

Supreme Royal Mage Alzer Volheim was a powerful mage that practises dark magic secretly. One day, he’s exposed and gathered the wrath of public. Many bounty hunters hunted him and he died from the hands of his own friend. However, he didn’t expect that the heaven gave him another chance to live again for the second time. This is the tale of a great demonic mage who coldly schemes against the world to surpass his previous life’s power and reach the level of deity. *** (Author’s Note: English is my second language so there are many grammatical errors in my story.)

iGreyed · แฟนตาซี
12 Chs


20 minutes later, an uproar swept through the illusory world. The Demon had another victim, and the latter's condition is worser than his previous victims. This news inevitably made them cautious and careful, afraid that they would encounter that person. At the same time, the rumor of Demon fighting against the Vincent Bluefire also spread like wildfire. Of course, many people don't believe in such rumor. Afterall, the young scion of the Bluefire Family had already reached the second level of Mortal rank. How could Demon, a mere first level Mortal rank Mage fight against that existence. However, even if they don't believe that rumor, they still became even more cautious. Being extra careful did no harm.

Meanwhile, at the camp of Prince Charles' group, there was a man covered in bandage. Surrounding him were people who supposed to be his company. The one leading them was the golden-haired man, Prince Charles Dawnlight.

As Charles saw Zach full of bandage, he was full of concern. "Are you okay now?"

Zach nodded. "Yes, prince. The medicine that you gave me was truly miraculous. I didn't expect to receive this much honor, Your Excellency. I just needed to rest for a day then I'll be okay tomorrow."

"Well, that's good." Charles heaved a sigh of relief. "Now can you tell me what happened?"

"As you wish, Your Excellency," said Zach. Then, he proceeded to tell the consequent story. Of how he met Alzer; of how he was tortured in the cave; or the battle of Alzer and Vincent which verified the rumors. Of course, Zach made him more evil like Alzer was the God of Hell itself. He exaggerated many details but still make it somewhat believable.

As the group of people heard the details, they opened their mouth widely in shock. They didn't expect Demon to be so ruthless. At the same time, they were even more shocked when they heard about the battle between the two.

Unfortunately, because Zach left early, he didn't know how the battle ended.

After telling the very exaggerated story, Zach knelt down and said, "Your Excellency, I'm begging you to punish him because of his sins. I don't want him to harm other people. Please suppress him with all your might."

"Alright, alright. Please just lay down and rest, I'll do something about it." Charles sighed as he rubbed his forehead.

Zach nodded and laid down. Finally, Charles stared at the group behind him, before closing his eyes. Suddenly, an idea struck him and his expression turned complicated. "There's only about an hour left before the exam ends, am I right?"

"That's right, Your Excellency." the group of people said in unison.

"If that's the case then I have a plan. Didn't Alzer only have 9 points? Since that's the case he wouldn't be able to pass the test. To save all of you from his grasp, transfer all of your points to me so that when he heard the news, he will hunt down other groups. When there's only 5 minutes remaining, I'll return all of your points." said Charles. The other Demon's victims were member of his group. It didn't take long for him to realize that Demon was intentionally making trouble to his group. As long as he get all the points, then Alzer would have no choice but to diver his target to others. In truth, Charles could just gather all people in this group so that they could guard against Demon. However, it has a big flaw. He heard from others that Demon's affinity is lightning element. He knew just how troublesome a Lightning Mage is. Its speed and power were both top-notch. A person like him could cast a powerful Area-of-effect spell and many people will be wounded. Then with his speed, he could take advantage of the chaos and catch new victims. That's why he was confident that this solution is flawless without doubt.

When his company heard about his plan, they stared at each other and nodded. Indeed, they could just hand over their points to their leader so that they wouldn't be a victim. His plan was indeed flawless. After thinking of this, they all transfered their points. One could see a shiny blob of light coming out from their tattooed wrist. They floated on the air before they entered Charles' tattooed wrist. Immediately, his points drastically increased.

Charles heaved a sigh of relief and smiled. With this, Demon would have to catch victims from other group. Honestly, he really felt sorry for the other group. He really didn't want to make the other group Demon's next victim. But he was helpless as well. He didn't have any power to do anything. He's just a leader of a fifty or so people. He didn't have a control of the entire illusory world.

Even though he was a prince, his father was strict and didn't allow unfairness. That's why there's no power bestowed upon him to cheat in this exam. In fact, he didn't even need to cheat for he was the strongest in this exam. He was a third level Mortal rank Mage. Actually, he could fight Demon himself. But Demon's lightning element is a problem. He knew that once they burst out all their power, their speed could even match a fourth level Mortal rank Mage.

"Hmm…why didn't you transfer your prince to His Excellency?" Charles snapped back to reality when he heard this. He stared at the person who said. Then shifted his gaze to a person in black robe.

"I'm asking again. Why didn't your transfer your points to His Excellency? Do you not trust him?" the person said with interrogative tone towards the gloomy person in black robe.

"What is happening here," Charles asked, walking to the young man that interrogated the black-robed young man.

"Your Excellency. I saw that there's no light coming out from his wrist. It was obvious that he didn't trust you."

"Is that so?" Charles frowned as he shifted his gaze at the gloomy black-robed young man.

The black-robed young man slightly curled the side of his lips, sneering, "Why do you ask, Your Excellency? Who knows if you don't return our points. Then we will be eliminated and our future will be bleak."

"What did you just say? You bastard—" the young man became enrage and wanted to him, but then Charles stopped him.

"I don't break people's trust," Charles replied.

"Oh really? Either way, your decision hoarding all the points yourself is bad idea." the black-robed young man shook his head as he sneered.

Charles shrank his pupils, obviously not knowing what part of his decision was a bad idea. If it's about hoarding the points then it was somewhat a bad idea. But he was not a thief. And he'll naturally return the points later. "I don't know what you're talking about but if it's about hoarding the points. Don't worry I'm not thief."

"Keke, of course you're not. However, I'm warning you. If you really follow this plan you'll regret this later and you'll experience the deepest depth of hell." Saying this, the black-robed young man walked out from the scene and sat on the nearby tree.

"Your Excellency, that bastard is cursing you! I really want to beat him up and let him taste the meaning of despair!" the young man earlier said with anger.

"Don't let your anger control you. It's just an insult, and we don't need to solve problems with violence." Charles shook his head and denied his permission.

However, he sank into deep thought and carefully checked all the flaws. However, he just couldn't see what will make him regret this later. Charles finally heaved a sigh of relief and relaxed. It seems the young man earlier was just scaring him.

For those who are confused, the black-robed young man isn't Alzer.

iGreyedcreators' thoughts