
Evolution: God's Trial

It's been 5 years since Ray had been receiving vivid dreams about him being in an unknown place fighting countless life and death battles. And with him feeling every event on it like it was his own, these dreams had changed him, And now here he was, after 5 years of feeling a vague premonition, he was now summoned on a familiar place.

MadKisa · แฟนตาซี
26 Chs

Misty Swamp

Two giant wasps are flying behind Ray as he finally saw the territory of the Giga toad.

Ray had seen the wide cliffs as high as 15 meters acting as walls from faraway.

Now in front of it, he could see an opening on the cliff, seemingly like an entrance.

Moving towards the area inside with his summons, Ray saw a misty scene inside.

From the mists, he could see trees, and a few more hidden by mist.

What he could only somewhat figure out from the deeper part was the cliffs and the slight mound on it at the center.

Ray looks around the area.

Besides the trees, there was the unmoving greenish murky water that seems to have long accumulated in the area.

And the uneven ground clustered everywhere made of mud.

It was a swamp.

Because of the mist and the walls of cliffs, even though it was light as day outside, the atmosphere of the area is akin to a permanent cold misty morning.

Ray activated a skill.

"Water strider"

As mana surrounded Ray's feet, he then slowly moved towards the water.

Doing so, Ray had then walked into the water.

It was the effect of the skill that he had bought from the mystery merchant.


[Water strider (active skill)]

Consume mana continuously in order to walk on liquid.

(No cooldown)


At first, Ray was out of balanced a few times and had even slipped into the water making him know that the dept of water was as high as his hips.

Getting out of the water, Ray found himself attacked by a few large leeches as thick as his arms.

Ray used a throwing knife as a dagger to defend himself against the leeches, not letting them come near his skin.



[Congratulations! you have killed a grade 0 swamp leech!]

Killing the leeches only gave him 1 small soul each at most, some didn't even give him any small souls.

Ray didn't even receive a notice for killing those without rewards. Making him think if the fire from the dead forest has also killed other things besides the spiders.

After killing the leeches, Ray tried to stay afloat a few times on the water using the new skill and mastered how to balanced himself after a while.

The bottom half of Ray's clothes are now wet, and he even got himself a little bit muddy trying to move away from the hold of the mud below the water.

Still, he continued exploring.

Ray used his summons to lead the way.

As Ray continued to explore the swamp, he could find other beings on the swamp besides leeches attacking him.

Giant mosquitos, snakes, poisonous giant butterflies, there was even a plant that looked like a large Venus flytrap.

The swamp is rich in nutrients, enabling the existence of a thriving eco-system inside.

Still, the rewards are really disappointing.

No item drops, and only little souls.


Suddenly moving forward, Ray realized that one of his wasps was eaten by something fast.

The being that attacked it seems to be worthy of note, considering that the agility of his wasps is on the high-side.

A being that could predate his wasp without giving it a chance of escaping is something to take note of.

Thinking so, Ray moves himself closer to the one remaining wasp he had in order to see what kind of monster or thing had managed to attack the other one previously.

Now in a position with a clear view of the area, Ray then controlled his wasp and made it fly in circles.

Finding no reaction, Ray would let his wasp fly in a higher altitude as they had then continued to move forward.

And then suddenly...


Four long tongues came from four different directions deep in the mist, aiming at the giant wasp in front.

Ray, seeing the scene, made the wasp fly in a higher altitude, in order to dodge in advance.

If he would wait for the wasp to dodge on its own, then it would've been caught by the tongues before it could even react.

Ray then immediately came near the direction of the four tongues and could see the beings which attacked the wasp.

With the majority of their bodies hidden underwater, 4 giant heads covered in slimy liquid could be seen in four different areas still looking at the giant wasp above.


[Mutated Giant Frog]

[Type: Monster]

[Grade: 1 - Normal]



Str: 10

Agi: 10

Vit: 30

Mana: 10



Toxic Mucus (Passive): Mucous covering its body and tongue contains F rank toxin.



A mutated Giant Frog.

Warning: Tongues are really fast.


Looking at the four giant frogs as big as a car each, Ray could then see them leap above towards the wasp, as he could then see them attack again with their tongues.

Though this time, together with their leap, the four tongues with greater reach seem to anticipate the wasp's dodging, aiming for a higher altitude in advance.

Ray seeing this, made the wasp lower its altitude as he then jumped towards one of the leaping frogs.

Seeing the frog near him, Ray then summoned the giant slayer sword as he then attacked it sideways.


As Ray attacked the frog, the mucus covering its body caused the sword to slide a little, making it only cut a part of its mouth.


As the frog falls on the water, the color of blood and mud begin mixing as the frog began moving chaotically due to pain.

It was still living.

Ray seeing this, came near the frog to finish it off.

The frog is now upside down, making it very vulnerable, the cut mouth part of it isn't cut off completely due to the slippery mucus, making it suffer more pain.

Seeing the frog upside down, Ray accelerating towards it together with the weight of the giant sword, accumulating a force worth more than a fourth of a ton with his acceleration.

And with a giant swing of his giant sword, Ray then gave a slash at the downed frog.



With a resounding slash, two colors of liquid were cut into two by a huge force!

Water and blood splattered around the area as Ray finished the mutated giant frog, saving it from the pain of suffering.

[Congratulations! You have killed a grade 1 Mutated Giant Frog!]


56 small soul (Soul)

Seeing the reward, Ray now knows which to hunt.

He then felt three sources of danger as he moved side-ways.




He saw three tongues passed at him.

Now successfully dodging, Ray then aimed his giant sword at the three tongues.


Ray managed to cut two of the tongues, but the accumulated mucus from the sword had caused him to fail to cut the third one.

Ray's counterattack causes the two Mutated Giant Frogs to writhe in pain as the three frogs waited for their tongue to return.

Ray feeling how uncomfortable the sword is with its accumulated mucus, put the giant sword into his storage in order to remove its mucus before summoning it again, as he had then come near the frog with an intact tongue after distracting it with his wasp's attack.

Now aware of the slippery mucus around the frogs, Ray carefully slash in a perfect vertical, slicing the head of the frog, cutting its skull into two!


There was no reaction this time, the frog could only see the darkness of the afterlife after seeing red cover its eyes.

Instant death!

As the two frogs saw this scene, the frogs then began leaping away from the scene, trying to escape from Ray.

Seeing this, Ray chased after the frogs, killing one of them in another single slash.

After storing, and resummoning of the Giant Sword, Ray then looks at the other one.

Now, it's just one left.

Ray then began chasing the other one which has already moved a good distance away.



With one final slash, Ray sliced the head of the mutated giant frog into two horizontally, splattering blood and brain matters everywhere.

[Congratulations! You have killed a grade 1 Mutated Giant Frog!]


56 small soul (Soul)

As Ray killed the frog, he then looked around the area he was lured from.

It was an area in the swamp with far lesser trees than usual.

A wide space...

He knew the frog was luring him into something with its willpower, but he still had followed it.

It was not always too late to escape, with his stats and arsenal of skills.

Deep in the mist, Ray could see several silhouettes in various sizes coming closer.

After Ray waited for a few moments, Ray could then see...

Several species of frogs had surrounded him.

More than a hundred, a few are even as big as the Killer Spiders from before.

Within them, two of them are far bigger than usual.

Each of them about 1/3 as big as the Brood Queen from before.


[King Frog]

[Type: Monster]

[Grade: 2 - Mini - Boss]



Str: 60

Agi: 35

Vit: 99

Mana: 25





150 years old mutated Giant Frog



[Queen Frog]

[Type: Monster]

[Grade: 2 - Mini - Boss]



Str: 50

Agi: 15

Vit: 85

Mana: 45





Lifelong partner of the Frog King for over 100 years.


1 slightly long chapter

MadKisacreators' thoughts