
Chapter 11 Sister Xiu'er's Three Fresh Meat Dumplings

"Zhao Yang, I didn't think you could ever be bashful," Zhang Xiuer teased.

"That... this..." Zhao Yang cursed inwardly, labeling his stomach a true traitor.

"Stop that stuttering. Come on over, Sister just boiled some dumplings, and they're still steaming hot."

Seeing Zhao Yang hesitating, Zhang Xiuer walked over, grabbed Zhao Yang's hand, and pulled him towards the door.

Just as they were about to reach the door, Zhao Yang suddenly pulled his hand away. Zhang Xiuer turned back in surprise, only to hear Zhao Yang say, "Sister Xiu'er, I can walk on my own."

Zhang Xiuer knew that Zhao Yang was concerned about the impression it might give; although modern society had grown increasingly accepting towards widowed women, the village's mindset was comparatively backward and could give rise to gossip and rumors.

Moreover, considering the few men in the village who were secretly looking to take advantage of Zhang Xiuer, if they saw her getting too close to Zhao Yang, they might see an opportunity and take excessive actions.

Humanity, being such complex creatures, can be limitless in their malice when they choose to indulge in it.

Zhang Xiuer didn't expect Zhao Yang to be so thoughtful. She smiled, revealing her teeth, and her fondness for Zhao Yang grew a bit more.

The two arrived at Zhang Xiuer's home one after the other, and upon entering, Zhao Yang saw two plates of steaming hot dumplings.

"Zhao Yang, Sister Xiu'er was boiling dumplings for you. When I heard noise next door, I thought about checking it out, but I was worried the dumplings might lose their taste. By the time I had served them out, you had already chased Li Xingmao away," explained Zhang Xiuer.

Zhao Yang smiled faintly and said, "It's alright, Sister Xiu'er. In this world, it's only men who protect women, never women who protect men. Don't stick your neck out for my business; if you try to help, it might backfire on you. If I really can't handle it, just help me call the police. Remember my words, never intervene on your own, alright?"


Zhang Xiuer, looking into Zhao Yang's eyes, felt increasingly that he had really grown up, and had developed a more masculine presence, a casual air that even her late husband, Li Ping, didn't possess.

This feeling was utterly captivating, and Zhang Xiuer found herself, perhaps, a bit ensnared.

Having gone without a man for three years was difficult for her, and as for the dogs of men in the village, she utterly despised them and couldn't even stand the sight of them.

Only with Zhao Yang did she feel he wanted nothing from her, just simply wished to look out for her. Only such a man would she not guard against and be willing to get close to.

"I'm going to start eating, I love Sister Xiu'er's meat and three-delight dumplings the most!"

Zhao Yang plopped down at the table, poured some vinegar on a plate, picked up a bowl, and started eating.

"Mmm, delicious!"

Zhao Yang couldn't stop praising. He hadn't savored this taste in three years.

The month Zhang Xiuer married into Li Ping's family, in order to bond with the neighbors, she specially brought some dumplings over to Zhao Yang's home. Zhao Yang devoured two plates all by himself; just the thought of it made his mouth water.

At that time, Zhao Yang thought to himself, damn, in the future he'd also marry a woman like Sister Xiu'er, beautiful and an excellent dumpling maker.

Later on, Zhao Yang often mooched meals at Li Ping's home, but back then, being young, he was utterly respectful towards his sister-in-law, Zhang Xiuer. Now, however, that sense of reverence had somewhat faded.

Zhang Xiuer's words, "not a stranger," lingered in Zhao Yang's mind from time to time. This time, Zhao Yang truly didn't see himself as a stranger, finishing every dumpling on the table set for two.

"How is it? Isn't Sister's cooking skills impressive?" Seeing Zhao Yang eating so heartily made Zhang Xiuer very happy. In these three years, living alone, she hardly had the heart to even cook, much less make dumplings.

"It smells so good!" Zhao Yang, having eaten his fill, glanced at Guangguang's empty plates and said somewhat sheepishly, "Sister, it seems you haven't eaten yet."

"No worries, there's still some left on the stove," Zhang Xiuer responded with a smile.

"Ah, then I can rest assured." Full and content, Zhao Yang stood up, patted his butt, and said, "Sister Xiu'er, once I bring my dad back, you should come over to our house for dinner tonight!"

"You go and fetch your dad first," Zhang Xiuer said with a smile.

"Alright, I'm off then!"


With the money the impotent man had given him last time, Zhao Yang had enough left over after buying the alcohol to afford a long-distance bus ticket.

Holding a small jar of alcohol, Zhao Yang took the bus to the County Forestry Bureau.

He knocked on the door of the director's office, and right after his knock, he heard hurried footsteps inside. In the blink of an eye, the impotent man flung the door open in haste.

"It really is you, come in quickly and take a seat!" Yang Wei's face bloomed into a smile, and Zhao Yang though to himself that this fellow was in quite a rush, not the kind of person to achieve great things.

No sooner had Zhao Yang stepped inside, than Yang Wei peeked out into the hallway before closing the door.

"Brother, you really keep your word. I just issued the documents this morning, and you've come by the afternoon!"

Yang Wei eyed the jar of alcohol in Zhao Yang's hand, rubbing his hands together excitedly: "Is this what you've prepared for me?"

"Yes, it's the Qiang Shen Jiu I've carefully brewed myself, for you." Zhao Yang pushed the jar of alcohol forward, and without a second word, Yang Wei immediately took it.

"Right, I should remind you, this liquor is potent. You can only drink a small cup at a time. If there's no reaction immediately, it indicates that your kidney yang is severely deficiency. In that case, keep drinking it for a few days, three days at most, and you'll see results. Actually, with kidney yang deficiency, there's 'deficiency' and 'excess.' 'Deficiency' simply means impotence, which will be effective after drinking. If it's 'excess,' it won't work so fast. You should know, kidney deficiency doesn't happen in a day, and it can't be adjusted in a day either. You mustn't drink too much at once, you got it?"

"I understand, I understand, Brother Zhao, I'm more and more convinced you're a real master!" Yang Wei said sincerely, "I have no idea how someone of your age could know so much."

"It's nothing."

Zhao Yang thought to himself if he didn't even know this basic knowledge, wouldn't that be nonsense?

"Brother Zhao, we came to know each other through conflict, and now we're friends, right?" Yang Wei's demeanor was pleasant, and he seemed more affectionate than seeing his own father when he saw Zhao Yang.

"Friends? I guess so." Zhao Yang glanced at Yang Wei and replied unenthusiastically.

You don't hit a smiling face. With his years of navigating the bureaucratic world, Yang Wei had mastered the nuances of phrasing. In such a situation, it was hard for Zhao Yang to refuse without seeming rude.

But as for someone like him, Zhao Yang wasn't planning on opening his heart.

"Since we're friends, I have a favor to ask. You must help me with this," Yang Wei said.

Here comes the trap!

The previous sentence about being friends was just a prelude to this request.

"Director Yang, I don't owe you anything now. I've given you the liquor, and whether I'll help you depends on if I feel like it," Zhao Yang said indifferently.