
Chapter 1, Faceless Killer


A fast uppercut was landed on a burly man with no hair, he had leather armor and was in a gladiator arena, Wooden spikes on a stone wall. You could see a throne with a old man sitting upon it and nobles also sitting at the top of the wall.

The man who delivered the uppercut, quickly delivered a punch to the cut and jumped away. He had a robe on and leather armor over it, his face was hidden by the robe and a steel mask. His contestant ran towards him and tried to deliver a punch to which the agile man dodged and uppercut him once again knocking him out.

"MATCH OVER, WINNER FACELESS KILLER!" A man who was beside the king yelled.

The robed man then walked towards a open gate and left. A couple more matches passed and he announced a free for all, with all of the gladiators.

In the middle of a match, the robed man was fighting a burly man with a buzz cut one on one, the buzz cut man threw a wide right hook to which the robed man dodged a punched him in the brace knocking a few teeth out, the buzz cut man then side stepped and threw a left jab, the man blocked it and punched him in the chest.

The robed man stepped forward right in the buzz cut man's face, he then continuously threw jabs at his chest and stomach knocking him out.

The robed man found a new opponent which was a bare chested man….

Thirty minutes later two men surrounded him, one had steel armor and the other had leather armor with no chest plate, he had a sword that he picked up from a dead gladiator and cut open the leather man's chest the turned towards the steel armored man and threw the sword at his face then grabbed his arm and threw him other his shoulder, he caught his sword and stabbed the man in his neck.

This continued until a tall burly man, standing 8 feet tall with armor fully covering his body and only a small gap for his neck, his armor was dark black with gold stripes and steel skulls on his shoulders, he had a golden skull as a belt with dark red crystal eyes. He had a large war hammer with skulls on it. He jumped off the ground leaving cracks and raised his hammer.

"YOU LOOK LIKE A WORTHY OPPONENT, FIGHT ME!" He yelled as he slammed down on the robed man, laughing manically. The robed man dodged the attack and jumped on his back grabbing his helmet and ripping it off, he stabbed into the man's head and jumped away scanning his surroundings for more enemies.

He saw a slim, muscular man with dual sabers, he had a steel helmet in the shape of a cowboy hat, not suiting the purpose to protect him unless they hit him over the head. He had this crazy gaze in his eyes and he was trembling in joy, he suddenly ran with immense speed cracking the floor below him. In half a second he was starring into the robed man's eyes, or what supposedly was, and cut at his shoulders with his sabers. The robed man kicked the man and jumped backward, avoiding the strike. He then threw a rock that was inside his robe and jumped forward, no cracks were on the floor, nor was the wind blowing, but he arrived at the crazy man's location in a millisecond and cut off his head that was unprotected.

The crazy man's head flew off and the robed man looked too his right where a battle between the last contestants in the free for all were fighting. The three gladiators were giants, standing at 7 feet tall. They were in a circle carefully watching each other, unlike their burly bodies, they were swift and agile. They each had a huge weapon, a great sword, a battle axe, and a club with spikes.

None of them made a move and stood there with extreme patience knowing that whoever moved first would instantly die. Although you did not need to kill each other, as knocking them out would make you win the battle. Nobody would like enemies because outside of the ring you would most likely be assassinated. Also it would be too much of a hassle to knock them out and killing would be muck faster.

Out of nowhere one of the giants fell over and on his back was the robed man with his sword stuck into his heart. The robed man was watching them carefully and saw that this giant was the strongest so he took him out.

As soon as the giant fell over the two others started fighting, but also watching the robed man closely. The man sat there watching them fight and then disappeared, he appeared above them with two knives and stabbed them in the head before they could react.

"WINNER, FACELESS KILLER!" The man next to the king announced as the noble's cheered. All of the nobles, except some of the new nobles, or nobles from other kingdoms, placed their bets on him. The new nobles or the ones from other kingdoms places their bets on the strongest looking gladiator.

The robed man once again left the arena and walked through the gate.
