
Chapter 1

Fear was a person who lived up to her name. She was afraid of many things, like her fear of the dark(it wasn't the darkness that she fear, no it was what could be inside the darkness that she was afraid of), she was afraid of heights, the fear of being alone, and there were many others. But what people didn't know about Fear was that even though she was afraid of different things in her life, she still tried to face those fears. Like her fear of heights, even though she is afraid of high places, she would still try to suck it up and just plow through her struggles. Or like her fear of being alone, even though she was afraid of being alone the rest of her life and not being able to find someone special, she still tried her best to find that special person. She would tell herself "that even though she was alone, she wasn't truly alone since she still had her family and friends that she could rely on and go to for help or comfort."

I know people in life have many struggles or fears in our lives, like maybe we're afraid to take that next step in our lives, or maybe we're afraid to make a commitment to something or someone. But whatever it may be, we need to face those fears head on like Fear did and it doesn't have to be all in one go, we can take baby steps, as long as it will get us to where we need to be and face those fears. You also have to remember that your not facing those fears alone, you can seek help or support through your friends and family. And if that's not an option, you can always seek help through professional help. I just want to leave with you guys by saying that I know life can be hard or scary, but in order to get rid of those fears, we gotta say to those fears, "F-off!". lol Anyways, just wanted to say I hope everyone stays safe and healthy. Also to keep strong and you can get through anything. 😊

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