

During his training trip, Naruto is given a scroll which holds the secrets in how to seduce and ensnare women. A scroll he uses at first on the women and kunoichi around him but soon on the Shinobi... The NARUTO story is not mine all credits are to be given to the author Lemon Sage. Enjoy this Story.

phoebebrown · แฟนตาซี
Not enough ratings
169 Chs

54: Target: Samui 2

"Stop what?"

Anko sighed exasperated as she said annoyed, "Looking at me like that. I can practically feel you trying to figure out what's wrong with poor Anko. I'm fine Kurenai."

"I'm sorry," Kurenai said quickly, "It's just you haven't been yourself lately. I was just..."

Incensed Anko dropped her bowl on the table as she replied, "And who am I supposed to be?" She could see her friend wasn't sure how to respond so said apologetically, "Sorry... it's just I had a run in with someone... let's just say it raised some questions. I'm going out for some air."

Anko stood and quickly left the room. Slipping on her sandals, she left the Hidden Eddy Inn trying to ignore the pleasure she could feel escaping from Naruto and his lovers, who had stopped hiding their presence from him. Quickly leaping to the rooftops, she soon found herself in her old stomping ground of Training Area Fort-Four. She began leaping among the trees almost on automatic as back when she had become a shinobi the Forest of Death had been the place where Orochimaru had trained his team. A team in which she was the only member to still be loyal to the Leaf Village.

Anko stopped on a branch and then quickly leapt backwards as a dozen leeches fell from above. One of the creatures tried to follow, but was pinned to the branch by a senbon from her. She watched dispassionately as the other leeches scattered as a large snake appeared which pulled the leech free and swallowed it before slithering away. The jounin knew that was the law of the forest which was eat or be eaten, and which had made it a fitting place for Orochimaru to train his students as it was a trait he had encouraged in them. As such it wasn't entirely fair to say that she was the only member of Team Orochimaru who had remained loyal. In actuality there had been dozens of members, but due to his harsh training most of them had dropped out from the team or their parents had requested transfers. Anko had been the only one to pass Orochimaru's genin test, so when she had shown up for training the next day she had been surprised to find two more genin waiting as well.

Orochimaru had revealed that he had tested three genin teams and of those teams he had passed only one member each. But shortly after that, only Anko remained of those three as his training proved too difficult. Yet, Orochimaru simply turned to the pool of replacements that could be found from genin whose teams had been broken up through deaths or various other reasons. Now in hindsight Anko realized that the reason for his harsh training methods was to find suitable members, who were loyal to him first and the village second. That was why by the time she had reached the Chunin Exams her team comprised of her, the man who would be the leader of Kabuto's team during the Exam just before the Sound Invasion, and another man who had simply disappeared one day, but everyone assumed had defected to Orochimaru's village.

Anko started moving again as she recalled how what had kept her going during her early days as a genin was her desire to make Orochimaru proud of her. She had always admired him, which is what had made it a dream come true when she had been selected for his team. She had been so different back then in that regard in that whereas now people would say she was easygoing, energetic, and playful. In the past she had been studious, proper, and rather meek. It hadn't been until after Orochimaru's betrayal that she had started displaying her current traits. It hadn't been a type of cover to hide her true self, but she had simply decided that once she turned her back on Orochimaru, she had needed to reinvent herself into the type of person that didn't need anyone's approval and would tend to keep most people at arm's length.

Yet, then she had gotten mixed up with Naruto and that old part of herself that had found happiness in another's approving gaze had begun to awaken. As she had begun to crave it more and more, the dominant part of her had recoiled in horror at some of the submissive thoughts that she had begun to have. Anko felt that she had invested too much time and effort in reinventing herself to simply submit to them. That was what had ultimately led to her trying to make Naruto her submissive, rather than return to the days where a stern glance from the dominate male in her life could make her shiver or a kind word would fill her with glee.

While in her exuberance she had gone over the top with trying to induct Naruto into such a world, his rejection of that side of her had cut her deep. Still, she had tried to make things work between them by ignoring it in favor of returning to what their relationship had been. But, deep down she had begun to resent him for not embracing her for who she was at present and instead seeming to prefer her to be similar to how she had been.

Anko shivered as she recalled how he had spoken to her in the hall, and was forced to admit that a bigger part of her that she had thought wanted a dominate man in her life. When Naruto had pinned her against the wall, a part of her had hoped that right then and there he'd reclaim her. Naturally though once he walked away and the spell had been broken she had been angry about his rough treatment. Still that night she had pleasured herself to the thoughts of him ripping her panties away and fucking her senseless right then and there.

She also had to admit Naruto did have a point in that she had yet to find a person to take as a lover. In truth she hadn't even tried to find one. She wondered why that was, but deep down knew the answer which was that she didn't want to be away from Naruto. She sighed as she accepted that was likely the reason as she didn't doubt she could find a person willing to be her love slave if she so desired. She suspected that was also why she had grown so agitated when she felt him mark Kurenai with the locator seal. She kept expecting him to fix things between them, and as such feeling all the new women entering his life made her feel like he was forgetting about her. Yet, she shivered as she recalled how forceful he had been as he pinned her against the wall and a part of her suspected that he was working to fix things between them and that their recent confrontation had been a way for him to show her that.

Anko reached the tower at the center of the training field and entered it making her way to one of the rooms the genin hopefuls used to wait for the next portion of the exam when they reached it. Sitting on a bed, she spread her legs and began petting her pussy as she wondered if he was willing to become the dominant man that she apparently desired then what why hadn't he taken her yet. Growing wetter as she imagined him not so much asking her to please him, but demanding it she considered rushing into the den to beg him to be taken back. Yet, again a part of her recoiled at the idea, even as her fingers brought her closer and closer to release at the thought of prostrating herself before him. Anko came as she hoped that the reason she hadn't been brought back into the fold was because when Naruto did reclaim her it would satisfy not only who she had been, and who she was now. But also would lead to who she would become in the future.


"Oh fuck," Kushina screamed into her pillow as she lay on her bed face down and with her hand buried between her legs. Completely naked she rolled onto her back and pulling her hand away from her self-pleasured pussy and stared at the wetness that coated her fingers. Separating two of them she watched the strand of her essence stretch between them. She resisted the urge to suck her fingers clean as it would likely lead to her pleasuring herself again and even she had to admit eleven times was rather obsessive. Looking at the green light that was coming from the lamp near her bed, she had to amend herself as she doubted she was anywhere near the number of orgasms Naruto had achieved.

The thought caused her vagina to quiver and with a needful sigh she began to rub herself once more. "It's not fair," she moaned softly which often escaped her lips whenever she succumbed to her need for pleasure when Naruto was entertaining his lovers. Tonight it had been especially prevalent as after his claiming the new eight-tails as a lover, he had followed Toka and passed through a room which had been converted into a massive shower area. Kushina had seen this as the green light in the living room had shut off letting the red-head move from the couch. She had ignored her desire to pleasure herself as Naruto had taken Urd, but when she had felt her son's excitement spike upon entering the Master Bedroom to find all of his lovers dressed in skimpy outfits she knew his night of lovemaking had just begun.

She had quickly retreated to her bedroom, where she had tried to ignore the ever present green light telling her what her son was up to by turning her mind to other matters. But, she soon found that pursuit corrupted as she found herself pondering over Toka's insights and why she believed the amount of pleasure the seal had let her experienced had been increasing. Kushina believed that much as Toka speculated the seal had diminished certain stimuli such as pain and by extension pleasure to prevent the Kyuubi from escaping by hurting Naruto. Furthermore, she believed that the seal was meant to respond positively between increased cooperation between Naruto and the Bijuu he contained. As such due to Kushina's desire to protect her son it had caused the seal to remove those restrictions.

The idea that if she stepped out of the barrier cast by the lamp she'd be treated to the smorgasbord of pleasure Naruto's lovers were enjoying soon had Kushina pleasuring herself. Which is where she had been ever since the light had turned back on. Still, Kushina had denied herself the pleasure of stepping out if only because of the experience she had enjoyed when Naruto had been training with Naruko. Before when it had only been sensations and the occasional glimpse if she closed her eyes, Kushina had been able to pretend it was someone else. However now if she stepped out she feared she'd come face to face with her son and while he would still be pleasing someone else in the outside world. She would not be able to deny it was her son behind the pleasure she would feel, and more to the point how much she wanted it.

What was worse than even that for Kushina was that she couldn't discuss it with anyone. She had been tempted to bring it up with Mikoto, but had refrained out of the sneaking suspicion that her friend was beginning to desire Naruto as well. She had noticed that recently whenever he would sleep in her room to allow Kushina and her to talk the clothes Mikoto would wear were becoming more and more revealing. When their night conversations had first started Mikoto would wear her normal clothes to bed or even baggy t-shirt and sweats. Now though it was standard sleep wear, but it was covering less and less of her up. The last time they had spoken Mikoto had appeared in a silken teddy. Not overly revealing compared to what her son's lovers normally wore, but to Kushina her friend's desires were becoming clear.

Kushina suspected it was only their friendship stopping the Uchiha from joining her son's pantheon of lovers, and she had considered giving her permission. But, the red-head had stopped herself only because she felt that the knowledge that Mikoto was enjoying the pleasure Naruto gave his lovers. Her already shaky resolve to stay inside the barrier would break. As such she still continued to step out of the field that switched on with her son's arousal every morning after she and Mikoto talked with the expectation that instead of the barrier being on due to her son sporting some morning wood. It would be on and she'd find her best friend riding her son to a glorious orgasm, or he'd be on top of her driving his manhood into her deepest spot, or behind her...

"S-shit," Kushina cursed raising her head off the pillow as her wet pussy squished while she fingered herself. She roughly fondled her tit with her other hand before exploding into her twelfth climax of the night. The light switched off telling her that her son was likely done for the night. She considered covering herself but refrained as she was too tired. Her weariness faded as she bit her lip and unable to resist, peeked outside the seal. Her bedroom faded to be replaced with the den's master bedroom and the sight of naked and contently sleeping women on the pillowed benches around the room. Kushina nearly whimpered in lust as she zeroed in on her sweaty son, who slept on the bed with Shizune and Mabui. Much like the other women, the two snuggled into his side were covered in his seed. Her gaze fixated on Mabui as her dark skin contrasted nicely with the white seed coating her as well as what was leaking from her just fucked pussy.

Kushina felt an itch begin in her pussy again as she retreated back into the seal while berating herself for being weak. Still, she began to rub her pussy again as she tried to scratch the itch which had become more insistent. Her cries grew louder as again she moaned, "Not fair..."


Mabui awoke to the sound of bare feet walking over the floor as they passed by the bed. She just caught sight of Ino before the blond entered the room between the bedroom and Club N. Pulling herself out of bed; she smiled at her still sleeping lover and Shizune, the woman that had assisted Mabui in moving the satisfied women from the bed to the benches in order to make room for more of his lovers. The night had ended with the two of them enjoying the blond man who had refused to make any shadow clones having taken it upon himself to please each woman personally for his eighteenth birthday celebration.

Naturally as his birthday was still a few months away, he had been rather surprised to learn that was the reason for the gathering. But considering how busy the previous year had been, not to mention the funk he had been in for his seventeenth, he understood the desire to take advantage of the current lull.

Slipping from the bed and the warm embrace of her lover, who responded to the loss of her heat by pulling Shizune tighter against him, Mabui could see that quite a few of his lovers had already left to attend to their duties. Knowing that she needed to get going as well she moved to the doorway near the bed and sighed as the warmth of the showers already in progress passed over her.

Stepping past the opening of half-wall partition on the right side of the room that prevented water from spilling into the walkway through the center of the room, she stepped under a free showerhead. Turning the water on, she looked to the left side of the room to see that Ino, Temari, Tenten, and Hinata were all showering there.

She smiled as she heard Tenten say, "Wow, that was a wild night. I can't believe Naruto was able to keep up with us all."

Ino turned away from the showerhead to wash her hair as she said, "Oh I can. He gets so much practice in its only natural he'd be up for the challenge." The Yamanaka's eyes lit up amused as she added, "Speaking of practice. You three have been training a lot recently. I'm beginning to suspect you aren't only honing your wind natured chakras." Both Tenten and Temari shared a smirk prompting Ino to ask, "Is that when you joined the backdoor beauties team Temari? You didn't seem uncomfortable taking his dick up your ass last night."

Temari nodded as she said, "You can thank Tenten for that. Although truthfully maybe I should have waited, it was pretty amazing watching Tsunade give Naruto her anal cherry last night."

Hinata spoke up asking, "W-what does it feel like?"

"Oh, you should definitely try it Hinata," Tenten said. "It's feels amazing to have your ass spread out over his fat dick. Shit, I'm getting wet just thinking about it."

"Me too," Ino admitted. Smirking she said, "Maybe we should pull Shizune out of bed and wake him up properly."

Temari smiled but said, "I wish I could. I have to coordinate with Shikamaru and Karui this morning. We need to go over the ground rules for the first and second exams for the upcoming joint Chunin Exams. It wouldn't be a big deal, but we need to make sure the Kumogakure is okay with the testing criteria that we hope to judge successful participants by."

The door to the shower room opened from the Club N side of the room and all the women directed their attention to Urd as she entered. The Bijuu appeared a little unsure of what to say, but Ino smiled brightly as she said, "Welcome to the family." The sentiment was echoed by the other women present putting the white-haired woman at ease. She moved to a showerhead near Mabui before asking, "Did I miss anything last night afterwards?"

The beaming smiles on the other women's faces told the story even as Mabui said, "Not anything that you didn't have a chance to enjoy first." The Raikage's assistant took the opportunity to ask, "By the way. What made you decide to become one of us?"

Urd thought the matter over before replying, "I guess it was just that he made me feel that it was okay to be me, if that makes any sense. Ever since I came into being I was always wondering about what I should feel about my origins and what it meant for my future. Last night was the first time I felt completely at ease in my own skin. Does that make any sense?"

"Yes," Hinata said quickly prompting the others to look at her. She smiled at the Bijuu as she said, "When I was having doubts about my role in his life, he made me realize that what he cared about was me. My possibly becoming clan head while perhaps a motivation for seducing me became irrelevant after I become his lover. My cousin says that Naruto's eyes are sharper than even his in that he doesn't see outside appearances, but the core of what makes a person who they are."

Urd nodded as she thought about how he had put Mirajane in her place again. "I guess that was why he told Mira that she was the type of person he doesn't like. According to her sisters, she's become rather conceited ever since assuming her new form."

Mabui listened intently as she knew of another woman that could benefit from Naruto's ability to ignore outside factors about a person. Directing her gaze to the Hyuuga, she asked, "Hinata, you once mentioned you were ashamed of your body because you felt it didn't match up with Naruto's ideal one." The Hyuuga nodded prompting the Kumo kunoichi to ask, "Would you be willing to help a woman through a similar issue?"

Ino smirked as she said, "Don't tell me you're planning to have Naruto seduce another of your village's kunoichi?"

Mabui smirked as she said, "Actually no, that isn't my plan. I don't think she'd react favorably if he set out to seduce her. There is just someone I know who's taking steps to alter her body and before she goes through with it I think it would do her some good to spend time around a woman that suffered through similar concerns. As well as the man that helped her through them."


Samui sat in a doctor's office as she made final preparations to go through with the surgery she had planned. Her doctor closed the meeting by saying, "Samui, we'll schedule your operation for next month. This is a big decision so take some time to think about it."

The blonde woman nodded as she stood before replying, "Are you sure there are no sooner openings?"

"Sorry, my schedule is rather full and I'm the only doctor in Kumo that handles such cosmetic surgeries," the man replied.

Samui sighed, but accepted that it was unlikely she would be able to get an earlier appointment. While Kumo did have a fine medical staff, most of their skills were directed towards healing injuries. There were only a limited number of doctors that had even ventured down the path of corrective surgery and those that did had to balance what was considered a side practice with their normal duties. As such a Breast reduction Surgery such as the one that she had decided on tended to fall pretty low on the list of priorities.

Still, Samui took some solace in that she wouldn't have to change the date of the vacation time she had requested. It had been mortifying enough to explain to Mabui, the reason behind her needing several weeks off. Leaving the hospital, she was stopped by the head of the Kumo medical program Sosuke Aizen. The man smiled warmly at her after adjusting his glasses as he said, "Ah, Samui you've been a regular visitor around here lately. I trust everything is well."

"It is," Samui replied indifferently. While most of the people in the village adored the talented man, who on top of being a skilled medic was also quite the accomplished warrior, for whatever reason something about him made her skin crawl. She suspected that it was due to her being used to people talking one way to her while thinking something else, but whenever she was around him, she experienced the feeling that while he seemed to care about those around him. He was in truth actually amused with them, like there was some joke he was telling and no one else seemed to be aware of it. At least most weren't. "I'll be going now."

The blonde kunoichi quickly left as she could feel his eyes on her back and felt the same feeling of amusement he gave off although in her case it was mixed with something else. She couldn't place it exactly, but did feel that it was perhaps suspicion that she wasn't as fooled by his kind doctor routine as everyone else.

Desiring a way to kill some time, she felt that perhaps a mission would be just the type of distraction that she needed. With Karui out of town helping to coordinate the upcoming Chunin Exam between Konoha, Suna, and Kumo along with a few of the minor villages aligned with each, and Omoi likely lost in whatever paranoid exaggerations his mind often came up with, she decided to take a simple but long term mission. Upon reaching the building where missions were handed out she found it to be slightly busier than usually which she associated with the increased trade between her village and the others. However, she noticed a certain section that seemed devoid of shinobi interested in taking the requests being offered.

Sitting at the booth was Mabui, who in recent weeks had taken to trying to talk the shinobi of Kumo into the joint missions being offered by the Great Tree Shipping Company. As was usual, none of the Kumo shinobi present were interested, mostly since they had no desire to work with the Leaf Shinobi who often escorted the shipments to Kumo out of the lingering resentment they felt at the Raikage's being forced to admit his involvement in the Hyuuga incident. Samui could see a few of the genin present seemed interested, which would perk Mabui up as the approached, but they'd often lose their nerve as more senior shinobi passed by or called them away.

As far as Samui was aware the only person to have taken such a mission thus far had been Yugito, but even her endorsement had not been enough to generate much desire. "Hey," a voice called to her causing Samui to face the man it belonged to.

"Hello Darui," the kunoichi said in her usual detached tone.

"You seem rather interested in Mabui's little pet project," the Dark-skinned man said.

Samui shrugged as she replied indifferently, "Hardly, I do admit to being curious as to why she is trying so hard." She didn't frown as she turned away to look at Mabui, but wanted to as it seemed to invite the male jounin to try and peek down her shirt from behind her. She stepped to the side so as to break up his line of sight as she continued as if she hadn't noticed, "I've asked her about it before and she seems to believe that working with the Leaf and Sand will be a good thing for the village."

"Not everyone shares that opinion," Darui said with a shrug. "I suppose only time will tell. But my money's on us being at each other's throats again in a short period of time. The Leaf and Sand may have become close allies, but there's too much bad blood between us and them to ever think things will change." Samui wasn't quite sure how to take the statement, but felt it was more true than not. Darui changed the subject as he asked, "So what brings you down here today?"

"I'm looking for a mission that will get me out of the village for a few weeks."

Darui smirked as he said, "You could try one of the ones Mabui is handing out. Those tend to be around a few weeks long since you can choose to make a trek all the way to Suna after passing through the Leaf." Samui heard a little bitterness in the man's voice and attributed it to the rumor that Mabui had ended their quasi-relationship. Granted Darui had a few women that he regularly slept with, but Samui suspected that the man many considered Kumo's most eligible bachelor had expected the Raikage's assistant to come back to him. That she seemed content with her new pursuit which at present seemed to be bridging the gap between Kumo and Konoha, the blonde kunoichi suspected some of his own desire to see relations between the villages sour was a result of her interest in bettering those relations.

Samui felt his eyes on her again as he asked, "How about you and I take one of those missions and use the time to get to know each other better?"

"I'm not interested in getting to know you in such a fashion," Samui answered as his gaze made her feel naked as he likely pictured her taking Mabui's place in his rotation.

Darui shrugged amused as he replied, "Well, if you ever want to have that frosty disposition thawed you know where to find me."

Samui let Darui walk off without comment, as it hadn't been the first time he had made a pass at her. For a brief moment she wondered if it would be the last as if she found a mission that fit the bill it was likely they wouldn't cross paths until after her surgery, which would remove what she felt attracted most of the men around her.

A part of her looked forward to the day, another wondered if she would come to regret it. She quickly silenced the latter part as she was tired of the eyes that undressed her, or the eyes that looked at her with jealousy for something that had been outside her control. Wanting to escape those stares for a while she began to move towards the booth that handed out the C-ranked missions as she would most likely find what she was looking for there.

She paused though as the room suddenly grew tense, and directing her sight to the cause was surprised to see the Leaf's jinchuriki entering the building. He stopped as pretty much the entire room had come to a standstill at his arrival. She could see he was nervous, but he got ahold of his emotions to simply say, "Hello."

The calm greeting caused everyone to resume what they were doing except for Samui, who watched as he made his way to the booth Mabui was running on the shipping companies behalf. Suspecting it was that company that had brought Naruto to Kumo; she wasn't surprised that the jinchuriki and Mabui struck up a conversation. Samui was surprised when it appeared that Mabui had explained the Kumo Shinobi's lack of interest in a joint mission and their joint disappointment at it.

Samui watched as they recovered their good cheer quickly enough while they talked and she was rather surprised at how relaxed Mabui was with the man's presence. She even laughed politely at a few of his comments and once rather loudly. The camaraderie the two were displaying was noticed by more than a few people in the room, her brother being the most notable. She doubted Atsui had forgotten his embarrassment at being manhandled by the jinchuriki so she moved to intercept him when her brother began to close with the two conversing shinobi.

However, before she could the entire room once more came to a stop as a voice called out, "Naruto!!!" Everyone turned towards the door and the large busty blonde dressed in black and whose chest was nearly popping out of her loose fitting robe. Spotting her target, she waved happily before walking towards him. Samui could practically feel the eyes of some of the shinobi undressing the newcomer, but unlike her the woman seemed to bask in the attention. She suspected it was for that reason she let a cute whine enter her voice as she grabbed his arm to say, "Naruto, you promised me you'd help me load up the wagon. You're not going to make me do all that heavy lifting by myself, are you?"

Naruto rubbed his head in embarrassment as he once more became the center of attention and likely the host of a few jealousy stares as the blonde crushed said arm between her ample breasts as she tried to pull him away. "Sorry Rangiku. I only meant to find out if anyone would be accompanying us on the return trip, and got caught up in talking with Mabui. But it looks like it'll be just the two of us."

"That just means I'll have you all to myself then," Rangiku said obviously delighted.

She began to pull Naruto with her, but stopped as Mabui said, "Naruto, says you enjoy fine Saki, Miss Rangiku. You may be interested to know there is a tasting festival happening in a village north of here. Before you rush off you might want to visit it."

"Thanks for the news, Mabui," Naruto said, "But we need to get this shipment to Konoha in a week's time. I doubt we'll have time for a detour."

"Maybe just a little one would be alright," Rangiku said hopefully.

"Sorry, but we're on a pretty tight schedule." Naruto said causing her to pout cutely. Samui watched as it was the jinchuriki's turn to pull the blonde woman out after him.

She wasn't surprised by the sudden surge of men that headed for Mabui's booth now that they were aware of who was accompanying the Leaf ninja for the mission. She prepared to turn away, but noticed Mabui selected her brother and several of his friends in escorting the wagon Rangiku and Naruto were guarding to Konoha. Samui frowned at the Raikage's assistant's choice, since she doubted her brother would get along with Naruto especially if he was trying to impress Rangiku. While she was indifferent about the state of relations between Konoha and Kumo, she didn't want her family to be the cause of them worsening. Therefore, as the disappointed men that didn't get selected began to disburse she approached Mabui, who seemed pleased at her decision so made room for her to join.


"This is bullshit." Atsui said as Naruto held the reigns for the Ox that he was guiding. He rolled his eyes as a chorus of agreements could be heard from the several men that had joined the Kumo-nin for the return trip to Konoha. Although Naruto doubted that Atsui and his friends would be completing the journey with him since Rangiku had abandoned the group back in Kumo to attend the Saki Festival Mabui had mentioned. He wasn't sure why, but he had the sneaking suspicion that Mabui had let that information loose on purpose aware that it would cause the Bijuu to want to attend.

Naruto couldn't complain too much as after she had helped him load the wagon, she had taken him into the warehouse that the Great Tree Shipping Company had bought and gave him a tittefuck as compensation for the inconvenience. Needless to say the men that had obviously signed up after the jinchuriki and Bijuu had left the Kumo Mission Hall had not been pleased that he would be their only company.

"I apologize for my brother's behavior," Samui said stepping up to him.

"Its fine," Naruto said with a shrug, "I know my company is a poor substitute for Rangiku's, but when she wants something she tends to get it."

Samui didn't smile although there was a small upturn of her lips. "Does she often abandon her duties?"

"No, she actually takes them quite seriously most of the time" Naruto answered sincerely. Although, he did amend his statement slightly, "Provided that there isn't someone else around that she can pass them off on."

Naruto gave her a smile before looking forward as he spotted a sign which meant he was likely going to lose his Kumo companions. "Looks like we're approaching the Land of Lightning's border. I figure we'll cross over and camp the night."

"What's this we nonsense?" one of the Kumo-nin said. "We have the option of escorting this wagon only as far as the border, and not to be rude but I'm taking it. I trust you can get yourself home safely enough."

Naruto nodded as he replied politely, "Sure thing, thanks for escorting me this far."

Samui frowned as her fellow Kumo-nin simply turned away to leave Naruto alone, and while she knew he could likely easily handle any troubles that appeared still felt it was poor form. Atsui paused as she hadn't moved to follow so asked, "Don't tell me you are staying."

"I will see the shipment to its destination. The mission clause that allows the shinobi leaving their territory to take off was meant as a means to prevent shinobi unable to get along from being trapped together. However, Naruto has been nothing but polite to all of us."

"Still Samui," Atsui said, "He's the bastard that forced the Raikage to admit to having a role in trying to abduct a Hyuuga. I don't want to work with him."

"Then leave," Samui said dismissively. "That is what the clause was designed for."

"Yeah, but I don't want to leave my sister alone with him."

Samui frowned as she replied, "I do not need you to protect me."

"Then why did you tag along?"

"To prevent you from doing anything moronic," Samui said causing Atsui's friends to chuckle.

With a shrug her brother replied, "Fine, have it your way. Enjoy your trip to the Leaf." He then took off followed by his friends.

Samui turned back to Naruto who again smiled at her as he said, "You know considering the way those guys were all hot to join this mission to enjoy Rangiku's company. I figured one or two might stay to enjoy yours."

Samui folded her arms under her bust pushing it up some and was surprised that Naruto didn't break eye contact with her as she said, "I have already shot their advances down. They know I hold no interest in them."

"Well no matter," Naruto said happily as he began to lead the oxen to the spot he had picked out to make camp. "I can't say I'll miss their company. It's a shame too since the reason for these joint missions are to better relations between our villages. It would be nice if they tried to see me as anything but a Leaf Headband." Samui felt her lips again nearly break into a smile as it was a sentiment she shared about most people in regards to her chest.


Kiba felt a great deal of concern as he watched Aeris, Yuffie, and Tifa through the glass of an interrogation room. He felt some of it dissipate as Tsunade said, "Relax Kiba. This is so they can live here without worrying about their secret being discovered."

"Yeah, I get that Lady Tsunade," Kiba said looking away. "But having them interrogated by that proctor from the First round of the chunin exam is a bit much. I remember how that guy nearly made me crack just about answering a test question. He's going to press on them hard."

"Of course he is," Tsunade said calmly despite her own concerns about the plan. "That is why it has to be him. If he signs off on them staying everyone else in the Torture and Interrogation Department will fall in line. Also, Ibiki is stubborn and he isn't just going to forget that three Taki-nin are out there possibly causing trouble. He's currently running twenty-four hour surveillance teams on Mizuki's former lover on the off chance he'll approach her. It is for that reason that most of the prisoners that did escape are back in the Leaf Maximum Security Prison."

Kiba frowned as he could not argue against any of the points Tsunade had made but still said, "I understand that but it's my girlfriends on the other side of that glass."

Tsunade shot him an amused smirk as she countered, "You aren't the only one. I have a member of my family in the same situation after all."

The tension in the room lessoned for a moment but picked right back up as Ibiki stepped into the room with the Taki-nin. He tossed the folder he carried onto the table causing photos of how the woman had looked prior to their run in with Kiyomi to spill out. The Jounin sat in his chair and simply stared at them without asking any questions. After nearly an hour Kiba wasn't surprised when it was Yuffie that blurted, "Well, aren't you going to ask us any questions?"

"Why? It's obvious that you've crafted quite the fantastical tale and I'm sure you'd have an answer for just about anything I'll ask. Therefore the only question I want answered is why I shouldn't just have you hauled off to the Leaf's Maximum Security Prison." Ibiki leaned forward and smiled maliciously as he said, "Your rooms have all been remodeled and I made sure they remained empty for when I found you. Although, they might not be as comfortable as you remember."

The three Taki-nin shared concerned looks before Yuffie leaned forward to say, "Look we came to you."

Ibiki sat back looking at his reflection in the one way mirror before responding, "I read the report. You would like for me to believe that two of you found yourselves falling head over heels for Kiba Inuzuka, and want to start a new life with him. In my experience he's more than likely a patsy you're hoping to use to get what you want. The only reason he will not be occupying a cell with you is because he came forward to the Hokage upon realizing who you were."

"We told him you idiot," Yuffie said quickly, "I'm not some love sick puppy. She is."

Ibiki looked over to Aeris, who nodded as she said calmly, "It's true and I do want that new life that you mentioned. But if in order to get it I must complete my sentence I will do so."

Ibiki looked towards Tifa as he asked, "What about you?"

"I would take the new life without going back to jail if you don't mind."

Ibiki's stare lingered on Tifa longer before he asked, "So is there some man in your life making you come forward." Tifa didn't respond as she simply shook her head but Ibiki received the information he had wanted so said, "Alright, despite how incredible your story seems to be I have little choice but to believe it. The DNA tests obviously came back as inconclusive on two of you due to the changes you experienced." Focusing on Yuffie, he continued, "Yours however came back positive. That's a neat trick you pulled off there. I'm sure there would be people lining up around the block to be made younger again, so I'm sure you can imagine my confusion as to why some mysterious woman would abduct you, change your appearances and then drop you back into the Leaf with paperwork to match your new faces."

"We told you, we don't know why." Yuffie sighed in exasperation as she explained, "We already explained to you that for most of our time in the Leaf, we weren't even in control of our own bodies. It was only after we gained control..."

"Or were given," Ibiki supplied.

Nodding Yuffie added, "Or were given control of our bodies that we ran into Kiba. Yes we used him at first, but Aeris feelings for him are genuine."

"And yours?"

"I...I just want to remain close to my team," Yuffie said quickly although her cheeks did darken some.

"Be that as it may," Ibiki said dismissively, "How can I let three women who admit to being controlled by some unknown group run loose in my village? If control was given to you it can just as easily be taken away."

"Perhaps I can answer that," all three women said at once causing Ibiki to leap back. The women's eyes were white without pupils as they sat ramrod straight in their chairs. Seeing Ibiki pulling a blade they said in unison, "Calm down. I'm merely here to talk."

"You mean using them don't you," Ibiki said cautiously directing his gaze to the mirror. Not receiving an order from the Hokage, he guessed she wanted him to continue speaking to whomever was controlling the women so said, "You have my attention."

All three women smiled as whoever was controlling them said, "I believe I would have had it regardless after you read that report."

Ibiki inclined his head as he said, "All too true. Although I am curious, if you didn't want them to come forward it appears you could have stopped them. Why didn't you?"

All three women shrugged as they said, "Because they truly wish to leave their lives in Taki behind. I'm only able to exert this much control over them due to my residual chakra left in their systems. Soon that too will be exhausted; therefore I felt it prudent to use this opportunity to speak on their behalf and to perhaps answer some questions."

Taking his seat Ibiki said, "Who are you?"

"That would be telling, but let's just say I represent a growing group of people that are pleased with the direction the shinobi world is moving."

"And what does this group call itself?"

"You mean like the Akatsuki," the person controlling the Taki-nin said amused. "We have no use for names."

"And why is that?"

"Because if you name something you give it form, and it is with the intention that someone will one day use it. Whether they say the name in praise or fear depends on the actions a group then takes once it has a name. It is our hope that rather than be a named group, that you instead treat us like an idea. A way of thinking if you will. You don't need to name an idea, but only know that it exists. We have been watching and rewarding you as you've taken steps to move our idea forward."

"What idea would that be?" Ibiki asked.

Again the three Taki women smiled at him as the person speaking through them said, "You're a smart man. I'm sure you'll figure it out."

Ibiki grunted as he asked, "You said you rewarded us. I take it then that you're taking credit then for those Chakra Waves that have appeared in the Leaf and Sand villages. These were your signs of approval for how close our two villages have become."

"Very good," the person said in the three women's voices, "But it sounds like you're rather skeptical of this. It's good to be suspicious, but really who else do you think it could have been. No matter, it was about time for another."

Ibiki's eyes grew wide as a wave of chakra suddenly passed through the room. He could imagine the surprise passing through the village but remained in the room as he asked, "I take it that Kumo also experienced one as well."

All three Taki-nin bowed their heads in acknowledgement before answering, "Indeed, although the one there only covered the hospital grounds. If they continue to move with Konoha perhaps they'll be rewarded again. The one in Suna covered the entire village this time around. Now then I'll take my leave, please consider letting these women go."

"I'll honor that request provided you answer one last question for me?"

The three women arched their eyebrows as they said, "I'm listening."

"Were you behind the attack on Akatsuki? Do you have possession of the Bijuu?"

"That is two questions," the tree women said prompting Ibiki to nod at her point. "The answer to your first is yes. The answer to your second is more...complicated. Let us just say that the Bijuu are no longer the playthings for humanity. Their existence as weapons for petty wars is at an end."

"That isn't necessarily true," Ibiki said, "Konoha and Kumo still have their jinchuriki."

"True," the three women speaking conceded, "but I think you will find that their Bijuu have come to gladly lend them their power. They've helped their host's villages because they want to not because they have to. As long as this continues we'll leave those Bijuu alone. If they once more become pawns in the struggle between villages we'll step in. Now I believe I've borrowed these women's bodies for long enough."

The three Taki-nin fell forward as they collapsed once whoever was controlling them relinquished control. A moment later, Kiba burst into the room as he shouted the names of the two women tied to him. Tsunade moved towards Tifa to check her vitals and once she was sure the woman was alright approached him. "What do you make of this Ibiki?"

Watching Kiba, he shook his head as he answered, "To be honest Lady Hokage, I'm still a little numb from the experience. Although normally I'd be suspicious of getting so many answers just handed to me, this time around I'm inclined to believe them."

"Why's that?" Tsunade asked.

Looking at his leader he replied, "Because if what that person said is true about having the Bijuu that Akatsuki captured, as well as being able to release those chakra waves in three of the five shinobi villages. Then in all honesty they have no reason to lie to me. If they wanted to take the world by force then I'd have to imagine any one village would have a hard time stopping them. I guess it's fortunate that they seem content to remain in the shadows because gods help us if they decide to intervene directly."

"What is your recommendation for what we do with them?" Tsunade asked indicating the three Taki-nin as Ibiki began to leave to pour over the reports likely pilling in from the latest Chakra Wave.

Ibiki paused before looking back at his leader as he said, "We should cut them loose. I did give her my word that we would."

Tsunade nodded as she turned back to the women to help rouse them, but quickly looked back as she wondered about the meaning of the pronoun he had applied to the person he had spoken with.
