

Hey it's Oliver here, for those who don't know me, my name is Oliver no last name my friends call me disgusting and my family place my worth below trash but that doesn't bother me because I have an overly optimistic facade and a strong will to avoid suicide, that was if I was still alive. But before we get to the to the talk about my personal death let's talk about how it all began.

Born in the 21st century as a privileged ungrateful scum, I was allowed to happily enjoy my 1st-world country benefits during my childhood without fear of war, death, poverty or anything that belonged to a developing country. My parents raised me like any other child would be raised and like any other child, I was introduced contact with people other than my family during mandatory recruitment to pre-workforce training or as some people would call it school.

In this hell hole, I realized something, I was a little different to other children, I wasn't the only one who realized this, others who did included my teachers and my parents so I did like any other child would and went to the local doctors to get a professional opinion and the results. Shocking.

On this very day I was told I had a gift, a superpower, that's right I was diagnosed with mild autism but I didn't let it bring me down I honed it like any other superhero does their superpower and the outcome, bullying and self-loathing. That wasn't the end of it all during the times of bullying I discovered an outlet that allowed me to express myself in a way people similar to I, those who are misunderstood because of their gifts, did.

Yes, if you guessed anime, games and manga you are correct because that's all that I did, play game, read manga and watch anime but don't worry I made plenty of friends, well online friends but these people truly understood me, my fellow otaku comrades.

A lot of people tread similar paths to my own also achieving a relationship status of married. Well to my waifu. But who would want these 3D imperfections when I myself could achieve far greater discovering removing a dimension actually made women better finally accomplishing 2D. These women are the epitome of greatness in both physical and intellectual thus my perfection has been achieved. Or so I thought but then I realized which 2D women would be the best. But before I could figure it out death struck me. Which brings us back to where we are today.
