
Frustrated Bella

Bella returned to her father's house. Her face red in anger.

"Oh, you are back. How was the meeting?" His father asked while sipping his evening tea.

She ignored everyone in the living room and went upstairs towards a large room which was her favourite part of the house. It was her dance room. The room was painted bright white on the three adjacent walls. The fourth wall was covered by a large mirror. The smooth brown flooring complemented the other elements of the room very well. The room was well lit with multiple lights. A large music system was kept at one corner of the room. She connected her phone to the music system and played one of her favourite songs.

She stood with her back arched and her hands stretched to the sky, as if in submission. Her foot tapped to the beat. Back and forth she swayed as the beat picked up pace.

" It's just one of those days

Where you don't want to wake up

Everything is fucked

Everybody sucks

You don't really know why

But you want to justify.. "

Her arms leave her body as the music grows louder. Her eyes are drunk on fire as she lipsyncs the lyrics. Her feet explore her arena as she slides across with poise.

She stops as the song comes to an end. She glares at her reflection in the wall sized mirror. She looks fragile, drenched in sweat, messy hair, panting heavily.

Dance has always been a medium for her to release her frustration. When her mother left this world, she had choosen dance as a medium to explore herself. Thus, her father build a special room for her in their house.

A sudden knock on the door bought her back to the present. She saw her father and her minions standing at the door with a water bottle and some fruits. She smiled at them and asked them to enter. Joey gave her the water bottle and a towel. She thanked him and took a few sips.

"What happened child? Why were you so angry when you came back?" asked her father.

Bella's mood turned sour at this question. She remembered the whole incident at the station and clenched her jaws tightly.

Her father softly patted her head, trying to comfort her "You know you can tell us anything Bella."

She looked up at her father. His eyes filled with concern. She told her father everything about Noah. Her father and siblings listened to her attentively.

"How can he say such a thing father." Bella said with anger filled voice.

The trio knew that Noah was right but they just couldn't make her understand. She loved George more than her life. She even fought with her best friend when she spoke against George.

"Bella, you have to understand. He is in pain too. You shouldn't have slapped him. He is going through the same situation as you."

"But dad.."

"No Bella, you shouldn't have reacted that way. You both are different personalities. It's obvious that you'll think differently."

"Yes sis, you should've ignored his words. You need to control your anger." spoke Chloe

"Okay okay, I understand." Bella replied.

"Now come on eat something sis. You must be starving." said Joey.

"Yes, I am really starving. Let's gooo." she tried to lighten the mood.
