
The Kind Customer

It was the second to last day of summer vacation and Shaun was working the overnight shift. He was working on some paperwork when he started to feel exhausted his eyes just barely staying opened. Not fully awake or asleep he was startled by young man's voice.

"Exxuse me sir you're uh drooling all over the counter".

Shaun wiped his face embarrassed he hurriedly cleaned the mess and sanitized it.

"Sorry about that " Shaun said to the customer scanning the items. He said the total price and bagged the items and waited for them to leave. But before they did they pulled an energy drink from the bag and handed it to Shaun.

"I wasn't to sure what you'd like but I figured you could use a little pick me up" they said smiling placing the drink on the counter. Shaun was surprised by the kind gesture and happily took the drink as long as it's not grape flavored he'll drink anything.

"Thank you I appreciate it."

The customer waved goodbye and left.

The rest of his shift he wasnt as sleepy and at 6am it was time to go home. He walked home excited to go to bed only to greeted by squealing girls. Apparently his sister had a sleepover with her friends and they still haven't fallen asleep. He heard then talking about the new school year and planning outfits. His sister even talked about how she was president of the photography club this year. Shaun smiled glad his sister was excited for school as plopped face first onto his bed. He fell asleep dreaming of the customer who gave him the drink.