
Surprise Visit

I began to run away from the outskirts at full speed, I mean this guy would probably try to catch me with everything he has if I stood still, pride is a big thing for a criminal after all.

Plus I would probably get blacklisted from this specific black market but honestly I don't care, the Alden black market may be a big and prominent one, but it's not the biggest, far from that actually.

There is the "Shadow Nexus" market which is the biggest one on the internet and only accepts people they trust, but also the one of another country where it is way better to buy/sell as scamming there is almost like asking for death.

I ran for a while and even though I heard a sudden commotion behind me, indicating that they figured out that I tricked them, I eventually lost them after leaving to the center of the city.

"Hahahaha, this was great!" I exclaimed while looking at the sky.
