Laxus suddenly transforms his body into lightning and flashes toward Orga at a very high speed. Orga is surprised by Laxus's speed and isn't ready for what comes next.

Laxus punches Orga in the face and sends him flying into the wall. Team Sabertooth is surprised to see it because Orga is one of the strongest in their team. But they also believe that he is fine because he is very tough.

They aren't completely wrong because Orga can still stand. But he isn't completely fine as his mouth is bleeding now. It surprises most people because Laxus's lightning shouldn't be able to affect Orga.

Ben just smirks seeing it before he explains it to his guildmates. Ben tells them that Laxus didn't use his lightning to attack his opponent. He used his lightning to enhance his speed and strength to a high degree.

"The lightning wasn't the main attack, that's just the effect of him using his magic. His main attack is his enhanced punch which gets a lot stronger because of his lightning. That's why he could injure Orga because his attack was purely physical," says Ben.

The Mages then nod in understanding with impressed expressions. Then Natsu asks, "Then why couldn't I damage that black fire guy with my punches & kicks?"

"Hmm, if you really landed punches and kicks but still couldn't injure him, then the only answer is one, you were weak," says Ben while smirking.

Natsu's face gets dark as he falls on his knee before he gets mad. This guy really shows his emotions like clear water, so Ben really likes to tease him. That's why he just said that Natsu was weak and didn't say that his opponent was very tough.

Their attention then shifts to the battle again that has continued. Orga tries to attack Laxus using God Slayer's signature attack, Lightning God's Bellow. Laxus answers it using Dragon Slayer's signature attack, Lightning Dragon's Roar.

Their attacks collide and the impact is massive. The spectators are holding onto their chairs because of the strong shockwave that gets created by the collision. Ben watches the clash intensely to get more data as usual before suddenly smirks.

Right after that, Laxus's Lightning Dragon's Roar breaks Orga's Lightning God's Bellow and hits the big dude. In a clash of spells, the magic tiers won't be a big problem as long as the spell power is high. Laxus's attack was just stronger than Orga's attack, that's it.

Although the tier's advantage shows up immediately when Orga appears without any damage again. Laxus's attack might have broke Orga's attack, but it still couldn't break Orga's immunity to lower-tier Lightning Magic.

It will be easy from now on though because Laxus is obviously stronger. Also, Laxus is fast, very fast. He immediately flashes toward Orga and attacks the guy with his lightning-enhanced physique again.

Orga is also a Lightning Mage like Laxus and his Magic is even one tier higher. However, his mastery over his magic seems to be far lower than Laxus. He can't even use his Lightning to increase his speed, or maybe he is just focusing on power, so his speed is lacking.

With lower speed, he just becomes a punching bag for Laxus. Orga can't defend Laxus's barrage of attacks that fly toward him at an unimaginable speed. Among everyone watching, only one person can see Laxus's fast attack, it's Ben.

He grins as he watches team Sabertooth looks very shocked right now. Most people think that the only super strong Mage in Fairy Tail is Ben. But they've seen Erza's feat against 100 monsters, and now they see Laxus overwhelming Orga despite his lower magic tier.

"It's over," says Ben right on time before Laxus sends a finishing blow.

Laxus jumps toward Orga and sends a punch to Orga's face from a higher position. His punch sends Orga sliding to the ground and then hits the wall. Orga falls unconscious and the referee announces Laxus as the winner.

Everyone cheers as Laxus walk back to his guild's stand. The medical team moves fast to check on Orga under Sabertooth's disbelief gazes. Then they remember Ben's words last night about showing the power of a real Guild which makes them clench their hands.

"How was it?" asks Ben at Laxus.

"That is interesting magic, but there seem to be restrictions too. I found some things that can help me improve my magic though," says Laxus, he was also observing Orga's magic to improve his own magic.

"Good, I will beat you up if you get nothing after prolonging your fight for this long," says Ben while smirking.

"But it's you who always said that I need to use all my battles to learn," says Laxus, which gets ignored by Ben as the last battle finally gets announced. Wendy finally gets a chance to compete as she will fight against Sherria of Lamia Scale.


You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate.

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 354 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 365 of Transcended as Lord Buggy


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