
Epic Conquest

The Region of Genten is a place of powerful warlords. Within this region are 18 Kingdoms. Each Kingdom lived in Harmony until the Kingdom of Lem announced an Ancient Legend about the Mythical 19th Kingdom: The Kingdom of Ryū. This Kingdom is said to only appear when all 18 kingdoms are conquered by one Warlord. The Warlord who conquers all 18 Kingdoms will get the chance to venture into the Kingdom of Ryū. If that person manages to defeat the Dragon King, they will be able to obtain the legendary Dragon Blade. This blade is the key to the rest of the Dragon Region where you have the chance to take on the 4 Dragon Warlords to become one of them. 2 Years have passed and the competition has now turned into War. The first kingdom, The King of Auroria died in battle against the Flaming Kingdom, Ignis. A few months later a free spirited girl has appeared and claimed to be the new warlord of Auroria. Her plans isn’t to win this war but to unite all 18 Kingdoms again. ————————————————— “We are bounded by the chains of war. We can not change then inevitable future for all of humanity. But you...I know you can save us all..end the wars for good..please..Allow me to join your epic conquest for peace.” A samurai said. “Everyone is allowed to join my army. I don’t care about this legend, I just want everyone at peace again.” The girl said with a bright smile of determination.

YamixKawaii_Novels · แฟนตาซี
38 Chs

The Fate of Genten 5

A few minutes passed and Aria slowly got up and grunted. Nō stood up also and her dark energy weakly flowed from her arms. Aria's flames weakly surged from her sword.

"You...still want to fight..?" Nō asked.

"I..will get that key...and save Genten..!" Aria said.

Aria ran to Nō and slashed weakly then her sword turned normal and fell forward. Nō caught Aria and looked at her. Aria closed her eyes.

"My body.." Aria said and could barely move.

"All of us are tired..there was no winners on the field..this is the first time where the battle ends in a draw.." Nō said.

Aria held onto Nō's kimono and Nō looked at her and smiled a bit. She gently rubbed her head.

"If no one won..that means I can't get the key from you?" Aria asked.

"No you can have the key..after all you technically defeated me as you said you would.." Nō said.

"Am I growing..? Will my power be enough to take on Omu..?" Aria asked.

"I can not judge your chances of defeating Omu based on this battle. You will have to find out if you're strong enough to defeat him yourself." Nō said.

Joshua and and Okuni slowly sat up and groaned a bit. Uchi sat up also and held her head.

"Seems like everyone is awake.." Nō looked at Aria.

Aria stood up straight and turned around and looked at everyone. She walked to Uchi first and crouched down and gently held her arms. Uchi looked at Aria and smiled.

"Are you okay?" Aria asked.

"There's no need to worry.." Uchi said.

"I know but still.." Aria pushed the strands of hair that was in front of Uchi's eyes aside.

"I'm fine, I swear.." Uchi held her hand and gave a reassuring smile.

Aria looked at their hands and Uchi interlocked their fingers together. Aria blushed softly and looked at Uchi.

"Nixtorm is our final battle together.." Uchi said. "Don't die on me afterwards.."

"I won't die.." Aria said and placed her forehead on Uchi's and closed her eyes. "You'll see me walk out that kingdom the victor..you'll see me alive..in one piece.."

"Promise me.." Uchi closed her eyes. "Promise me you'll come back to me...to us...alive.."

"I promise.." Aria said.

Joshua watched them and smiled. They reminded him of how Sefia and Kikuri were when they were younger. He helped Okuni up and Okuni blushed and looked away.

"T-Thanks." Okuni said.

"It's no issue." Joshua picked up his broken sword. All that remained was the hilt of the blade.

"Your sword.." Okuni looked at his sword.

"It was a sword my fiancé gave to me..she made it herself..I feel bad for it to be broken.." Joshua said.

"You have a fiancé?" Okuni asked.

"Yeah..She's one of the Demon Hunters back in my homeland in Mistral. After this war is over, I plan to return to Mistral." Joshua said.

"Will you ever return?" Okuni asked.

"Most likely not..this will be my last few months in Genten." Joshua said.

"Oh...well it was nice meeting you." Okuni smiled.

Joshua ruffled her hair and walked to Aria and Uchi. Aria looked at Joshua and smiled.

"I will be watching your battle against Mitsuhide and Omu.." Joshua said.

"I will defeat them both..and save all of Genten from Omu then see you off back to Mistral.." Aria nodded and smiled.

"Are you going to stay in Genten?" Joshua asked.

"No I am going back to Aysio for a while to see my family there." Aria said.

"What is Aysio like?" Uchi asked.

"It is a continent who are allies of Genten. It is a diverse place and has the most beautiful beaches. It is also the home of Talamat, who is the goddess of the land. Only I have actually seen her, aside from Phoenix. She rarely shows up and when people ask for feathers she justs plucks and let them float to the people." Aria said.

"You did say she is your sister right?" Joshua said.

"I'm more an adoptive sister. I never knew who my parents or family were." Aria said.

"Well they will be so happy to see you again." Uchi smiled.

Aria nodded and looked at them. She saw Ranmaru walking towards them. Nō watched also.

"The next battle will be a hard one." Ranmaru said. "Using lightning will be very dangerous for both sides and using Ice will only cancel each other out. Aria is the only person who can deal significant damage to Mitsuhide and Gracia."

"They are both Ice Element Users. We should use Thunder to it's fullest extent." Aria said.


"Thunder will cause Superconduct, causing an elemental explosion, dealing damage to Ice Elements. Same with Ice." Aria said.

"There's no fighting you on this is there?" Ranmaru smiled nervously.

"Nope!" Aria stood up and her stomach growled and she blushed hard.

"You can't fight on an empty stomach." Nō said. "Come with me in the castle. We shall have a small feast."

They all followed Nō inside her castle. Aria looked around the castle and smiled. The castle was candle lit and beautiful. It looked more like a shrine than a traditional castle. Nō led everyone to the dining room and everyone took their seats. Nō ordered the maids to make food for everyone.

"You even have maids?" Aria asked.

"You don't?" Okuni asked.

"Nope, Auroria doesn't have maids." Joshua said.

"Well it isn't a necessity to have maids." Nō sat down and smiled.

"I usually cooked for the entire army." Aria said.

"Not only that, Aria cooked for the children and their parents. She fed the entire kingdom." Joshua chuckled.

"You do have that motherly aura to you." Uchi teased.

"A-" Aria blushed and twirled her hair around her finger, flustered. "I mean..it's nice to see them happy..I would even eat with the children..the truth is I'm jealous of them. I never had any wonderful childhood..so making sure the children are happy is my top priority. I even have plans to adopt a child of my own from the orphanage in Auroria."

"See she is amazingly pure at heart." Joshua said.

"Her innocence is immeasurable." Nō giggled. "I'm sure whoever you adopt will be happy with you."

Aria smiled then watched the maids walk back to the dining room amd set down multiple plates of food and silverware. Aria, Uchi, and Joshua were amazed by the food then everyone started to eat.

About an hour or two later, everyone was finished and chatting like normal. Aria smiled and stood up.

"I enjoyed the meal. Now it's time for us to head over to Nixtorm." Aria said.

"Already?" Nō asked.

"We can not waste valuable time. I enjoyed my time here, but now it's time to head out." Aria bowed.

"Yeah, Genten isn't gonna save itself." Uchi stood up.

"Mmm. We shall march to Nixtorm and defeat Mitsuhide." Ranmaru said.

"Oh alright then." Nō smiled. "Do your best."

No tossed the second key towards Aria and she caught it. Aria looked at the key. She was one step closer to her final battle with Omu. She closed her eyes and her heart thumped hard. She was getting nervous, but remained calm.

"Let us set out to Nixtorm now." Aria said.

Aria and the others walked from Spectem to Nixtorm. The weather changed drastically the closer they got to Nixtorm. The blizzard rushed towards them and Uchi grunted and shivered.

"Ahh you've never been to Nixtorm before right?" Ranamru said.

"N-N-NOPE! IT'S TOO COLD!" Uchi said.

The blizzard ended and before them stood Mitsuhide. He looked serious then came walking behind him was Gracia.

"It's about time you show up." Mitsuhide said.

"I have nothing to say to you." Aria said. "I'm here for one reason.."

"The key..I know.." Mitsuhide walked off anx Aria and the others followed him. "I am surprised you made it thus far. I knew you'd make it here, but not this fast.."

"Why do you want to fight me on this?" Aria asked.

"It is my duty to protect my kingdom..protect my daughter. That is why..I do this.." Mitsuhide stopped.

Aria stopped as well and looked at Mitsuhide. Mitsuhide turned around and his eyes glowed.

"I have nothing else to lose..and in this battle, you will be defeated in one strike." Mitsuhide said.

Aria was surprised and saw Mitsuhide jump back. White and black aura powerfully surged into his sword. Gracia stepped back. Aria got her sword ready and felt the ground shaking a bit.

"This is your final battle before Omu! I, Mitsuhide Akechi, am the second strongest being in Genten! Prove yourself to me in a single strike!" Mitsuhide bellowed.

Aria got in a stance. She was not expecting this at all. Her flames appeared and surrounded her. She bellowed and her flames circled around her wildly.

'This is it Aria..! This is it! The final battle before Omu! This is your moment to break past your final limits!' Aria thought to herself. 'Everyone is counting on me! I will not lose!'

The flames circling Aria turned a deeper red and she bellowed then her wing appeared. Flames sparked on the other side of her back as she bellowed. Mitsuhide glared and his energy surged from his blade. Uchi was nervous and watched. Ranmaru had never seen this power coming from Mitsuhide before. Gracia was also a bit surprised.

"W-Warrior Skill!" Aria grunted as her flames grew more and more powerful. A tiny flame emerged from the other side of her back. She couldn't control her flames and her heart thumped. Her eyes slowly turned blue.

"Warrior Skill! Eternal Frostbite!" Mitsuhide bellowed.

'My body..generating so much power..!' Aria thought. 'Can't take it..! Body feels like it's gonna explode..!'

"Fury Arts!" Mitsuhide's energy vanished. "Verglas Judgement!"

Mitsuhide dashed to Aria and slowly withdrew his blade from the scabbard. Aria's body wouldn't let her move. Mitsuhide slashed then a massive frozen explosion happened upon imapact. Everyone yelled and covered their face. The blizzard cleared and Aria fell to her knees. Mitsuhide slid his katana back into the scabbard.

"One attack is all it took.." Mitsuhide said.

Aria fell on her side. She laid there and Uchi ran to her.

"Aria! Aria!" Uchi shook her. "Please Aria! You can not give up!!"

Aria had her eyes closed and didn't respond. She had a small flashback to when she was only 12.

[7 Years Ago]

"Alright that's enough training." Phoenix said and ruffled her wings.

"Aww! I wanted to train some more! Learn a new technique! Please!" Aria asked.

"No. You've done enough." Phoenix giggled.

"Fine I'll ask Talamat!" Aria pouted.

"Not available.." Talamat said from her nest.

Aria and Phoenix looked at her and laughed softly. Phoenix flew down to Aria.

"Alright..I'll teach you one last technique. It is called Iridescent Flames. It's my ultimate ability. It is passive and is only unlocked when you're nearing death. Because of this ability, I was reborn and I broke past my final limits and was able to transform into what people know me by, Levarza. That is my real name." Phoenix said.

"Why do we call you Phoenix?" Aria asked.

"Well because it's easier for everyone." Phoenix said.

"And Levarza is a dumb name." Talamat said.

"Don't start Volarda." Phoenix said.

Talamat grunted and choked on her words. Phoenix giggled then looked at Aria. Aria smiled and looked at Phoenix.

"Like I was saying, Iridescent Flames will always be with you.." Phoenix said and put some of her flames in Aria. "Later in your life, you will unlock these flames..when that time comes, you'll officially be a Phoenix like me, Talamat and our parents."

"Even though I am human?" Aria said.

"Yes..your race doesn't mean you can't be one of us..you are our family now..you are special to us..we love you." Phoenix rubbed her head with her wing.

[Present Time]

A flame emerged from Aria's chest and Uchi sat up. Mitsuhide turned back and saw Aria stand up slowly.

"My ultimate ability..! Iridescent..Flame..!" Aria wobbled when she stood up. "Phoenix...Talamat...has always been there for me since I was a baby..they gifted me the flames of a Phoenix! I am one of them! A Phoenix! My flames..! Will! Burn!"

Aria bellowed and her flames surged powerfully. Uchi stood up and was in awe. Aria's voice echoed and a second wing appeared from the flames. She broke her final limits and evolved into the Phoenix Valkyrie. Her eyes turned permanently blue and she looked at Mitsuhide.

"One strike!" Aria got in a stance and the flames fused with her sword. "Warrior Skill Activate! Flames of Rebirth!"

The flames surged more around her. Mitsuhide turned to Aria. Gracia looked at Aria. Ranmaru was surprised once again. Aria looked completely different from before.

"Everyone is counting on me! I won't let anyone stop me!" Aria bellowed. "Fury Arts! Primordial Flames!"

Aria dashed to Mitsuhide. Mitsuhide got in a stance and took a deep breath. Aria bellowed and her roars echoed as she ran to Mitsuhide in full speed. Mitsuhide glared.

"Father!" Gracia yelled.

"Aria!" Uchi yelled.

'Everyone is counting on me! I will not lose!' Aria thought.

"Ultimate Skill: Frost Judgment!" Mitsuhide slashed.

Aria slashed and bellowed. Aria slid past Mitsuhide and stopped. The wind howled and there was silence. Mitsuhide slid his blade back into the scabbard. Aria's flames vanished. Mitsuhide fell to his knees and on his side.

"N-No way.." Ranmaru said.

"F-Father..?" Gracia ran to Mitsuhide.

"She..far exceeded my expectations.." Mitsuhide said. "She got back up from my Verglas Judgment..she is better than any warrior I've faced.."

Mitsuhide sat up and felt blood roll down his cheek. He was surprised and noticed Aria slashed 3 times in one swing.

"She is a true samurai..she knew the hidden One Breath Technique.." Mitsuhide said.

"She blocked your attack and hit your cheek and chest.." Gracia said. "She's faster than Ginchiyo.."

Aria fell on one knee and panted. That attack took all of her energy. Uchi ran to Aria and hugged her from behind.

"You did it! All 3 keys!" Uchi said happily.

"Mhm..and now it's the final battle..against your brother." Aria smiled.

"Please...come back to us alive.." Uchi said.

"I will.." Aria looked up at Uchi.

Uchi smiled and softly pecked her lips and stood up. Aria smiled softly and stood up. She walked to Mitsuhide and held her hand out. Mitsuhide took her hand and stood up.

"Aria..the fate of Genten lies in your hands now." Mitsuhide have her the final key.

"You now have all 17 Kingdoms..the Tower of Eternity has activated..defeating Omu won't be enough now. Now go. Your final showdown..starts now." Mitsuhide said.

Aria nodded and looked at everyone and walked off. She looked back one last time. Uchi waved and teared up. She gave a thumbs up and smiled.

Meanwhile in Lem, Omu was sitting on his throne and his dark aura surged from his body and he chuckled lowly.

"M-Master Omu..I have-" The mage choked as Omu grabbed her neck.

"You have served your purpose little ant.." Omu stood up and squeezed and laughed evilly. His horns glowed a dark purple. "Your light belongs to me!"

Omu drained all of her light from her body then tossed her away. The mage laid on the floor dead.

"Aria..your final resting place..will be here!" Omu growled lowly and his aura surged more and grew more dark.