
Epic Conquest

The Region of Genten is a place of powerful warlords. Within this region are 18 Kingdoms. Each Kingdom lived in Harmony until the Kingdom of Lem announced an Ancient Legend about the Mythical 19th Kingdom: The Kingdom of Ryū. This Kingdom is said to only appear when all 18 kingdoms are conquered by one Warlord. The Warlord who conquers all 18 Kingdoms will get the chance to venture into the Kingdom of Ryū. If that person manages to defeat the Dragon King, they will be able to obtain the legendary Dragon Blade. This blade is the key to the rest of the Dragon Region where you have the chance to take on the 4 Dragon Warlords to become one of them. 2 Years have passed and the competition has now turned into War. The first kingdom, The King of Auroria died in battle against the Flaming Kingdom, Ignis. A few months later a free spirited girl has appeared and claimed to be the new warlord of Auroria. Her plans isn’t to win this war but to unite all 18 Kingdoms again. ————————————————— “We are bounded by the chains of war. We can not change then inevitable future for all of humanity. But you...I know you can save us all..end the wars for good..please..Allow me to join your epic conquest for peace.” A samurai said. “Everyone is allowed to join my army. I don’t care about this legend, I just want everyone at peace again.” The girl said with a bright smile of determination.

YamixKawaii_Novels · แฟนตาซี
38 Chs

The Tachibana 3

Uchi tried to get up, but couldn't. She kept falling and she sobbed. Avani closed her eyes and balled her hands into fists. They both knew once Aria used Crescent Luminous, her body would be too weak to handle any form of magic attack. Ginchiyo was about to put away her sword until she heard grunting. She watched the smoke clear. Aria, by pure determination and willpower, mustered the strength to keep standing.

"W-What..?" Ginchiyo said in shock.

"A-Aria.." Uchi looked at her.

Aria's hair covered her eyes and she wobbled as she stood. Muneshige was also surprised to see her stand. Everyone who was watching murmured and were astounded by her willpower to keep challenging Ginchiyo.

"I...will not fall..!" Aria said.

Ginchiyo's sword surged with lightning again. Reud heard the commotion and walked outside and looked shocked to see Aria standing.

"I will not falter to anyone..!" Aria gripped the handle of her sword tighter.

"Why don't you quit while you still can?! Your dream is nothing more than a fantasy for someone of your age!" Ginchiyo said and slashed downwards and a lightning bolt struck Aria again.

"N-No..it isn't..!" Aria grunted and stood up again. "My dream..becomes reality at every waking moment..every step I take..it becomes more and more true..! If it wasn't real..then I wouldn't be where I am now!"

"Stop this childishness while you are still alive! This battle is pointless!" Ginchiyo slashed again and lightning struck Aria again.

"Aria please!" Avani said.

"I will...not turn back...not now..not ever..!" Aria said.

Everyone watched her and Ginchiyo was getting more annoyed. She held back her sharp tongue and watched her.

"I may not be strong enough..to beat him now..but I will evolve and awaken..!" Aria bellowed and a huge spike of energy surged around Aria's body. "Awaken! I will get stronger! I will accomplish my dream! For Auroria, for Genten! For Lord Astros!"

Aria bellowed and tiny sparks appeared around her. Uchi was immobilized by Aria. The way she shined. Reud was most certainly surprised.

In Asyio, Phoenix opened her eyes and looked at Talamat. Talamat opened her eyes also. They felt Aria's energy. They felt her breaking her limits.

"She's finally awakening and evolving.." Phoenix said.

"Yes...and her blade will respond accordingly to this new transition." Talamat nodded.

Aria bellowed and her energy created powerful forces of wind. Ginchiyo grunted and guarded her face from the debris. Muneshige guarded his face also. Uchi couldn't look away. Avani couldn't either. They were both severely in awe.

"I...Will...Not...Fall...To...Anyone!" Aria yelled and flames surrounded her. Her sword shined brightly and the hilt of the sword began to change. An angel wing formed on the the hilt and the blade changed also. The outer color of the blade was red while the inner color of the blade was golden.

Ginchiyo closed one eye and began to slide back then caught her footing. Muneshige looked back and held onto Ginchiyo.

Aria bellowed loudly and one wing appeared on her right side. The wing was red like Phoenix's. Her energy slowly vanished as her awakening was finished. She opened her eyes and they glowed a bright red. The same shimmering red as her sisters, Talamat and Phoenix.

"A one winged...Valkyrie.." Uchi said.

"One winged Valkyrie..? I have only heard of them in legends.." Avani said.

"Her wing...is like a Phoenix.." Uchi said. "And her sword..evolved as well.."

Aria looked at her sword and noticed the flames around her. She had unlocked her second element, Fire. Her evolution resulted in new abilities, a new Warrior Skill, and allowing her to use Fury Skills.

"Out of all my years..I have never seen evolution in my very eyes.." Ginchiyo said.

"You still want to battle her..? At your full power..this time..?" Muneshige asked.

"Of course..if my opponent still stands, the battle rages on." Ginchiyo said.

Aria looked at her wing then heard Ginchiyo bellow and her lightning changed from yellow to purple. She got in a stance.

"Aria...by far you are the one opponent I truly acknowledge! Show me your new power!" Ginchiyo said then looked shocked when Aria just appeared above her and slashed down.

Ginchiyo blocked and sparks flew and Aria kicked her sword then backflipped off the blade and summoned her lance and threw it at her like a javelin. Ginchiyo dodged and dashed to her in lightning speeds. Aria landed and dashed to Ginchiyo. They slashed and entered combat. Everyone watched this historic battle go down. Aria, who wasn't even able to keep up nor match Ginchiyo, now matches her in combat and speed with her new Warrior Skill: Revived Willpower and Ginchiyo hasn't even gone 100% since her final encounter with Nobunaga.

"How do you like me now?!" Aria bellowed and kicked her back.

"Tch! Don't get cocky yet!" Ginchiyo got in a stance and twirled her sword.

Aria flew up and bellowed then slashed continuously, sending multiple blade beams at Ginchiyo. Ginchiyo slashed as well sending blade beams of her own. The beams clashed and Aria's energy appeared around her. She landed and dashed to Ginchiyo and slashed. Ginchiyo parried and went for the stab. Aria dodged her and spun and kicked her side then twirled again, jumped and kicked her face. Ginchiyo held her mouth and fell to the ground. Ginchiyo swept Aria off her feet onto the ground then turned into a ball of lightning and appeared above Aria and slashed down. Aria rolled to her right and got up. She jumped back and her wing spread open wide and she sent multiple fireballs at Ginchiyo. Ginchiyo slashed through all of them and jumped back.

"I'm ending this with my ultimate attack!" Ginchiyo bellowed.

"I will do the same!" Aria got in a stance.

Ginchiyo and Aria bellowed as black and white aura entered their swords.

"This is the might of the Tachibana! Say your prayers!" Ginchiyo bellowed.

"I am the sibling of Phoenix and Talamat, I am the Flaming Valkyrie! Burn by the power of my flames!" Aria bellowed.

"Fury Arts: Arcane Raikiri!" Ginchiyo slashed multple times and multiple bolts struck the ground.

Aria dashed to Ginchiyo, dodging the bolts. The flipped and sidestepped. She threw her sword and summoned her lance then gave herself a boost of speed and caught her sword. Ginchiyo jumped back and kept slashing as more bolts crashed down.

"Fury Arts!" Aria bellowed.

"You will not win!" Ginchiyo bellowed and slashed down and three lines of bolts crashed down.

"Aether!" Aria dodged one line.

"Give up!" Ginchiyo slashed again and three more lines of bolts crashed down.

"Crescent!" Aria dodged the second line.

"I will not fall to you! Tachibana will never lose to you!" Ginchiyo bellowed and shot a large bolt at Aria.

Aria slashed through the bolt and her body began to go through Overload. She bellowed and slashed through the bolt.

"Rush!!" Aria bellowed and slashed multiple times and slashed in a circle releasing blade beams in all directions and blew Ginchiyo away.

Ginchiyo hit her back against a building and passed out. Uchi and Avani cheered loudly. Muneshige smiled and walked to Ginchiyo. Reud gripped the rails and walked off. Everyone was in shock to see Ginchiyo lose but also in shock of Aria's huge increase in power. Aria passed out right after and her wing vanished and her sword turned normal.

Aria defeated Ginchiyo, one of the strongest Warlords and women in Genten. This battle went down in history for Violight and was heavily talked about across the kingdom. Word soon spreaded across the south of Genten.

Meanwhile in the Kingdoms of Terreria and Illusio...

"Aria huh? I fear that we will have to battle her in only a few months.." Shingen laughed.

"I can't wait! I'm so fired up now!" Kunoichi said.

"We shall do our best!" Yukimura said.

"Aria may be our biggest threat..we shall keep training until she either battles us or our nemesis at Terreria.." Kenshin said.

"Right! We will be ready for that time!" Kanetsugu said.

"Once that time comes we will blow them away.." Aya smiled.