
Evolution: God's Trial

It's been 5 years since Ray had been receiving vivid dreams about him being in an unknown place fighting countless life and death battles. And with him feeling every event on it like it was his own, these dreams had changed him, And now here he was, after 5 years of feeling a vague premonition, he was now summoned on a familiar place.

MadKisa · แฟนตาซี
26 Chs

Queen of Spiders

Spiders as big as a dog, they had skinny legs as long as an adult human's arms and they had colorful abdomens with the color of amber.

more than 40 of such creatures came from the green balls fired by the Brood Queen.

At the area where the green balls were fired, smokes of green could also be seen with some green like liquid.


Being hit by the balls from earlier would be a sure way to passing away.

And even if it wasn't successful, the agility-based Kamikaze spiders would then follow.

It's a 2-pronged attack that would surely catch a few people off-guard if they were to defend.

And the Kamikaze spiders alone aren't to be trifled with.

They are creatures without fear, programmed to give their lives for their queen, to make the Queen's wishes come true.

The mood of the Brood Queen would affect the swarm's movement.

And right now, there is only one emotion the queen is having.


Boundless Wrath!

Its home was burned.

Most of its swarm was burned.

And even the treasure tree it was protecting was burned!

That's why right now, the whole swarm is only feeling one emotion.


Ray is at the center of the dome made of web, 40 of such creatures are now coming at him without regards to their lives.

As they entered Ray's range, Ray then positions his arms in two opposite directions.

"Flame Thrower!"



*Boom! ...

Torrents of fire came from Ray's hands as the swarm of spiders rushed into him.

Ray would then turn a few times to get all the spiders.

With each death, each spider would explode, that's why Ray remained vigilant, carefully killing whenever a spider reaches a certain distance.

[Congratulations! you have killed a grade-1 Kamikaze Spider!] ...

[Rewards Received!] ...

[Congratulations! you have killed a grade-1 Kamikaze Spider!] ...

[Rewards Received!] ...

[Congratulations! you have killed a grade-1 Kamikaze Spider!] ...

[Rewards Received!] ...

The torrents of fire dances as they received the spiders swarming around.


After a few moments, all of the Kamikaze spiders are dead from the flame thrower.

Even the poison smoke from them got evaporated by the torrent of flames.

But before Ray could take a moment to rest, he heard the sound again.

*Shook! *Shook! *Shook! *Shook! *Shook!...

This time it was double the amount of the previous batch.

'It seems that it wants to slowly tire me out'

Seeing the Brood Queen attack again. Ray didn't wait for the attack to finish.

He had then started to rush into the Brood Queen's Direction, planning to attack the gigantic creature.

Seeing Ray rush towards it, the Brood Queen adjusted its area targeted attack of green balls.

If you look from afar, then it was like a rain of green balls was chasing Ray as he rushed towards the Brood Queen's direction.

Ray looked at the Brood Queen.

If he wants to defeat it, then ideally, he needed to get above its back.

A spider's weakness is on its back, its structure just isn't built to defend against it besides their natural armor. But right now, there is a ball of spiders situated on the Brood Queen's back.

If Ray wants to get on its back, then he must get rid of it.

Ray has now covered half the distance between the Brood Queen.

Seeing Ray come near, the Brood Queen had stopped shooting green balls, it tilted sideways as Ray could see some of the spiders on its back fall.

Then with a movement from the leglike organ on its butt, a net of web has suddenly fired from it towards Ray.

On its path, some spiders were caught in the web being thrown together with the net of web at Ray's direction.

Seeing the incoming attack, Ray just moved away out of its path without using the [Flame Thrower] skill.

If he could do without wasting Mana, then Ray won't use any.

Ray could see the Brood Queen fire the net with spiders a few times, this time not at Ray, but in front of Ray.


Ray could then see a net of web made on the ground in front, with a few injured spiders, some smaller spiders even got crushed by the force behind the throw.

Seeing them Ray would just evade them, running on the ground without webs.However, after a while, a bunch of web patches could then be seen on the area in front of the Brood Queen. Everything is already with webs.

If Ray would personally step on the web, he might get stuck on it for a few moments, and right now as he was running as a bunch of suicidal spiders is trying to catch him, it might turn into the scene from before, forcing him to consume more Mana.

Ray could see a bunch of spiders in front.

Giant spiders, Assassin spiders, and even a killer spider as big as a bus.

There was less injury on the spiders from the Brood Queen's attack this time.

It had learned how to control its attack.

Ray summoned a short sword on his right hand, as he gathered his strength on it in preparation for a throw.

He even controlled mana to gather on it, enhancing its sharpness.

Then Ray threw it in front aiming straight into a Killer Spider's head!

As Ray threw the sword, the sword started spinning into the Killer Spider's direction.

The Killer Spider tried to deflect the sword with its legs, but as it received the sword with its legs, the sword cut into it without a problem, proceeding forward cutting its head.

[Congratulations! You have killed a Grade-2 Killer Spider!]

[Rewards Received!] ...

Not planning on stepping on the webs, Ray jumped forward and used the corpse of the Killer Spider as a foothold.

As Ray arrived at the top of the Killer Spider's corpse, he recovered the short sword on its head and then proceed to throw it in another spider.

As Ray killed a spider, he would use its corpse as a foothold and then aim for the next spider.

Suddenly, Ray felt danger above him.

Shifting his eyes above, a bunch of small spiders had jumped from the ceiling of the web dome.

With each one only as big as an adult fist.


[Venom Spider]

[Type: Monster]

[Grade: 1 - Special]



Str: 10

Agi: 15

Vit: 5

Mana: 25



Deadly Venom (Active): Attack with E rank Venom.

Venomancer (Passive): Each attack is covered in F rank Venom.



Poisonous small Spiders


It seems that eggs are hidden on the web.

And as Ray was about to move away, he then felt another danger in front.

Ray then saw.

The Brood Queen has fired the same white oval that made the dome, but instead of firing above the sky, this time it was fired at Ray.


As the dome exploded, the color of white filled Ray's vision!

"Bullet Time!"

Activating [Bullet Time], Ray's surroundings suddenly got slow.

"Flame thrower!"

During Bullet Time mode, Ray fired the flamethrower thrower with his right hand to make a hole on the web explosion.

And another Flamethrower to burn the web on the ground with the left hand.

During the explosion, Ray could see several sharp spear-like objects that are hidden on the web that exploded.

But with a boosted perception of time, Ray managed to overcome all including the small spiders from above.

A spider from above!


A spear from the left!


A spear from above!


A spear from the right!


As the ten seconds of Bullet time slowly pass away, there are no more spiders above.

With the Bullet Time over, the white that filled his vision was now gone.

But as the white was gone in front of Ray, what replaced it was another sudden feeling of danger.

Then surprise!

What greeted Ray, was the Gigantic Jaws of the Brood Queen!

As Ray saw the Gigantic opening about to devour him, Ray then immediately used a skill.

"Chrono Sphere!"