
Ch 3: Alluring Prospect

"Listen to me, in this world there is no high or low. Such was only made for arrogance. As for you, do not forget what I will say to you…"



"Stuffs like that happen, huh…"

"That is correct." Ylona cuffed her cup and stared at the bright windows. The sun had already set a few minutes ago and now, the bright moon awoke.

Ylona poured tea in her cup, erasing the silence with the teapot. "In that case, what was the important thing you must inform me?" Her eyes darted at Alpha.

"Are you perhaps not satisfied with what I informed?" Alpha asked.

"No, it was beneficial. But considering how you started, I realized something. You were the type of person to give additional news before going straight to the point. Just like our first meeting, you never actually had something important to tell me; technically I was only used as a conversation machine for you."

Giving this, Alpha showed a satisfied grin. "You are indeed interesting…."

"Don't dwell too much, I don't like you."


Moments passed, once again it was quiet. Ylona patiently waited for an answer but it seems like that woman won't give it so easily. "I will not allow a condition, if you won't tell, I'll take my leave."

"Too bad. I was hoping we'll make one, oh well."

"You really are prone to being annoying."

"What a coincidence someone also told me that."

"I hope that person is feeling the same way I did."

"Oh yes!" Alpha said. "It was as almost as if you two are one."

Ylona glared at Alpha for a while before continuing. "You're going to tell me or not?"

"Since you ask so nicely, I'll consider it. Unfortunately, what will I say may not excite you…" Alpha started.

"Whether it be good or bad, I won't care, as long as the information is valid, I'll consider," Ylona replied. Alpha nodded off in satisfaction as she knew Ylona will surely be interested.

"Alright then." Alpha continued. "You see, a few days ago, we have found something very interesting…" Then, she went closer to Ylona and whispered something in her ear.

"Are you serious?" Ylona asked Alpha. This time, not taking a joke from the woman.

"If I wasn't serious I wouldn't talk about it," Alpha said, putting down the glass. "I never spoke anything false in my whole life."

"You think I'll believe that?" Ylona asked.

"I was raised telling futures of people, Therefore I never lied. There are consequences you know.*"

Ylona believed Alpha, as she had witnessed it herself. "But how is that possible? It was long ago since..."

"That is what I also want to believe, but hearing that must mean something.."

"So what's your plan?" Ylona looked at Alpha.

"Well," Alpha spoke, standing from her seat. "I supposed we'll just have to go along the current."

- - - - - - -

"Today marks the second day of our examination that will determine who will be the next Royal Elites. 18 students have been eliminated and only 82 are left. Once again I congratulate every one of you who made it. Our second test focuses on the person's ability to hunt. Here on my hand is the main target of our test." Alpha raised a diamond shard with a daffodil-shade polarized glass as a centerpiece.

"As you can see, this object in my hand is divided into seven pieces placed in different directions. The goal is to find all the shards as well as the key. The key will help you escape the area and be declared a winner. Our timer is well set for 3 hours. Those who fail to complete the shards as well as to find the key will automatically be out.

"The second examination begins!" Suddenly, a magic circle appeared beneath every candidate in the field. The circle released a raging light that soon wrapped each student.

"Good luck." The light eloped their bodies until it disappeared as they head to their destination.

"Principal." Marie spoke. "Your drink has been prepared."

Alpha turned to Marie and smiled. "Good, I was feeling thirsty."

A few minutes passed and Alpha was already finished drinking the whole bottle. "Ahh, that was a good wine. Marie! Give me another bottle."

"Please refrain from over-drinking, principal. You're already at your third bottle." Marie consulted Alpha who continues to drink despite her friend's warning.

"Come on Marie, I will be fine. I have a high tolerance. I won't get drunk that easily."

"Still…" Marie sighed in dismay as she could do nothing but let the woman do what she pleases. While taking her time with her lovely wine, Alpha kept her eyes monitored on the screen in front of them. Five students were still unable to find the shards while some had already found several pieces of the target.

"They seem to get a lot better than last time." Marie complimented.

"Of course. These students are special…" Alpha replied as she continues to drink the wine. "How was the investigation? Has she found something?"

Marie shook her head no. "Based on her report, she hasn't found a single clue but she hoped in the next days, she'll find one."

"I do hope so as well…"

"What do really hope to find in there? The place had been abandoned for years. What will you find there rather than demolished buildings and molds?"

"Marie, you know what they say…There is always a gem in every dirt in the world. One just had to dig through the soil."

"Is there really a phrase like that?"

"Who knows? But it was a good one." Alpha smiled as she gulped another set of the wine. "Trust me on this. Whatever she may find in there, will benefit us a lot."

- - - - -

Ylona entered the test location and was on her way to look for the shards. Inside a willow tree, Ylona noticed a spark coming from one of the tree's branches. She jumped right at the branches and carefully walked till she saw a piece of the shard that she was looking for. One down, 6 more to go and she's off to the next step. She headed past the clear rivers and the near mountains, searching for another but found nothing. She then decided to go to the top.

When she reached the top of the mountain she noticed that there are poles located in different directions of the forest. The four pillars were in an unbalanced position—in Ylona's point of view. One on top of another mountain, one close to the shore, the other next to a purple willow tree, and the last one is located next to a cliff.

Ylona wondered about the purpose of the pillars but eventually reverted her mind to focus on finding the other shards. In a matter of time, she had found another one, underneath the dolomite sands. Ylona went on and decided to go to one of the pillars—she thought there might be clues in finding the rest of the shards, and just as she predicted, she found one hanging on the poles. 5 shards remain. Ylona wasted no time and quickly dash off the forest to collect the rest of her target.

On her way to find the rest of the shards, Ylona continued walking down the rocky road, with no attempt to stop. While taking her time, she heard a strange sound coming from above. She jumped towards the tree branches and suddenly encountered a huge bird coming flying above the skies. The bird is what they call a magpie*.

In Asteria, magpies are huge creatures who adore shiny objects. It is said in books that they are as big as a tree, commonly ranging from 2-3 meters high. (Compare to the usual magpies, the ones in this story are bigger than normal.) The magpie flew along with the strong current, almost outbalancing Ylona if it weren't for her quick reflexes. Needless to her, the magpie was accidentally paused when it saw the shiny shard that she was holding. As fast as the winds, the magpie quickly headed towards Ylona, aiming for the shard.

Ylona noticed and quickly dodged the magpie, landing on another tree. The magpie was persistent and did not hesitate to attack her once more. The two parties acted like there were playing tag, where the magpie was it, and Ylona was its target.

Ylona hid along with the trees, making the magpie unable to capture. The magpie flew above as if reaching for one of the clouds. Ylona, as she stares at the flying magpie, suddenly saw a familiar object. When she finally saw it, she realized it was a shard, the one she was looking for.

She had recently been running in circles throughout the whole forest, it was no wonder she can't find the rest—the magpie has found them and took interest. Now that she knew that there are shards in the magpie, she is now to find a way to get them from the bird. She analyzed the movements of the magpie in the air—along with finding a good spot to capture it. When she finally found a good spot. It was time to make the move.

Standing towards the edge of the cliff, Ylona grab one shard and aimed it below the sea. When the magpie saw the shine of the shard. Its instinct follows and immediately dashes through it. Ylona, on the other hand, made the second phase and dropped the shard and the magpie instantly follows. The magpie flew down, aiming to grab the shard before it gets to the water. Fortunately, it did and so as Ylona. As soon as the magpie caught the shard, Ylona jumps down the cliff, landing on the magpie's back. Overall, both parties were successful. However, on this round, Ylona will reign victor.

In the back of the magpie, Ylona got a hold of the shard stuck between the feathers. She already got four of them—one on the magpie's beak making it five. Now, all that she has to do is to grab the fifth shard and she could go find the others. But she has to stay low for now since they're still at sea—It'll be bad if the falls there even if she could swim.

When the magpie finally reached land, Ylona went to action and carefully walked towards its head. As she grabs its beak, the magpie went out of control and starts wiggling its head. Ylona almost fell down if it weren't for her hands holding the shard. Now comes the chase. Both Ylona and the magpie fought for the shard.

The magpie not wanting to lose immediately flew up in the clouds, dragging Ylona along. But Ylona still hasn't let go making the magpie furious and so, it dropped down. Now that both were falling down, who would win? Who would own the shard?

Ylona was gripping tightly to the shard as soon as they both fell to the ground. She struggled with the bird but she still fought back. They were getting close and anytime she could hit those trees. So, she did what she has to do—kick the magpie's beak.

The magpie cried as it got loose of both Ylona and the shard. Ylona immediately got a hold of the shard and quickly unleashed her scythe as she falls from the sky. she raised her scythes and enchant a spell which she strikes to the ground, cutting the trees that surround that part of the forest. And so, Ylona grabs a hold of approximately 5 shards. 2 more to go and she could to the next step.

- - - - - - - -

Simply as if taking a stroll in a park, Kiarra is very calm about the challenge and was even playing with the flowers in the bushes.

"This test seems very easy today…" She took out the shards from her pocket and starts connecting them up. "I already had 4 shards now, where could find the rest? I've already searched the whole forest, but I can't find one."

She kept walking until accidentally bumping into a tree making her drop the shards she had just collected. She quickly chased after them and stars counting them to make sure they are completed.

"Let's see, 1…2…3—where's the fourth one!?" Kiarra searched the surrounding in hopes to find the missing piece but failed. She swept all the fallen leaves hoping to see the shard, but once again she failed to do so.

"Ugh, this is bad!" Kiarra sat on the fallen leaves as she loss hope of the shard. Unaware of her, a strange creature appeared behind her. Although it did not attack her, it continuously waited until the young lady notices. Kiarra however, was not bothered by the threat and continued to rest on the leaves.

Kiarra had now finished her rest and sought once more to find the missing shard when she felt an uncomfortable presence coming from behind. She slowly stood, making sure to not utter a single sound that will awake the rage of the mysterious figure. As she finally escaped the fallen leaves, she silently dashed her way far from the beast.

"That was clo—" As she got away from her former spot, she was accidentally hit on the head by a branch that blocked her pathway. The branch's impact made a red mark on her forehead which she hadn't notice. She was relieve to be alone at the time and quickly recovered herself to find the missing shards.

"There!" She saw the shards in a bush nearby. She grabbed them and counted to make sure that none disappeared like the last time. This time, the 3 shards back in her hands apart of the other one who is still missing. She continues to walk—this time, avoiding the branch—and made her way to a river only a few walks past the tree.

She went closer to the river and quickly admired how clear the water is. Eventually, she saw the mark caused by the branch. She kneeled down so that she can see it closer. "This is going to leave a bruise." She rubbed her forehead hoping to ease the pain however stopped when she heard a twig cracked. She was immediately alerted and stood up.

"Who's there?" She asked but no one responded. A few seconds later, she heard a ruffle from the bushes that automatically sets her to chase the creature. The creature's movements are smooth and fast, but Kiarra is able to catch up. She followed it where it went until it quickly made a turn.

Kiarra turned as well but saw the creature was not in presence—although something interesting meets her eyes. She somehow ended up in front of a dark cave. She had figured this is where the creature went and proceeds to go in. But first, she made sure that nothing is suspicious. She found no threat on the field and made her way inside.

"Hello?" Kiarra said as her echoes reached through the ends of the cave. It was a pretty deep one. She slowly walked inside, carefully observing the walls. She thought if she messes up, she will end up like what happened on the first test—where she sent traps on herself. She continues to stroll until she had caught a glimpse of something shiny.

"It's the shard!" Kiarra mouthed as she runs towards it and delightfully grabbed it. "Finally! I thought you were gone forever! But how did this got here?" Kiarra stood up and placed the now-found shard in her pocket. Not long after, she heard the rumbling of rocks from behind. She slowly looked from behind and froze at the sight of what's coming for her.

Kiarra felt paralyzed at the sight in front of her. It was a magpie, the biggest one she had ever seen in her life. The magpie roared at the sight of the shards saying down Kiarra's pocket. Immediately, the magpie headed to Kiarra in which the girl got a hold of herself and quickly avoids the magpie. It wasn't too long before the magpie started attacking the girl but she was immediate to avoid the attack. Kiarra escaped the cave but not the magpie. The magpie followed her through the sky, not letting her go without giving the shards.

"Come on! Stop following me!" Kiarra begged the magpie, but its ears seem to be covered. The magpie kept following her despite every route she heads to. She continues to run without a halt until she becomes tired of playing chase, but she cannot stop for the definite reason—the magpie will get her.

She came across another cave, but this time she was doubtful if she would enter or not. It seems that the last time she went inside, trouble came with her and now she doesn't know if she could trust this cave. The magpie roars as it gets closer to Kiarra. With no other choice left, Kiarra runs to the cave, sheltering from the magpie. Finally, she took a deep breath as she was finally away from the bird.

While taking a rest, Kiarra saw something shining from the corner. It dazzled her so she stood and walked towards it. When she got closer she saw something that made her energy rise up. "A shard!" A fifth one to be exact.

- - - - -

The monster screams as it falls to the ground, along with its detached head.

"That's quite easy for a test like this." The person said. The figure walked past the dead monster and climbed at the tree next to them, grabbing one of the shard pieces.

"Thanks to you, I found one." The figure went to the monster and patted its head. "Too bad I have to kill you to get it." The figure walked through the forest, looking to the last piece in its collection. The figure passed by a willow tree, its leaves swung by its direction, faintly blowing its hood, wanting to get a glimpse. Unfortunately, the figure got a hold of it before it landed down. "I apologize, but I don't like being forced."

The figure walked away from the willow tree, bidding its goodbye. It continues to stroll until all of a sudden, a creature landed on its shoulder. A young squirrel had fallen down its home. The figure looked up and placed the squirrel back to its home. The figure smiled and noted the young creature.

"Be careful next time." The figure left afterward to continue in finding that last shard the person needed.

- - - - - - - -

Standing on the edge of the cliff, Ylona has now gathered all the seven shards. After a raging fight with another monster, she found the shard on one of its eyes, allowing her to have all seven shards in store. Now that she has completed the diamond, She is now to seek the final step—finding the key.

[Listen...] Ylona suddenly heard a voice from behind that made her turn around. But when she looks at it, there was no one there.

[This world...] She heard the voice again but she doesn't know where it is coming from. She wonders where could the voice come from or rather—who was that voice?

[You...] Ylona kept looking everywhere, still, there is no sign of the voice's whereabouts.

[Don't forget...] Ylona got distracted by the voice that it was too late she the huge gust of wind blew right at her, resulting in her, falling from the cliff into the sea.

Chapter 4:

-Decoding the Anonymous


1. A Magpie is a type of bird that is considered intelligent—as being part of the Corvidae family. They are known to be relatives with jays and crows. There is constant conflict whether the magpies are really attracted or just nervous around shiny objects. Some saying that it was only a myth and others confirming that they do are attracted.

In the story, the magpies are attracted to shiny objects and will most likely grab anything that shines in the sun. It is because a magpie whose nest is covered in shiny objects is considered of a higher status.

2. People with Aster, leveled higher than those who don't have them. However, there is a cause. Like Alpha said, lying creates consequences, that's because as her Aster that predicts the future, if she lies one detail about it, there is a possibility that that future might change apart from the original sequence. This also happens to others, depending on what kind of Asters they have.


Finally! I've updated it! Sorry for taking almost two months...I got busy with the other story.

Anyways, don't forget to vote for your favorite stories on WSA 2021!

AR_Phantomcreators' thoughts