When you think everything's going well, the world will be publicizing his middle finger in your face. I lived a great life, a lovely family, great friends, a good job... I owned everything. Not only that, but I was also a writer... It was my hobby that I loved very much, as my novel “The Land of Survival” was a great success... Little did i realize at the time , that she would be the main reason for turning my life around, i was reincarnated inside my novel l, and worse than that........ inside the body of the much-hated villain frey. That failed villain who dies from the beginning. If a novel has 100 tracks, it will die in 99 of them... and I was not joking here. But who cares about it? I don't want this life... I've already owned everything... Spare me the second chances nonsense... Because one is enough for me.. Fu*k this world and fu*k the son of the b*tch who brought me here... I'm going back to my world... To my life... Whatever it takes.
"It is said that you will never realize the value of something until you lose it first."
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The ninth month, the Gregorian year 2026
Snow dodged a direct hit that would have ended his life thanks to his skill...
"No, that doesn't look good."
After a long battle, Snow reached his limits, and it can be said that the matter applies to his opponent as well, Both of them wanted to put an end to this battle.
I sprawled in my office chair after realizing I had spent several hours squashing my face into my PC screen.
For the past few hours, anyone passing through my room could have heard the clatter of a keyboard because today, unlike usual, words were pouring out.
However, when I finally regained my senses, I realized that it was already too late because the screen light was the only thing that lit up the room.
I took my phone out of my pocket and looked at the clock to find it was two in the morning.
"Seems like I pushed myself too hard today," I thought as I powered down my computer and collapsed onto my bed.
I quickly replied to the messages I had missed over the past few hours, mindlessly scrolling through my timeline and liking random posts before drifting off to sleep.
It wasn't until later that I realized my mistake, i had completely forgotten that today was my 25th birthday.
In the morning, it was no surprise that I couldn't manage to wake up on my own given how late I had stayed up. Fortunately, I wasn't startled awake, thanks to my mother's gentle shaking.
"Come on, get up. You're going to be late for work. Were you up writing that novel again? I've told you time and time again not to lose track of time like that," she scolded.
I slowly rose from my bed, half-listening to my mother's words as they entered one ear and went out the other. Truth be told, I didn't mind.
I could have easily set an alarm, but there was something comforting about having my mother wake me up instead. Sure, it might make me seem like a big kid, but I didn't care about anyone else's opinion anyway.
"Good morning,"
I greeted my mother, who continued to fuss about my tardiness as usual. She urged me to hurry up and get ready for work, which I promptly did.
After finishing my studies two years ago, I spent a full year searching for a job.
Eventually, I landed a good position at a reputable company, and now I find myself fully immersed in the working world after being a student for so many years.
As I'm still in my first year of employment, I definitely don't want to be late.
Once I had finished my daily routine and showered, I carefully selected my clothes and tried my best to match them with a sense of fashion. then headed downstairs to have lunch with my dad.
Our relationship was more than wonderful. How could it not be?
His eldest son had finished his studies and landed a good job, starting to build his own life. In his eyes, he couldn't ask for more, so the atmosphere at the lunch table was cheerful. It wasn't long before my younger brothers, who were still in school, joined us.
They were busy with their studies, but it was nice to catch up with them as well....
After some playful teasing, we piled into the car with my father, who gave each of us a ride. This time, I sat in the back with my two younger brothers, as my mother wanted to ride in the front.
I didn't mind the close-knit family atmosphere, as I had missed it during the years I spent studying away. While I could move out on my own at any time, I had no desire to do so. I wanted to savor these moments with my family while I still could.
"I love my life,"
I thought to myself, as I reflected on all the things that made me happy. I had a loving family, a fulfilling job, and wonderful friends with whom I shared countless memories. I wasn't drop-dead gorgeous, but I wasn't unattractive either, and that didn't bother me in the least. I felt content with what I had achieved and experienced so far. In fact, if I had the chance to live my life again, I would choose to live it the same way, without any regrets or second-guessing.
As soon as I pulled out my laptop, my younger brother leaned over my shoulder and bombarded me with questions. "Did you write a new chapter? What happened? Did the hero win? Did he use X-attack?" I couldn't help but smile at his enthusiasm, even though I knew what was coming next.
I had been through this situation many times before. Every time I wrote a new chapter of my story, my brother would be all over me, eager to know what happened next. I didn't mind it too much, but sometimes it felt like a burden to have to answer all his questions.
I remembered my father's approving look in the car's rearview mirror as he smiled at my brother's excitement. "Your brother really likes your story," he had said to me, and I knew it was true.
I laughed lightly and replied to my dad, "Well, I'm glad my biggest fan is my little brother." I gave my brother a pat on the head before turning my attention back to the narrative on my computer screen.
"Land of Survival"
was a novel that I started writing during my university days. It began as a hobby, but soon became an addiction as I found an outlet for my boundless imagination and wild ideas.
Writing this novel was something I enjoyed immensely, and my readers loved it too.
Despite the fact that the novel followed a typical storyline of demons invading the human world, it was well-received due to its portrayal of the hero's life inside an academy where magic and swordsmanship were taught, and the intricate relationships between the main characters..
Who wouldn't love a story filled with demons, magic, school life, and captivating personalities? Even I enjoyed writing it.
However, it remains just a hobby, which explains why it has taken me so long to finish. I started it many years ago, and my readers have been frustrated by the long wait between chapters.
Although this novel has earned me some good money, I don't want my life to depend on writing. My words are not infinite, but greedy readers always ask for more...
'Well you want more and I say go to hell'
This novel will end one day, but not now.
With those thoughts weighing heavily on my mind, I shut my laptop down. But before I could take a proper breath, a sudden, blinding light flooded my vision, causing me to flinch. In the next moment, everything vanished from my sight, and I was enveloped by darkness.
I tried to focus on my family, but I couldn't see them clearly. It was as if life had decided to play a cruel joke on me, just when everything was going well.
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9th month, year 2422 (300 years since the Catastrophe of the Gates)
Door opening sound
I heard light footsteps coming from far away before a gentle voice called me..
"Wake up… sir."
I slowly opened my eyes and slowly began to comprehend my situation, but only a few seconds before a bolt of lightning struck my head
and a severe headache hit me that made me clutch my skull involuntarily.
"Uh, what the hell is going on?"
I struggled to hear the reply from the same gentle voice.
"Lord Starlight, are you alright?"
I turned around automatically to find out the source of the voice, to find a beautiful girl with black hair and bright white skin, dressed in the clothes of maids that I only saw in the anime films that I used to watch, standing there in a respectful way, as if she was waiting for my command with features From contempt it was clearly visible from her eyes..
I slowly started to look around me and realized that she was standing far away because of the huge bed
I was sleeping in right now, should I call it a bed in the first place? I mean literally I could play soccer on this bed..
The room was really huge, the white marble floor you could see a faint trace of reflections on it, the high walls and the
ceiling decorated with modern lighting contrasted starkly with the rest of the objects.
I mean who the hell built this place? Imagine that you bring two people, one from the twenty-first century and the second from
the seventeenth century, and then you say to them 'Hey, will you build me a house?'
Well, the result will be something close to what I see in front of me now..
Of course, the room was equipped with all amenities and well-furnished, and I could see a desk in the corner of it..
Where am I in the world right?
I just remember that I was with my family in the car heading to work before I .. uh
Another wave of headache hit me that I had been suffering from ever since I woke up..
'Anyway I have to know where I am'
I removed the covers from my body and realized I was wearing a simple black and gray nightgown.
"Wait…my body?"
Glancing at my body I froze for a moment.. I mean is that my body in the first place?
Pale white skin and a flawless body without fat... I was certainly not fat in the past, but this did not prevent the presence of some flabs in my entire body... But this is far from my body..
All of a sudden it started getting more...
This was not lost on the maid, who was still standing like a statue at the side, as she quickly bent down to take a closer look at me.
"Your Excellency, are you okay? You have been acting strange since you woke up.."
he muttered slowly... Where am I? One of the Middle Ages plays?
"Wait… what did you call me before?"
Suddenly I realized something important and I had a bad feeling.
Hearing my question, the maid tilted her head to the side, "What did I call you? You mean your lordship?"
Seeing my situation, the maid was confused before muttering..."Excuse me sir, I may have made a mistake in the way I addressed your honor. Please excuse me."
Before she could finish her sentence, a shriek came from my side, "Stop talking nonsense and tell me the fucking damn name you called me!"
At this moment I could not control myself because of the panic attack with headache because I vaguely realized what had happened but still denied it...
But the maid's last words fell over my head like a bolt of lightning. .
The maid shivered in a shivering voice after my last shout and slowly muttered..."Lord Starlight"
I repeated the word more than once, in a trembling voice.
I'm dreaming isn't it? I mean your right? What position is this? Is it a prank? If it's a prank, it's not funny
Starlight... This title was mentioned in only one place... which is the land of survival
I leapt out of bed and asked the frightened maid where the nearest mirror was located.
She seemed confused by my urgent request and began to see me as a crazy, but she still managed to answer...
"There is a bathroom attached to your room, sir. It is through that door over there..."
Without waiting for her to finish, I dashed to the bathroom. As I opened the door, I was greeted by a luxurious space that could rival even the Queen of Britain's palace.
However, my focus was on the enormous mirror on the wall.
As I stood in front of it, my worst fear came to life.
I stared in disbelief at my reflection, seeing a face that was not my own. Terror gripped me as I slowly ran my hands over my unfamiliar features.
"Who are you?" I touched the mirror while I asked...
In front of me was a picture of a person with very black hair, although I was asleep a while ago, it still looked smooth, as if I had smoothed it a few moments ago, big black eyes, a flawless face, Except it wasn't my face.
I felt butterflies in my stomach, nausea hit me, and what made matters worse was the headache, which came back again and was stronger than ever, as if I had been put through a blender while I heard an emotionless voice beside my ear.
"Synchronization started"
"User memory settings"
"Fry Starlight"
Upon hearing the last words, I struggled to maintain composure, but my efforts were in vain as I let out a piercing scream before succumbing to a fainting spell. The pain I experienced was beyond what any human could endure.
'Fry Starlight'
This was one of the characters in my novel Survival Land And not just any character... but the most hated villain in the story... the villain who if a story has 100 tracks... He will die in 101 of them.