5 Chapter 5

I scrambled for words at that moment. "Umm… my name is Amory Pierre, I am from Fort Lauderdale, and I like art," I said shyly. "That's is great!" Mrs. Lane said. "Aren't you this year's art scholar?" "Yes," I said quietly. I felt like everybody's eyes were on me. I just wanted to get over with it and have Mrs. Lane get onto the next person. I'm not an attention seeker, unlike Jamie. She is fun and outgoing and loves making everything about her. For example, when I had a ballet performance ( I can't believe I did that either) she decided to get on stage and dance that brought the crowd to a standing ovation. Mrs. Lane talked about what we will be doing in English as she passes the syllabus to everyone. "We will be primarily working on fixing your writing skills and how to make it more appropriate for your age," she said excitingly. I have always enjoyed the art of writing. I like how you can start from nothing, and evolve a character in so many ways to go on a journey, whether its a girl that is a vampire, or a guy that has family issues. I am open to all genres and go on an imaginary journey with them.

After passing around the syllabus, Mrs. Lane gave us our locks for our lockers. "Please make sure it is a good number combination, not just 1234," she said. I made mine as 2048 because I like the game. I know its stupid reasoning but the game is amazing. Sometimes there have been times where the reason why I didn't do homework the night before was because of 2048. But I usually give a lame excuse like " I forgot about it" or " I left it at home". Mrs. Lane sent us out of the classroom to find the locker with our name on it so we could go to the auditorium afterward. I luckily got the larger ones which I was excited about so I could fir all of my art supplies in. Mia wasn't so lucky. She got the small one and it was pretty far from the classroom as well. I offered her a part of my locker to share, but she declined. " I just bring a pencil and paper to school if I'm being honest," said Mia. We laughed together on our way to the auditorium and were in for a big surprise.

The moment I walk in the auditorium, all I hear were screams of joy as the upperclassmen were cheering us on, as black and white confetti and balloons came down upon our entrance. There was a big, scary-looking bulldog that was handing high-fives on our way to the seating area. "Welcome to St. Helen's!" said the students in perfect harmony. The screaming just absolutely destroyed my hearing. Once everybody some-what calmed down to a normal level, that was when Mr. Miller started talking.
