
Daemon's Item

I woke up, feeling refreshed, it had been a long day yesterday, and I was glad I got to cool down.


As I opened my eyes, I noticed that I was surrounded by the girls, their bodies pressed against mine, it was warm, and I couldn't help but smile, they were cute when they acted like this.


I carefully got out of bed and put on some clothes, then headed to the living room.


There were still some days before the end of the sky elves trip, and today would be the day where Daemon discovers the guardian'd location and acquires an item after beating the trials.


I have effectively stolen the best one, which is the orb of regeneration, so it means he's gonna gave to choose from the others available.


I sat on the couch and turned on the TV, it was the news channel, and I couldn't help but wonder how they even got those things here.

