
Chapter 169: Acnologia’s POV

A/N: Here you go folks the last chapter for the time being from the Dragon's Perspective. Hope you guys liked it and hopefully have more when I return.

I'll probably rest for the majority of December or all of it before returning to write again on 169. Hopefully you guys have a very nice day and merry christmas in advanced!


Chapter 169: Acnologia's POV

~Acnologia POV~

Approaching the island that had the biggest amount of Magic Power within this puny land I decided violence to wake me up.

Flying towards the island I expected them to fear before my might till a recognizable scent enraged me to no end…

A Dragon.


Growling letting my anger show the dragon soon came to me although not one I was familiar with…

This one smelt different.

Unnatural and challenging defiant.

The one dressed in man's form began to confront me growling for such a weakness wishing – 



In a second or instant, the disdain for that lesser dragon shifted my attention to one of danger as my senses sharpened recognizing a threat glaring at the figure soon casting a barrier around us noticing my Magic Power weakened instantly.

Noticing that awful attempt of cutting off my Magic I growled hatefully disdain echoing through my voice, "What are you…"

Instead of answering changing into a golden form only responded by finishing an incantation chant in whispers listening to the name of the spell, "<Mana Zone: Sword Magic – Unlimited Blade Works>."


Soon enough we were no longer in the sky but within a realm not one I'm familiar with and yet one that my senses told me of danger…


Inhaling a large amount of Magic within the air regaining my strength I began to roar out unleashing my battle cry at the figure who dared to challenge me the King of Dragons, "ROOOOOAR!!!"


Unleashing my <Arcane Dragon's Roar> at the man he soon brought out a weapon by name unleashing a magic unlike I felt before in a swift slashing motion that my instincts roared at me to evade, "Balmung."



Noticing pain in my body my eyes widen slightly greeting a sight I'm scratching penetrating my skin if I hadn't avoided on time…

My blood…

I grinned at this…

My eyes now avert my attention to the dragon figure soon raising his hands as the blades within this realm follow to his command, "Come Incursio Tyrants!!"





My grin only widened more seeing the swords transformed into more dragons number of them laughing in such glee killing these dragons again, "AHAHAHAHA!!!!"

My laugh echoed in excitement of such a warm-up both my fists igniting in Arcane Magic asking again this time curious against an infinitely Magic-Powered foe, "I'll ask again… what are you exactly? A bug trying to –"





My instincts yelled at me as the dragons launched towards me more that blade emerged within this zone screaming at me to avoid or…


<Arcane Dragon's Spirit Explosion>!

Unleashing my body I thrust my arms releasing my Arcane Dragon Slayer Magic creating a blue explosion to destroy any nearby spirits Magic immediately incinerated the blades and Dragons in an instant sensing the shock in his eyes.

What's wrong worm?

Never met your better before?

Yet my eyes narrowed to him using a card vanishing as I could sense his emotions of excitement finally responding, "Hahahaha… I didn't think I would be this outclassed against you. But damn I'll make sure to annoy you."

The gull of this human arrogance…

He thinks he has a chance while many others failed to have done any damage but for a mere human to scratch me that's the highest compliment he'll ever receive in this life.

Waving his arms down multiple spears, axes, halberds, and swords soon emerged glaring at the human smelling the weapons as he spoke confidently, "In that case how about this? From what I know Dragons can harm Dragons right? They don't have to be alive for that work so how about weapons made out of their remains."




Releasing a volley of weapons at me in multiple directions flying to avoid the attacks I glared hatefully at the human.

Noticing a giant Magic Circle forming underneath us I can sense my Magic Power from before seems to be shorter…

This realm must be the cause.

A realm to summon and materialize Dragon bones into weapons, materializing blades into dragons, and in a realm where he assumes to be a god?



Building up my Magic Power seeing the blades come around me in omnidirectional no means to escape I'll teach this human the difference in our power, "<Arcane Dragon's Brilliant Supernova>!"


Releasing a bigger field of Magic Power before my exploding everything to ash leaving nothing in its wake causing this very dimension of his to shake against my power and soon everything to nothing –


My eyes widen witnessing an impossibility as my <Arcane Dragon's Brilliant Supernova> was simply absorbed no…

Eaten from the human within the armor as the attacks evaporated the weapons but I couldn't help but…


I laughed at such a human in a deep menacing sound emanating from my throat in pure malice of what he become igniting my hatred for their kind, "Hahahaha…. You became a Dragon Slayer not just anyone but… an Arcane Dragon Slayer…"

The man soon produced Arcane Magic within his fist rushing at me with multiple clones appearing all having the same Magical Power as they all rush in, "<Arcane Dragon's Iron Fist>!!!!!"


However, they all managed to land a hit on my chest but I feel nothing from his puny attacks.

He lacks the power to make it work. And I hate pretenders swiping them all away into erasure in a disdainful tone, "Begone faker… <Arcane Dragon's Spirit Destroyer>…."



Swiping my claw in concentrated Arcane Dragon Slayer Magic merely swatted the boy like a bug effectively erasing his Magic as the armor to my surprise vanished without a trace any longer living.


The boy without his armor just lost his shield inside a crater that I swiped him spitting out blood but <Arcane Dragon's Spirit Destroyer> is a move I created to destroy the target use of ever using that Magic ever again evident with the shock on his face realizing he lost his trump card against me.

I only ever created that spell against Dragon destroying their specialized Magic and spirit killing them instantly although there were few that managed to live but forever crippled by the blow but him living is a surprise.

But his armor must have contained a Dragon spirit within, so it took the full brunt ending the dragon instantly along with its body. That would be the only logical thing how he could survive from my attacks.

Soon though he began to mutter creating hand signs having enough of his foolishness as he announces something sensing a shift of change of his power summoning the power of shadows familiar to Curse Power than Magic Power in a serious tone, "Shit! Plan B it is then…. Time to pull a Sukuna. With this treasure, I summon… <Eight-Handled Sword Divergent Sila Divine General Mahoraga>!!!!"



Unleashing a creature from the shadows soon took the form emerging itself is a towering, muscular humanoid figure with four wings protruding from its eye sockets and a tail-like appendage extending from the back of its head. Hovering just above this is a large eight-handled wheel.


Clenching my fist preparing to counter as the Curse of one of Zeref's Demons lingered I grew annoyed unleashing a powerful fist attack in return full of anger, "<Arcane Dragon's Iron Fist>!!!"


Clashing against this Mahoraga it soon died instantly –


Narrowing my eyes at the thing soon regenerated – no adapted.

It adapted to my attacks roaring at me in a vain attempt to attack rushing at me but I coldly smirked at this thing…

Demon or whatever it made of Curse Power…

Sadly, I'm a hard counter against Zeref's little demon parade as I – 



Devouring the creature I can easily devour Curse Power as can Magic Power with ease eating the wheel on its head effortlessly with no issue crunching it through my rows of teeth.



Not bad for a light snack.

Gazing at the man paled seeing that his plan B failed I grinned wickedly as this man's attempts to kill me failed spectacularly.

Yet he did amuse me so that amounts to a quick death.


Charging straight after the human with no more defense he began to bring out a shield incanting his words as I charged straight in for the kill in a satisfied tone, "<Arcane Dragon's Absolute Destruction Fist>!!!"




Forming what seemed to be a shield summoning a castle I attacked it with my might demonstrating the difference between us as the realm within began to crack unable to contain my strength for long.

Yet to my surprise though the shield was left standing completely unharmed only angering me further as I slammed my attack to the nearby wall instead.



Making a dent to his prideful sphere capturing me alerting him he conjured a strange Magic Circle beneath me as – Ack!


Suddenly I fell to my knees losing strength shock at what occurred glaring at the human wanting to barf my meals, "Gugh…. Human what did –"



Without hesitation, the human swung his blade at my weakest causing me to scream in pain from the attack…


My eyes widen enraged but my body refuses to listen to me as my Dragon form can barely stand from this magic circle causing me to feel sick…

What sorcery kind of Magic is this human using?!!

I've never experienced this moment of weakness in my life – ack!!


He merely began to cut me apart piece by piece drawing blood bathing in it as if he wanted something I growled having enough in irratation, "You Humans are dead!!!

This utter humiliation that is Human has dared upon to me the Dragon King!



However, his next actions confused me as he stabbed himself along with the blade used to harm me?!

Is he truly a fool I'm facing?!!

This utter humiliation and he chooses the coward's way out by suicide!!!

Witnessing a crimson blood gem shining as he drank my blood as sparks of unknown power filtered through I growled hatefully at this!

Ignoring the shining glow of his chest it was time I showed this human the difference in power once and for all entering to my 50% full power in a serious tone, "<Arcane Dragon King's Mode>!!"

His eyes widen in shock unleashing my full power against this vermin bleeding profusely on his body and unleashing my roar shattering his world for good in defiance, "<Arcane Dragon King's Roar>!!!"



Witnessing the end near he began to couple together the palm of his hands unleashing all of his Magic Power shining red light between the palms of his hand and thrusting them outward unleashing his attack full force in an attempt to stop me, "Shit!!! Damn it…!!! <X10 Kamehameha>!!!!"


Unleashing his beam against mine I was momentarily surprised witnessing the clash between the two-colliding causing his world to break faster in an attempt to defeat me as the beam came closer to me and yet…


The beam struggle between the two is clear…

Mine was growing stronger as his glowing form soon ended expression of defiance even in the face of the end bitterly struggling to one.

The only main factor was this.

He was too weak.




Breaking through his realm and launching him towards the island I glared hatefully watching him crash into the beach of an island listening to the cries of people on the land.


"No… how…"

"No!! No you can't just…"

"Wait look above is that…!!"

"No don't face that Dragon!!!"

"Wait the Dragon is actually bleeding…."

My eyes glared hatefully at the group of people seemingly caring about the bug that should've been vaporized by my attack and yet…

A part of me smiled seeing his damaged body but very much alive…

Perhaps he could give me a challenge seemingly how these people are mourning for him.


I recognized that man before as he gave me a good form of entertainment and opened my jaws ready to end this.

Destroy everything he loves once and for all.

That should motivate him to seek after me wanting revenge and daring to humiliate me for the last time.

Silva Knight is his name eh…

I'll try to remember it if he does come after me.





Unleashing a <Arcane Dragon's Roar> on the island wiping it off the face of this land creating large splashes of waves in its wake.

I have a feeling that human would make it out alive.

A panging gut feeling and my dragon instincts telling me that human managing to harm and humiliate me to this extent would live.

Very stubborn to die that one is.



Flapping my wings and turning around to leave this brief fight against that human left me as much entertainment as he could despite how he humiliated me.


Assuming he even lives after my attack if he lives then I would surely seek a battle worth entertaining…

And if not…

He simply died being too weak to challenge me the Dragon King of Magic.

Not bothering anymore noticing the wounds on my body where he slashed me, I'm hoping that he survives so I can repay him tenfold.


Eating the air around me healing me I flew off searching for the next prey for me to find.
