
Evolutionis Player[Eng]

From the book: I produced a portal and came across his mansion made of white marbled stones. The mansion was shining under the moon of this dwarf planet, a moon of magnificent silvery blue color. I had to defeat this demigod. He had immeasurable powers and increased intelligence after all these years of existence. However my arsenal was no less advanced and my magic art was colossal. I amplified my voice: "You, Lumadis, show that I am putting an end to your life, a rat that you are hiding at the edge of the Universe!" "I am not hiding, on the contrary," replied a gentle and playful voice. "I'm just enjoying the view" I did not think any more and produced the black gaseous eternalis which was pouring over the house, violet lightning exploded in all directions and cracked the stone. Our story traces the path of a man who can evolve like a video game. He will progress by trying to unravel the secrets of the system that will help him progress in his destiny. His road will be littered with adversaries, encounters and challenges to overcome. Will our hero manage to survive in the face of these innumerable dangers? Will he be able to evolve or will he perish before?

Evorum · แฟนตาซี
33 Chs

Chapter 30 - Aguba

At 3am, I had finished and memorized the book on mirique. Before leaving, I will train tomorrow.

This village hidden in the blizzard provided a sense of protection. Isolated from everything, nothing could attack night or day.

In the morning I ate with Ratvert.

"Do you feed on human blood to survive?"

Very rarely, the blood being of different nature, this can cause problems in too greedy vampires. I usually feed on venom because it allows to feed my body optimally. In other words, anything that can cause agitation of the mirique is harmful and vice versa»

"Everything becomes clearer"

«Notification! Understanding the +1 world, level 5, unlocking the magic store»

A window opened in front of me and projected a virtual shop.

"What is that?" I said in a low voice.

"What are you talking about?" says Ratvert.

"Oh nothing, I'm going to get a book," I replied, slipping away.

I was walking away to study this store. There were several tabs: Armor, book, weapons, enchanted jewelry, ingredients, dungeon key and mystery box.

The money used was not gold coins but gems of different colors: Red, gold, purple and blue which corresponded respectively 100k, 10k, 1k, 10 gold coins. It was possible to find gems in nature and use them in the store. I had no credit to buy something so I didn't stay long on the interface.

I came out of the hut and undertook to test my mirique control. I was able to change its speed of rotation in my veins as well as to agitate and calm it. My formulas will be more powerful!

The metal I had to find was Mesalite, it was a strong material resistant to high temperatures and flexible to forge. Axdore gave me a map to the cave. There was the rising sun so Ratvert could not accompany me. I had prepared two potions: one of care and another of increased perception in the dark. I sharpened my dagger. Ready, I set out.

Now that I had control over my mirique I could use my entire mana at once if I wanted to.

The entrance to the cave was covered by a snowfall. I melted the snow to make my way.

Putting a foot inside, a sound of flowing water ceased, plunging me into silence. I drank the perception potion and plunged into the unknown.

After 150 meters in the cave, magical crystals lit the way. The texts of a book came back to me:

When old Hujock shouted 'Light!'

Against the dark struggling with effort

Ah! He at least already felt on his eyelid Weighing the veil of death»

«Notification! + 1 point in charisma»

I laughed at this result, who would have thought that poetry could increase the charism!

Thus, the crystals were novice so I collected only what I needed for my potions and some experiences. Briefs were scattered all over, I made them disappear to train. However, I was beginning to wonder because the number of them was constantly increasing as I progressed. My vision being increased I clearly distinguished them.

Thus I exterminated 100 slimes while exercising my surgical hitting skill, it increased by 3 points. My vigor was exhausted and I breathed loudly. Then a kind of electrical tingling made itself felt in the air, a monster would appear! Some powerful monsters could divide and reassemble wherever he wanted if the materials were there.

Thousands of frozen slimes came out of the ceiling of the cave and out of the ground, all headed towards one point. They merged and its size kept growing. When the fusion was over, a powerful growl made my body vibrate and I looked at its source: An Aguba! It is a creature without organs that can alter its body to create deadly weapons.

I had to fight it! No choice was open to me because it blocked the only way out. In a rush, the Aguba cut the air with a huge fake. As I stooped to dodge, I seized an opportunity to attack: I ignited my dagger and pierced his arm which was cut by the heat. I thought I weakened him when a new arm grew in the same place.

Seeing the damage I had inflicted on him, I did not see the metal bullet pointing towards me.

The 20-inch-diameter bullet punctured my right lung and I was spewing blood.

"Last try my big one, be ready"

And despite the pain, I created with all my mana, an explosive ball of 50cm. I increased his agitation as best I could and the ball was spinning.

When his body was no longer hidden by his arms, I threw the ball which exploded in a huge crash. And piles of objects and materials flew in all directions out of the charred body to land on the ground.

"Notification! Level +1"

At the end of my strength and dripping with blood I managed to take my healing potion which I drank with one stroke. The wound closed, fortunately that the bullet had crossed my body, remaining stuck I would have had difficulties to remove it.

There were many rare objects and gems as well as minerals. My stretchable pouch was indispensable to store everything. Maybe I could use the gems to buy something from the magic store?

Anyway, I had some Mesalite to forge my weapon. I then left the cave to go to the village Cilucide. Having used all my mana, the cold reached me and I could not warm up.

A few more meters," I said.

Finally, I took refuge in the hut where I was staying and threw myself on the bed, immediately putting me to sleep.

I had 10 aptitude points available, I think I would spend them on Intelligence. More mana would be helpful.