
Fairy Tail: Lost Magic

This is the story of a teenage boy who has grown bored of the simplicity of the world he lived in, being introduced to the world of anime from his friend, soras found himself beginning to find meaning in his once complacent life. Exploring everything he could to alleviate his boredom, from watching anime to reading manga and light novels. Soras fully immersed himself within this world and finally found himself reading fanfiction, reading these stories about how average people like himself get the opportunity to be born in these magical worlds. Soras began to yearn to be allowed to go to these worlds and live a life of freedom and adventure, to find love and finally to fulfil all of his desires. [Soras just might get his wish....... Tags: Reincarnation, Harem, Romance, Action, Adventure, Magic, Fairy Tail, Mature. *I own nothing but the oc *First time writer be easy on me, i am open to criticism just don't unnecessarily hate on the story, It won't be perfect I mostly wrote to alleviate boredom

ShadowsFall · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
4 Chs

Chapter 3

"Getting a second life is one thing. Making a better life, that's the trick."

- Rick Riordan


In the dead of night a blizzard rushed over snowy plains, the wind whizzing through the air ferociously, carrying with it masses of snow, filling the sky with countless snowflakes and turning the sky and land into a white nirvana.

Conifers arched in the Wind, their branches painted white. In such a cold night, no landmarks could be made out in the thick of the storm, and yet it is here with two lonely figures who are brazen enough to take on the might of Mother Nature that our story or rather mine started.

[Earth Land, South of the Kingdom of Fiore, Rosemary Village, Year X765]

In a flash of light a small basket appeared seemingly out of thin air at the doorstep of a two story wooden building that had a sign saying {Rosemary's Orphanage}. If anyone was outside and saw this scene they would have immediately been frightened, But luckily everyone was inside there houses trying to get warm.


(Mc's POV)

'Ah! My head is killing me. Is this the orphanage, but why is it snowing.'

Looking around with his tiny head Soras managed to spot another basket next to his and realized it was Erza. Trying to get a look at her by craning his neck he soon found out he couldn't because of the blanket over her body blocking out the snow and cold air.

' I guess i'll just have to wait to see her, But why are we still outside does the person running the orphanage not know we are here. I'm not cold but that doesn't mean Erza isn't. I swear if she gets sick because of this i'm going to raise hell in the future for the person running this place.'

Poor Soras wasn't even aware that the sudden cold weather was because of his arrival in this world. The ice elements in the air were happily dancing around in the surroundings showing their joy and absolute devotion to the arrival of their new king.

Deciding that he had enough Soras cried his lungs out hoping to catch the attention of the people inside. Soon enough you could hear the sounds of footsteps making their way to the door.


Soras looked up hearing the door open and saw an old lady in her nightgown.


(Orphanage matron POV)

I was getting ready to call it a night after dinner and made my way to my room. After changing I sat on my bed and began looking out into the white world of snow through the window, It is strange how something so deadly can be so beautiful.

It's a wonder how the weather changed so quickly, just earlier today it was sunny and warm but in a matter of seconds the weather just took such a drastic turn. I honestly don't know what to expect anymore in this strange world.

Sighing quietly to myself I began to let the sweet embrace of sleep over take me, But as I was just about to doze off I heard a loud cry seemingly from a baby.

Sitting up in my bed I began to listen more intently and realized it was indeed the crying of a baby and it seemed to come from outside.

Getting up and putting my slippers on I made my way back down stairs and to the front door. Opening the door it made the same annoying creak it always does, it really needs to be fixed one of these days. Sighing lightly I looked down to where the crying came from and I see two small baskets.

Picking both up and bringing them inside away from the cold weather I bring them to my room and began to observe them. In one basket was a incredibly cute white haired baby boy who i assume was the one crying as he was awake at looking at me. And pulling back the blanket in the other basket I see a cute red haired baby girl curled up in a ball sleeping, probably cold from staying outside. looking back at the baby boy he seemed to have a worried look while staring at the girl, But i'm probably just tired and seeing things.


(Mc's POV)

After the old lady who I assume runs this place brought us inside and to a room she then began looking at me.

'I guess she was sleeping but that's not an excuse erza better be ok.'

The old lady then pulled back the blanket on Erza's basket and I could finally she her. She was the most adorable looking thing that I had ever seen with her short red hair and doll like appearance but it seemed to break my heart seeing her curled up in a ball while slightly shivering.

The old lady then took us both from our baskets while I was still staring at Erza and laid us on the bed under the covers. She then herself climbed into bed while muttering 'i'll deal with it in the morning' quietly under her breath.

Seeing Erza laying beside me I scoot over to her and hold her in my embrace. Seemingly feeling my warmth she wrapped herself around me and hugged me tightly and I was all the more happy to seeing the smile now on her face.

'Don't worry, I will always be there for you my dear erza.' Soras thought while quietly cuddling Erza.

'Now lets see, what am I going to do I'm a baby so I cant do to much right now so I guess i'll just leave it for tomorrow, after all I am tired I guess this is a side effect of being a baby.'

'Before I go to sleep I should probably use that status magic genesis gave me, how do i use It again, Ah!, That's right 'Status.'


[Name: (Please pick a name) {A/N: I'm changing his name because his name doesn't fit fairy tail}

Status - Healthy

Age - 6 months {A/N: He's 2 months older than erza and I honestly don't know her true age so I'm just going to say she is 4 months old}

Race - Human/Phoenix Hybrid

Bloodline - Ice Phoenix Queen

Magic Strength - H Rank (Magic will be ranked from lowest to highest {I, H, G, F, E, D, C, B, A, S, SS, SSS, EX}

Body Strength - I Rank (Body strength will have the same ranking system as magic)

Mental Strength - C Rank (Mental strength will have the same ranking system as magic)

{A/N: I based the magic ranking on the Guild ranking system in fairy tail, I know In the manga and anime magical strength was measured with numerical numbers but I'm not doing that i'll probably mess up trying to do that. So 'S' will be for S-Class Mages, 'SS' will be for Wizard Saints, 'SSS will be for Spriggan 12 level characters, and EX will be for characters on the level of Zeref, Acnologia, Igneel, Gods, etc... you get the gist hopefully. Now for the body ranking, As you can probably guess body strength is the strength of the body its durability and endurance etc... Not all fights all won though just pure magical strength alone so even if you have S-class magic but a weak body you will still lose to a 'A' rank mage, If that makes sense, I guess the only exception to that rule would be lucy I honestly don't know how she stayed alive through all the conflicts. The ranking will be the same as magic but there are some changes like Zeref for example he has strong magic but just an average body I guess that suicidal emo bastard thought he didn't need to train because of his immortality. Another example of this would be the dragons and dragon slayers who have extremely strong bodys and durability. So just to clear it up if you don't understand because of my ramblings, Body Strength ranking is not based on magic but the literal strength, durability, endurance, and agility of the body so the ranking varies for various characters. Now onto Mental Strength, mental strength is a vague representation of what the mind is able to do and endure so Im just winginging it on this one. For example Jellal was able to be brainwashed as a kid in the tower of heaven by ultear because of his low mental strength. The ranking will be the same as magic and body strength but the ranking of mental strength will vary for various characters.}

Skills -

• Eidetic Memory: Can remember anything after seeing it once. (Passive)

• Enhanced Mind: Increases intelligence and creativity, Increased processing speed and Immunity to negative psychological status effects. (Passive)

• Charisma: Compelling attractiveness or charm that can inspire devotion in others. Charisma is the unique property of someone who possesses a personal charm and is irresistibly attractive to others. Such an individual has highly developed communication and persuasion skills that he or she uses to influence and excite other people. (Passive)

• Battle Adaptability: This skill allows the user to recover from harm in relatively short periods of time. During which, the user will imprint on the injuries and/or experiences and instantly learning from it. As it does, their minds and body adapt to the said struggles, allowing their instinctual methods and natural resistance to noticeably improve, which also increases their physical might as they recover, thereby lessening the chances of the problem happening again. (Passive)

Ice Phoenix Queen Bloodline Attributes -

• Absolute Immunity to the Ice element.

• Absolute manipulation of the Ice element.

• Morphing of physiology to a point where the user has adopted some physical traits from the phoenix. {A/N: Mc will have a few changes in appearance like slightly pointed ears kinda like elves but smaller and some others that I will explain later. The changes are like how the first generation dragon slayers have some changes in appearance, Fun Fact the changes aren't because of the slayer magic but because of the fact that they have the souls of the dragons sealed inside of them. An example would be Natsu who has some dragon like features and laxus who just has a dragon slayer lacrima.}

• Beast Kings Aura: Serves as a deterrent and suppression of any magical creature that has magical strength on the same level or weaker than the user.

• Enhanced magical container

• Extreme Regeneration

• Eternal youth: Body will stop aging after it reaches its prime.

• Phoenix mating mark: A mark unique only to the holder of the ice phoenix bloodline, Various benefits for the mates marked. (Read last chapter for the more detailed explanation)

Magic -

• Frozen END (Lost Magic): This magic can Freeze all things in existence.

Talent -

• Extreme Combat Comprehension: The highest degree of insight and understanding regarding all things related to combat.

• Extreme Magic Comprehension: The highest degree of insight and understanding regarding all things related to magic.

• Loved by the World: The user of this talent Is in complete harmony and is protected by the world.{A/N: This is just a bullshit talent I put in there so if I do some questionable things in the future this will explain it. In simple terms this Talent is just 'plot armor' if your wondering.}

History Description:

'???' was left at an orphanage and taken in by the matron that runs it. ]

'Wow! This magic is amazing, It's like one of those status screens I used to read about in fan fiction. I can see that everything I chose is here so thats a relief. Eh! So I have to choose a new name I guess it kinda makes sense considering im in a new world and my original name wouldn't make sense but it still hurts knowing im going to change it.'

'Lets see If im getting to pick a new name I better choose a good one. How about Azrael, yeah I like it now for the rest lets see Im the heir to the ice phoenix so lets try something with that. Hmmmm, oh I got it!, From this day forth I declare that I shall be named 'Azrael D. Winterfall'. Yes it is a most fitting name for myself it shall be a name that will spread throughout the world one day etching itself in the annuals of history as a legend that will serve as inspiration for generations to come. That is the desire I have choosing this name and I shall do all I can to see it through.' Azrael clenched his small baby hand after his declaration.

Looking over at baby Erza cuddling him Azrael couldn't help but close his eyes and drift off into the world of dreams with a small content smile adorning his face.

And so with Azrael falling asleep the room became quiet with the only sound being the light snoring from the matron and the gentle wind blowing from the blizzard outside.

As the moon shines night rolls on and this signifies Azrael's first night in the new world of 'Fairy Tail'.

May he find contentment and satisfaction throughout the days to come.


{A/N: Ok im sorry I know I put a lot of authors notes but its only for this chapter I put them there so you could understand my mindset and so I dont lose anyone later on with missed info.

Thanks for reading 😊

Ok im back I don't want anyone to think I droped this story because I haven't. The reason for not posting chapters is because lately my life has sucked with everything thats been going on in this world. This virus has taken a giant toll on me and im honestly tired of it already, Im a senior in high school and my teachers are freaking out about everything considering its almost the end of the school year so Im getting a shit ton of work and it just sucks. Get this im supposedly going to graduate over a video chat like what the fuck is that I paid for my cap and gown and now Im graduating on a video chat at least I can say that this time will be somthing ill never forget Its crazy honeslty if you think about it. So I just wanted to say with everything being chaotic in my life from school to my job to things at home Im thankful for the people taking their time to read my little fanfiction, really thank you and Ill try to post more chapters when I write them so stay tuned to next time Ill see you there folks.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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