
Eternal Ascension: The Universal Guide

A young man from earth died and was reborn as a young boy in a cultivation world. A voice in his head to guide him on his path. A story of a lost soul who has a second chance in life with a more meaningful road.

Rueleosan · แฟนตาซี
39 Chs

Chapter 21 Making Gold Out of Trash

Liang Chen asked the Universal Guide what a Golden Sunfire Coral is. The Universal Guide explained that it is a material that can make artifacts with mortal grade and above, mostly weapons due to its fire attribute. "It is a coral with golden color, the higher the bright colored gold is, the higher the quality. However, the ones inside the box have less qi and almost black or grey gold instead."

"Is it just because of the less qi it got?" Liang Chen asked.

"No. It is also because the Golden Sunfire Corals here were harvested too early. It will take years for it to turn bright gold." The Universal Guide explained.

"I see. So if we add some more qi to it and make a pressure that causes the atoms to crystallize, will that work?" Liang Chen silently smiled and seems to be getting more interested.

The Universal Guide was silent for a moment and said. "The way you think always amazes me. Though there is no proof it will work, it is plausible. Your theory is very sound and rational."

Shi Long asked if they have caught the people responsible for the trade and delivery of the corals, however, Shi Feng said that the people have already been killed and robbed before they arrived. There is something amiss here. Someone took the liberty of offering a good deal, made the trade with fake goods, then has been robbed and killed. This happened before the auction from the Brightmoon Auction House which Shi Feng will attend on a week's date and he needed the funds for it. If one believes that this was obviously not a setup to target Jade Mountain Trading then those people are idiots.

"Then let's do it." While Shi Long was talking with Shi Feng and Old Yun, thinking of a way to recover from this loss, Liang Chen gently tapped Shi Long's side shoulder with his back fist. "Brother Long, if you trust me, I think I have a way to recover from this situation."

Shi Long quickly asked. "What way?"

"We will make trash into gold. Leave a few boxes of Golden Sunfire Corals with me in a private room and give me at least 3 days." Liang Chen said with confidence.

When everybody heard what he said, they stared at Liang Chen incredulously. They cannot think of anything that will allow a bunch of waste Golden Sunfire Coral turns into something usable. Shi Feng and old man Yun looked at Shi Long for an answer. They know Liang Chen only by name. Shi Long thought for while. Not only that Liang Chen is trustworthy, but he also knows array formations and a genius to boot. After a while, Shi Long agreed. Liang Chen will stay in a private room anyway and his family can think of another way while waiting for him. While the servants move a few boxes into Liang Chen's private room, Wang Jun and Chen Wei will also stay in another. Once everything was moved and the Shi family was alone, Shi Feng asked Shi Long about Liang Chen.

"I just recently formed a brotherhood with brother Chen. He is a genius at cultivation and knows different forms of array formations that nobody heard of." Shi Long told what happened in their fight with the cobalt monkeys. How Liang Chen defeated the cobalt apes with his strength at only Mortal Realm level 7 and used array formations.

Both Shi Feng and old man Yun now understand why Shi Long let Liang Chen try something. "Good thing he was with you at that time." Shi Feng was relieved when he heard the story.

"If he really could help us, then master Feng would have enough capital to buy the demon core at the Core Formation realm at the auction!" old man Yun said happily.

Shi Feng nodded. He has been stagnated at the Foundation Establishment realm peak for a few years now and this is a chance for him to enter the Core Formation realm. With this, he would never be afraid of their rival in this city which is the Fang family.

Liang Chen and the Universal Guide worked for a few hours, brainstorming a few array formation formulas. Liang Chen started by throwing formation flags in a hexagon shape and activated a combined array that induces inner pressure and qi gathering. He tested the array that induces inner pressure on 1 coral to see where the breaking point is. After he determines the exact value where the coral starts breaking, he now tested the combined arrays on the 6 boxes full of Golden Sunfire Corals. The Universal Guide determined that no changes occurred, hence Liang Chen lessen the boxes. They finally detected some changes in the Golden Sunfire Corals when just a box was left however it will take months for it to turn into a high-quality material. Liang Chen decided to place just 1 Golden Sunfire Coral at the center of the array formation. Liang Chen was happy as his theory was correct. The change to the Golden Sunfire Coral was so drastic and rapid that it only took more or less than 30 minutes for it to turn from a waste to a high-quality material. Immediately he did not hesitate to use the rest of the 10 Geng metal ores and created 10 more array flags. Once he set up 2 more combined array formations, he called for Shi Long and asked if he could buy a few more Geng metal ores. When Shi Long saw inside the room that there are 3 array formations laid out and saw 1 Golden Sunfire Coral with high quality at the side, he was surprised. With just one look, Shi Long now understands that Liang Chen is molding high-quality materials out of these waste corals. They only gave him waste materials so he is sure that the high-quality Golden Sunfire Coral was the outcome.

Liang Chen took the high-quality coral and gave it to Shi Long. "I told you, I would make gold out of these."

When Shi Long got the high-quality coral, he handled it with care. When he checked again, the coral has no speck of black or grey on it, everything around it was a bright gold color. He gulped and was utterly speechless, he just stared at it. Liang Chen waved his hand in front of him then Shi Long woke up from his dream. Shi Long said to wait and immediately ran to his father. When he reached his father's office, he didn't even knock and just slide the door to open it. Shi Feng and old man Yun were there surprised.

"Long'er, what happened? Why would you not even..." Shi Feng asked but was cut off immediately by his son.

"Father! hurry and give me all the Geng metal we have!" Shi Long immediately asked. Shi Feng suddenly frowned and asked him why but he was cut off again.

"LOOK!" Shi Long handed him the coral.

Both Shi Feng and old man Yun stared at the high-quality Golden Sunfire Coral however when they checked, this is the highest quality that they have ever seen, and the purity is out of this world. It is perfect that everything around the coral was bright gold and there was not a speck of black or grey on it. They immediately asked where he got it and Shi Long explained he got it from Liang Chen and what he saw inside his temporary private room. When they heard about it, both Shi Feng and old man Yun stared for a few moments at each other and they frantically scrambled out of the room. Old man Yun said he will get all the Geng metal they have. Shi Long was left inside the office. He has never seen the 2 of them that way before. When he regained his composure, he immediately went after his father. Liang Chen was busy cultivating when he heard a knock on the door. Since the array formations are doing the work for him, Liang Chen has nothing better to do than cultivate or study with the Universal Guide. When he opened the door, he saw Shi Feng with the Golden Sunfire Coral in his hand followed by Shi Long. Shi Feng saw the 3 array formations inside the room and using his spirit sense, he can see that the materials inside are rising in qi and quality. When he heard it from his son, he just couldn't believe it but now seeing it in person, he still cannot believe what he is seeing. Making higher quality ores on the spot is just like a miracle or a work of a god. If words spread out, wouldn't the other sects and organization instantly send out their experts to hire Liang Chen? Or worse kidnap and kill him.

Shi Feng looked at Liang Chen for a while and said. "Nephew Chen, what you are really doing is something great and unimaginable. We the Shi family are very grateful, however, you should not mention this to anyone else. If they found out..." Shi Feng said worriedly. He wants to warn Liang Chen but doesn't want to scare a 14-year-old child and hinder his cultivation progress.

Liang Chen felt and understood what he meant and then smiled. "Uncle Feng, I appreciate your concern. Then let us keep it to ourselves."