
fairy tail ice dragon slayer

Author: ninjarapper
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Chapter 1ice dragon slayer

A small boy wonders through the snowy and cold mountains, shivering under this cold climate, wearing nothing but a pair of blue torn shorts and a white tank top. Having amnesia, he doesn't remember about his parents, friends, nor himself. The small boy continues to walk and walk until he finds a shelter. There has to be a wooden cabin or a shelter under this snowstorm.

"Man, I hate the cold." The young boy mutters to himself, breathing heavily that he can see the fog from his breath in the cold. He looks around, wondering how far he has gotten. The boy sees a cave in the distance but not clearly because of the snowstorm. He walks faster and faster so he can safely spend the night in the cave and protect himself from the snowstorm. Once he arrives, he lies down and hugs himself, trying to keep himself warm. Slowly, he dozes off to sleep until he hears some noises in the cave. He gets up, walking closer to the noises wondering who is making a ruckus in the cave. The boy hears a loud deep voice that sounded like an enormous monster who is about to devour him.

"What are you doing in my cave, boy?" The loud deep voice asked the scared boy. The voice gets closer and closer to him, hearing some foot stomps and heavy breathing. The young boy tries to walk backwards, but he is terrified, not able to move a muscle. "I'll ask once more. What are you doing in my cave?!" The mysterious voice shouted in anger, still hiding in the shadows.

"Come out and I'll tell you." The boy finally speaks, but with such terror in his voice. The mysterious voice did as he was told, coming out of the dark shadows deep in the cave into the light.

A large dragon stands in front of the small boy, making him look like a small bite of dinner. The dragon's scales are a dark blue color, his legs are light blue and white, naturally blending with the snow, and his underbelly scales are light blue. On his head are 6 devil-like horns, the same white/blue color of his legs and has icicles as his beard. At the end of his tail are a handful of extra sharp ice crystals. His wings are a transparent blue color, when it spreads out it makes him look bigger than he already is.

"Y-You're a dragon?!" The young boy asked, surprised that dragons actually do exist. The Dragon lowers his head to the boy's height level.

"I am indeed." The Dragon replied. He crawls closer to the boy who happens to walk away from the dragon. They continue to walk like that until the boy trips backwards and falls deep in the snow. The Dragon chuckles at the stubborn boy.

"What's so funny?" The boy asked, giving him an annoyed look. The Dragon picks him up by his claws, scanning him entirely. The boy stares at him in confusion wondering if the Dragon will eat him or not.

"Nothing is funny, my boy." The Dragon gently puts him back down. The Dragon stands mighty in front of the boy who is looking up at him. "I am the Ice Dragon King, Glacione." The boy perks a smile on his face as he looks at the King of Ice Dragons.

"Do you have magic powers?" He asked Glacione who happens to be smiling back at him.

"Yes I do."

"Cool!" The boy jumps up and down excitedly. Glacione takes another good look at the small boy and makes a decision that will change the world.

"Young boy, do you want to learn Ice Dragon Slayer Magic?" Glacione asks, smiling at him. The boy grins wider at the Ice Dragon, jumping up and down some more. Glacione chuckles at him, taking that as a yes for an answer from the boy. "But first, tell me your name." The boy's grin disappears from his face, not knowing his name. Glacione looks at him in confusion.

"I-I don't know my name." The boys sits down with a sad look on his face. Glacione looks down at him, trying to figure out a name for him. He looks at a silver hoop earring on the boy's left ear.

"How about I name you 'Silver'?" Glacione asked, smiling at him. The boy likes the name more than anything in the world. The boy, now known as Silver, stands up, smiling at his dragon who will teach him how to use Ice Dragon Slaying Magic. Silver will expect a lot of things from the Ice Dragon King, Glacione.

The Next Day...

Glacione wakes up from the early sun hitting his eyes. The snowstorm finally stopped last night and the sun is out to shine all day. Glacione finds Silver sleeping under his wing, cuddling next to him. Glacione decides to wake up the sleeping boy by roaring loud and clear inside the cave. Silver immediately wakes up from the loud roar with the sound vibrating in his ear drums.

"Ahhh! What was that for Glacione?!" Silver shouted at Glacione, massaging his ears, trying to get his sense of hearing back. Glacione drags Silver out of the cave by his tank top, throwing him in the cold snow.

"It's time for training!" Glacione informs the confused boy. Silver cocks an eyebrow at him, thinking that training starts today instead of next week.

"I thought we're suppose to train next week and at a place where there is no snow everywhere?" Silver asked. Glacione smirks at him, knowing that he has to explaining to do to Silver.

"If you want to learn Ice Dragon Slayer Magic, you must learn the basics first." Glacione starts off. "You must keep your body temperature below 30 ºF. Learn to control it. Become one with the cold."

"Like that is ever going to happen." Silver chuckled at Glacione. Silver jokes around with Glacione while he takes it seriously.

"Strip." Glacione demands Silver to strip in the cold. Silver stops laughing and looks at him with a puzzled look wondering why he needs to strip if he is already wearing light clothing.

"I'm not going to-"

"Strip!" Glacione interrupts Silver, demanding him to strip once more. Silver listens to Glacione by taking off his white tank top and blue shorts leaving him in his black boxers. Glacione smiles at Silver who is shivering in the cold. "Now, run from this mountain to that mountain."

"It's too cold to run! My feet are frozen!" Silver complains to the Dragon. Glacione ignores him and waits for Silver to run to the other mountain. Silver struggles to move his feet and walk forward. He gets his right foot out of the deep snow then his left foot. He slowly walks to the other mountain.

"Faster!" Glacione shouted at Silver to pick up the pace. Silver starts to run to the mountain in no time. Once he reaches the mountain, he runs back to Glacione which makes him smile at the boy. Silver puts his hands on his knees breathing heavily from the running and stands in front of Glacione. "Do it again." He demanded in a serious tone.

"W-What?" Silver breathed, still trying to gain some oxygen. Glacione tells him to run again, but this time he will count how long it takes for Silver to run back and forth. Silver runs back to the mountain as Glacione watches him going off into the distance. Silver returns back exhaustingly, falling on his back into the snow.

"Your time is 5 minutes and 38 seconds." Glacione said. "I'm impressed that you can run a mile in a short amount of time."

"C-Can... I... take a... b-break?" Silver asked, looking up at the Dragon. Glacione nods in agreement letting the boy take a break.

"After your break, we will start your warm-up." Glacione said, walking away. Silver jolts up, realizing what he said.

"Wait! This wasn't even a warm-up?!" Silver asked, yelling at Glacione. The Ice Dragon turns around, chuckling at Silver's face. Glacione lowers his head to his level, smiling at him.

"The real training starts tomorrow." Glacione responded. Silver once again falls backwards in the snow knowing that he has to run some more. "I'll teach you some magic but first you must get used to the cold." Silver lets out a loud groan, staring at the blue sky and white clouds above him.

Glacione wakes up early in the morning to fetch some food for Silver and himself. He brings back some fishes and a few birds. Even though he is a dragon, he is very good at cooking. Glacione prepares Silver's breakfast first then his own breakfast. He sets his portion of the food on the ground and Silver's food on an ice plate that he molded. Glacione goes in the cave and drags Silver across the snowy floor, out of the cave. He pulls on Silver's dark blue hair trying to wake him up. Silver doesn't feel anything since he is a deep sleeper. Glacione tries another method which is roaring in his face just like yesterday. Silver's bloodshot eyes open up from the loud roar.

"Glacione, when are you going to stop doing that?!" Silver angrily shouted at Glacione. The dragon gives him a stern look in his eyes. Silver looks away not caring about Glacione thinks.

"I prepared breakfast for you." Glacione said, pointing his head to the food next to him. Silver walks over to food and starts to eat it. Silver devours the entire food in less than a minute, showing that he was very hungry from yesterday's warm-up. Silver pats his full stomach, sitting back to relax, leaving the ice plate empty. Glacione looks at the ice plate which has not melted yet. "Eat the plate."

"What?! I can't eat the plate! It's made of ice!" Silver argued. Glacione lies down with his face in front of him, waiting until Silver eats the plate.

"It's a good way to make your magic stronger." Glacione pushes the ice plate closer to Silver. He has no other choice but to eat the ice plate. Silver takes a large bite of the plate, almost breaking his teeth. Silver continues to eat the ice plate little by little, feeling the cold ice down his throat. He feels a brain freeze coming but it doesn't get one. "Well? How does it taste?" Glacione asked.

"It tastes good." Silver answered, secretly wanting to eat some ice more. Glacione stands up, telling Silver to follow him which he does. "Where are we going, Glacione?"

"I'm going to show you one of my special attacks, but we need to go to a place where there are a lot of mountains to destroy." Glacione looks around the place to find some mountains as targets to destroy. After walking a couple miles, they eventually arrive to the place where Glacione wanted to go.

"What are you going to?" Silver asked, looking at the tall snow mountains and dark oak trees.

"What I am about to teach you takes a lot of courage and concentration. Watch closely, Silver." As Glacione explains everything to him, Silver stands still paying all of his attention to Glacione.

Glacione positions himself so he can be ready to attack the mountains and trees in front of him. He closes his eyes and stays silence for a minute, taking a deep breath before striking. Glacione takes in all the air in his lungs, combining it with his Magic. "Ice Dragon Roar!" Glacione releases his breath attack at his target. He shoots out pieces of broken, sharp, jagged ice in a light blue swirl from his mouth. Silver stares in amazement as he sees a huge empty circular space between the mountains.

"That's so cool! I want to do that!" Silver grinned while pumping his fists in the air at Glacione. The Dragon chuckles at him, glad to teach him his famous breath attack.

"Close your eyes and concentrate very hard. Take in all the air and combine it with the ice that you ate earlier." Glacione explained to Silver. Silver stands still in front of his target, with his eyes close and concentrating very hard, trying to focus on his Magic. He breathes in the air and combines it with the ice, leaning his body back and release his breath attack in one shot.

"Ice Dragon Roar!" Similar to Glacione's breath attack except it was smaller and weak. It only damaged a couple of trees and left a dent in a mountain. Silver's amazed that he is able to use his first breath attack and destroy a few things, but not very powerful as Glacione's breath attack.

"Very good, Silver. I'll train you harder everyday so your attacks will be more stronger and powerful." Glacione is very proud of his pupil. Glacione lets him take a break for a few minutes as he lies down next to him.

"Do you think I can become a strong Dragon Slayer?" Silver asked, looking at his hand.

"I believe in you, Silver." Glacione chuckled at the boy. Silver grins at him, showing off his white teeth. Glacione looks closely at his teeth and sees his front canine teeth. "He learns very fast." The Ice Dragon thinks to himself.

1 year later...

As always, Glacione trains Silver, who is trying to become an Ice Dragon Slayer, every single day. Before training starts, Silver has to strip down to his boxers so he can learn to control his Ice Magic which became a stripping problem. Not only has Glacione taught him Magic but he also taught him how to read, write, cook, and other things that will become useful in life.

Today, Silver is training with Glacione, testing his Magic Power. Glacione has already taught him how to use most of his Dragon Slaying attacks. In the middle of training, Silver starts to shiver which is rare because he already knows how to control his body temperature. Glacione notices the shivering boy who is wearing nothing but his black boxers.

"D-Dad, I-I'm cold." Silver stutterd, trying to keep himself warm. Glacione gives him a puzzeled look.

"And why is that?" The Ice Dragon asked. Silver shrugs his shoulders because he really didn't know why. Glacione goes into the cave a brings out a piece of black cloth, giving it to Silver. "Wrap it around your neck."

"How?" Silver asked, not knowing how to wrap or tie it. Glacione helps him, folding the black cloth around Silver's neck then tying it with is pointy claws. After he finishes, Silver feels the soft black piece of cloth making him warmer. The black piece of cloth looks like a bandana scarf. "Thanks dad!"

"You're very welcome my son." Glacione licks his face, leaving all his slobber on Silver's face. Silver chuckles at his dragon father, trying to clean his face from all the slobber.

3 years later...

Silver walks around the snowy mountains, wearing his boxers and black scarf like always, looking for his target. He sniffs the air to find his target easier, but nothing was found. He quickly hears some footsteps from his right ear with his sensitive hearing. Quickly, he runs to the location where the footsteps were heard. Once he arrives, there is nothing but the scent of his target left behind.

"Ice Dragon Roar!" Glacione uses his breath attack against Silver's back. Silver quickly turns around and sees the light blue swirl full of sharp, broken ice. Smirking at the Dragon, he quickly dodges it, making his way behind Glacione. The Ice Dragon wonders he went, looking around for the boy. Silver jumps up in the air, pulling his fist back ready to strike.

"Ice Dragon Diamond Fist!" Silver's fist turns into ice and aims for the back of Glacione's head. The Dragon didn't expect the hard punch from Silver's fist. Then, Silver disappears from Glaicone's sight.

"Come out, Silver!" Shouting at Silver, Glacione looks around his surroundings but cannot find a dark blue haired boy.

"I'm right here!" Silver shouted at him while standing on top of a mountain with his arms crossed. Glacione sharply turns his head to a mountain where his voice came from. "Ice Dragon's Iceberg!" He summons a large blue circle underneath Glacione, a large iceberg appears on top of the Dragon. It collides with Glacione's entire body causing him to fall. Glacione's shock to see that Silver has so much Magic Power in him. Glacione gets up from the ground, acting like nothing happened.

"You have to hit me harder if you want to take me down completely." Chuckling at Silver who cringes his face in anger. Silver's cracks his knuckles, preparing himself to attack Glacione.

"Ice Dragon's Spikes!" A bunch of sharp icicles comes towards Glacione, aiming for his neck. "Ice Dragon's Wing Attack!" Attacking from a different location and this time he aims for his wings. Silver runs to a the ground, attacking from a different range. "Ice Dragon's Stomp!" Silver stomps his right foot on the ground, freezing the surface under where Glacione is standing, freezing his legs to the ground. Finally, he strikes one last move, hoping that all of these attacks combined will take down Glacione. "Ice Dragon's Freezing Arrow!" Silver creates a bow and arrow, pulling the arrow back, striking at Glacione's face.

Glacione didn't expect all of these attacks that takes up too much Magic Power from Silver. All of the attacks strike Glacione on different parts of his body that Silver planned. Then he collapse to the ground, breathing heavily and smiling at Silver who is running towards him. "Well... done... Silver."

"I hope that I didn't hurt you that much." Concerned about his exhausted father. Silver sits down next to Glacione, smiling to himself that he finally knows how to use Ice Dragon Slaying Magic properly. Glacione gets up, letting his wounds heal themselves.

"I'm very proud of you my boy!" The Ice Dragon gives him a proud smile. Silver smiles back, blushing a bit. They go back to their cave, finally going to sleep after a long day. "Rest for now."

"Goodnight, dad." Silver snuggles his head in his black scarf, dozing off to sleep. Glacione waits until Silver goes to sleep so he can go meet someone. Glacione heads out of the cave and flies into the sky to find this specific someone.

A different location...

Glacione leaves the snowy mountains to a place where it's more dry and greener. He arrives to the destination, late at night, waiting for someone. Glacione picks up the scent and the footsteps, turning around to see but there was nothing.

"Looking for me?" A deep voice says to the ice dragon. The voice gets closer and closer to Glacione. Out of nowhere, the mysterious figure attacks Glacione with a fire breath attack, then tackling him to the ground. Glacione is pinned to the ground by a dragon on top of his back.

"Igneel!" Glacione shouted at the fire dragon who happens to be Igneel, the Fire Dragon King.

"Fight back, ice brains!" Igneel chuckled at Glacione, his long time rival. These two Dragons have a long history between each other, fighting over who is the better Dragon King or which Magic is stronger.

"Get off of me, flame breath!" Glacione shouted, struggling to get out of his position. Igneel gets off of him, clashing their heads together, insulting each other. They break their fight so they can talk about something serious. "Why did you want me to meet you here?"

"The both of us know that we have been training Dragon Slayers for years." Igneel starts off. "I think it's time, Glacione."

Glacione widens his eyes, shock to hear Igneel say that. Knowing what he is talking about, Glacione nods his head in agreement. "When?"

"Tomorrow, on July 7, X777." Igneel replied. "I don't want to do it either, but we don't want them to become a monster like Acnologia."

"Alright then. On July 7, X777 we will enter the Dragon Slayers' bodies via Secret Dragon Slayer Art." Glacione finally agrees to Igneel's idea.

"I already told the other Dragons to enter their Dragon Slayer's bodies on the same day." Igneel informed. "Hopefully one day, the Dragon Slayers will meet each other. Especially ours."

"Until then, I'll see you when my boy meets yours." Glacione says his final words to Igneel. Igneel nods in agreement, smiling at him. The two Dragons fly away and go back to their homes where their sons are waiting for them.

Back home...

Glacione returns back to the cave where Silver is sleeping. He stares at Silver, thinking about all the fun things they did together. Glacione lets one tear escape his eye, turning into a frozen tear, hitting the ground and breaking into pieces just like his heart. Glacione takes a deep breath before using the Secret Dragon Slayer Art to enter the Dragon Slayer's body. Glacione uses the spell, finally entering inside Silver's body, early in the morning on July 7, X777.

"Thank you, Silver." Glacione vanishes as he says his final words to Silver.

Silver wakes up, rubbing his eyes from the bright sun. Glacione is nowhere to be found, Silver walks around the cave and outside, searching for him. "Glacione! Where are you?!" Silver shouted, still looking for his dragon/father. "Dad!"

Silver continues to run around, going up on mountains to find a large ice dragon. After a few hours of searching, Silver gives up and goes back in the cave. He packs up all of his stuff, leaving the cave and snowy mountains so he can search for his missing father in the real world

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