
OFA Fued, Salter Under the Sheets


If things are going to where they're going then. "Look! He's awake!" Shiiiiiit.

Fully opening my eyes, I was sitting on a chair surrounded by eight other people, only one of which I was familiar with. "ORDER! ORDER!" The rest of them stop talking to one another and focus on the matter at hand. "The quirk 'One For All' has been transferred again. And it seems as though the quirk got supercharged and has given us a 'physical' form. Sadly, we can only interact with the latest user. And he is here right now. So please, introduce yourself." A man with rather long white hair explained.

"Hello, my name is Luke, the ninth and latest user of the quirk… that you are all stuck in." I introduce myself as the token woman decides to speak. "So, your little Toshi's student? How has he been on the outside?" To which I respond. "He's become the number one hero, sold all the merchandise he could. But I think it'd be better to talk to him when he's here." Pointing over to the large specter-like entity sitting on his chair.

"And, I wasn't ever taught how to use the quirk. Actually, I just learned of it quite recently, about 5 minutes ago." I continued.


"How could you just pass the quirk onto someone without even training them!" Nana shouted with a very reasonable train of thought.

"If it makes you feel any better, he met me 6 minutes ago."


Now everyone looked angry. Toshinori might have just spilled the beans on OFA. That was fine, as long as the person was trust worthy. Problem is, he just met the person he gave it to and he didn't even know me… Wasn't Nighteye saying the same thing?

What's done is done, I guess.

Commercial Break

I'm a happy little accident.

Commercial End

After getting his ass beat by the collective users of OFA, Toshinori was finally able to say sorry. Still didn't stop then, but it did lessen it by 5%... yes. But it was now time to introduce themselves to me, since I was not supposed to know who they were.

"I'll start off first. Daigoro Banjo, 5th user." The bald man announced followed by the rest.

"En, 6th user."

"Hikage Shinomori, 4th user."

"Nana Shimura, 7th user."

"Toashinori Yagi, All Might, and 8th user of One for All!"

"And lastly, I'm Yoichi Shigaraki, the first user of the quirk."

This had me a bit confused, what about the other two? But seeing the confused look on my face, Yoichi answered. "Them, they don't talk much. But they have agreed for us to speak on their behalf." Nodding to him, he continued with the questions.

"We all know what you want to do with the quirk, but we want to hear it from you."

"Truthfully, I just want to survive. Whether my actions be good or bad, I do not care. Case in point, I just found out today that an alternate version of me was exterminated. From what I hear, he also had the quirk. But he's now dead and I have inherited one of his companions. But it doesn't also say I can't have fun. There wouldn't be a point to it all if I wasn't enjoying myself." I confessed truthfully, not omitting any lie that I could remember.

"*sigh* After looking through your thoughts and memories, we regrettably say that we have to accept. After telling the absolute truth, and the multiversal conundrum that you are currently experiencing, most of us have voted to let you use the full power of OFA. And as for your current mission in this world, kill All for One, it also accomplishes our objectives, in the most violent way possible. But, getting it done, is still getting it done." He pauses before continuing dramatically.

"So, since the court of OFA has come to a decision. We hereby declare Luke, the TRUE ninth user of One for All." He declares like a court judge. Suddenly the dream realm starts to distort and tear itself apart forcing me to open my eyes wide.

Real World

[Quest Accomplished]

[OFA Feud]

Objective – Convince all of the previous users to give full control over the quirk.

Reward – full access to OFA, 1 Gacha Token, +OFA efficiency

Failure – [Inheritor of OFA Questline Locked], [OFA] stolen

What the hell was that fever dream of a nightmare inside my head? And what was that thought just now? No time to think though, as I'm now in a hospital… Oh! So that's what he meant by "h- pla-" That's at least good to know. Looking in front of me, I see Salter… under the sheets… Oh sweet jesus.


[END Check Passed (Req END= 50, END=85)]

Was that my-. Peeking under the covers revealed that I was correct. Salter was under there, with her lips on the tip of my rod, sucking it like a lollipop. I have to wonder though; did I always wake up like this? Did I train her to wake up before I would… just so she could suck my dick!

Not that I don't mind… but why? "Hello Luke. Did you like the extra treat I gave to you?" She asked, looking at me from her position.

"No, it's great. Just one question though. Why was I so horny?" This surprised her a bit. Perhaps there were some differences between the two of us.

"Don't you want this, Luke? Aren't you lusting over my body?" Putting a stained finger into her mouth, she asked me. "No, not particularly. I may be horny… but not that horny." I respond back.

A look of realization slowly crept up her face, realizing how most of her advances nearly failed. Just then the door opened. "Artor-! Oh… I'll give you two a couple of minutes." All Might retreated out of the room slowly after seeing us on top of each other.

Looking at each other, we give it a few small chuckles before Salter got off my lap. But not before giving me a kiss on the lips… which tasted slightly salty… Don't question it, Luke, you'll only regret it later.

After fixing everything, All Might returned. "Ah, finally awake Young Luke. Is it just me or do I feel some phantom pain? Besides that, how are you? Are you alright? Do you need a juice box?" He asked while taking a closer look at me.

"No, I'm fine. The phantom pain you're feeling is from getting a verbal beatdown from everyone that I think lives in the quirk. And I'm doing just great, a juice box would be nice though." I answer all his questions in one fell swoop. But one thing stuck out in particular to him.

"Say Luke, who are these people in the 'quirk' that you speak of." He wondered, trying to pull out more answers out of me.

"Well, according to the people inside, they are the previous users of One for All. And they had a bone to pick on the reason why you specifically chose me." A shiver went down his spine, like a spark of hope he asked. "Did you meet the seventh user?"

"Yes. In the few minutes I got to know her, she was very pleasant. She was also the one to instigate it, because it was her responsibility to look after you, I think." All Might took a minute to think over this. "I see… Very well young Luke, I can see that you are able to walk perfectly fine. You should be able to just walk out of here without any problem. Just make sure to use the backdoor." He cautioned me, as I stood up from the clinic's beds.

"Thanks for the help All Might-sensei. Just one more thing, do I have to train with you?" I inquired. The man seemed to have forgotten about it, as he scratches his thin neck and says. "Yes. But since you've shown to be capable of handling the quirk, then how about we meet once a month starting tomorrow at Takoba Municipal Beach. It's a good place to train your quirk. But for now, just rest and come back tomorrow at 10AM."

[+5 Reputation with All Might, for not backing out once you had the quirk.]

Bowing my head, I thanked him for the opportunity of becoming his successor. He shrugged it off and said just felt right to give a person like me the quirk. This felt off. Getting chosen over Mirio doesn't feel like something All Might would have done. Maybe there is some external force manipulating. Eh, should I really be caring about it? I mean, it is helping me, so why bother it.

Going through the back, I was finally able to tell where we were. U.A. High School. So, it'd only be logical to assume that I was just in the clinic. Then why didn't I see Recovery Girl? Maybe it was some sort of emergency that had to be taken care of somewhere else on the campus… probably.

On the walk back home, Salter gradually moved her body closer to mine. To the point that when we reached the place, the two of us were practically wearing the same jacket. Not like it's a bad thing, just something to point out. One problem, getting to my room, I just wanted to sleep, but noo~, Salter also wanted to get in on some action.

So, removing my pants, she now had full unfiltered access to my dick. Code: Red Alert. Mission Critical. She's inserting it inside! "Th-is brings back memories." She moans out grabbing at my chest for stability. I didn't have any time to react before Salter started to bounce around on top of my meat stick.

Going on full offense, she bent over and assaulted my tongue, ravishing every nook and cranny in it. Is this how it feels like to be dommed? It wasn't long after all the moans that I ended up exploding due to the difference in our stamina.

[END Check Failed (Req END= 100, END=85)]

I immediately went soft. Too bad Salter didn't care about any of this, and continued to wring me out dry, destroying both my mouth and member at the same time. But wait, there's more. Moving her hands over my chest again, going under my shirt. She teased my nipples… sounds weirder than I thought. It sounds okay when talking about a woman, but for it to be done on a man... Double standards?

But the act does bring both of us closer to an orgasm, and with one final thrust, we both came in each other's arms… I think.

[END Check Failed (Req END= 200, END=85)]

Fully dry and tapped out, I quite literally have nothing left in me. But she was like a succubus and wanted more. Only problem with that was I didn't have enough END to keep up. "Are you okay? You look tired. How about we go to the dungeon and make you stronger, so you can survive the next session." she suggested with a slight grin.

"Then we'd need to take a trip to church. Get some holy water to hit the ghost that will inevitably spawn there." I pointed out. This confused her. 'Another difference perhaps?' I thought while looking at the perplexed look on her face. "So we aren't fighting demons?" She asks

"No. According to the skill, it just says undead. Unless it's a future option, then I don't know what you're talking about." I responded back laying on the bed lazily to rest my head.

Just as I was about to close my eyes, Salter stood up from the edge of the bed and proclaimed. "Well, if it isn't anything to you, I shall get holy water from the church. Don't go anywhere until I come back." Saying the last part ominously. As if saying that to disobey her command, then I would most certainly face serious consequences.

And with that, she disappeared into thin air. Leaving me with silence and some time to get re-.

Where the fuck am I!?


[A/N: Hello. Welcome to dream sequence realm, the chapter was beta'd by both morde24 and OneEyedPirate, so thanks to them for taking time out of their day to fix it.

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