
Epic Conquest

The Region of Genten is a place of powerful warlords. Within this region are 18 Kingdoms. Each Kingdom lived in Harmony until the Kingdom of Lem announced an Ancient Legend about the Mythical 19th Kingdom: The Kingdom of Ryū. This Kingdom is said to only appear when all 18 kingdoms are conquered by one Warlord. The Warlord who conquers all 18 Kingdoms will get the chance to venture into the Kingdom of Ryū. If that person manages to defeat the Dragon King, they will be able to obtain the legendary Dragon Blade. This blade is the key to the rest of the Dragon Region where you have the chance to take on the 4 Dragon Warlords to become one of them. 2 Years have passed and the competition has now turned into War. The first kingdom, The King of Auroria died in battle against the Flaming Kingdom, Ignis. A few months later a free spirited girl has appeared and claimed to be the new warlord of Auroria. Her plans isn’t to win this war but to unite all 18 Kingdoms again. ————————————————— “We are bounded by the chains of war. We can not change then inevitable future for all of humanity. But you...I know you can save us all..end the wars for good..please..Allow me to join your epic conquest for peace.” A samurai said. “Everyone is allowed to join my army. I don’t care about this legend, I just want everyone at peace again.” The girl said with a bright smile of determination.

YamixKawaii_Novels · แฟนตาซี
38 Chs

Marching To His Beat 1

Two months after the capture of Ignis, Aria had her sights on the Kingdoms of Mizu and Kusa. She wanted to capture the Kingdom of Mizu first since Uchi had an elemental advantage over the water users. They marched towards the Kingdom of Mizu and began their invasion. The warriors were informed of the invasion and got into their stations.

"Alright..It looks like we will have to fight our way to the main battlefield where the Warlord lies. We have approximately 60 minutes to get there before the gate closes." Aria said. "Let's go!"

Sefia and Joshua dashed to the first gate. Aria dashed behind them, followed by Uchi. The opposing warriors dashed to Sefia and Joshua. Sefia and Joshua easily handled them. Their first officer Vildron dashed to battle. He slashed and Joshua blocked the battle.

"Some familiar faces..Joshua of the 18th District Demon Hunter and Sefia the Hallowed Blade.." Vildron said.

"Vildron.." Sefia said then tightened the grip she had on her sword.

"Show me your will! I know why you are fighting, but if you can't defeat me then you can't defeat anyone from Lord Omu's army!" Vildron said.

Sefia and Joshua got into their stance. Vildrom got into his stance and water surrounded his dagger. They dashed to each other and clashed. Joshua and Vildron started their battle with their blades and Sefia jumped back and summoned 8 phantom swords and shot them at Vildron.

"Too obvious!" Vildron parried all of the attacks and a rush of wind blew after he was done.

"So fast.." Sefia said.

Vildron dashed to Sefia and slashed continuously. Sefia blocked and dodged the strikes and countered. Vildron dodged and palmed her stomach then slashed upwards, knocking the sword out of her hand. Sefia summoned a phantom blade to block his next attack.

"Always quick on your feet." Vildron smirked.

"I mustn't slack off even if we aren't being attacked. I trained vigorously everyday! My reaction times should be perfect at all times!" Sefia said.

Joshua appeared behind Vildron and slashed. Vildron dodged and kicked Joshua back then held his hand out and the water in a fountain began to rise. The water started to form the shape of a serpent.

"Vildron!" A girl called out and and ran to him.

"Yan, you're a little late." Vildron said.

"Sorry, I got caught up in Ignis, but now I'm here! Do you want to use that Dual Skill to blow away Sefia and Joshua?" Yan asked.

"Yeah." Vildron smiled.

They got into their stances and Yan's flames surged and formed the shape of a dragon. The two elements combined to create one whole dragon.

"Dual Skill: Double! Dragon! Explosion!" Both Vildron and Yan said.

Sefia bellowed and her aura went to her back and formed wings of light. She summoned her sword and a katana. The blades then emit a golden aura. She summomed 6 large phantom blades of light.

"I will not fail! I will not fall! In the name and honor of Auroria!" Sefia bellowed.

"Sefia! You know the drawback of using that Ultimate Skill!" Joshua said.

"Warrior Skill activate! Radiant Armor!" Sefia bellowed and her armor glowed brightly.

"Go now!" Vildron commanded and the dragon flew down to Sefia.

"Ultimate Skill: Phantom Claiomh Solais!" Sefia slashed and a huge beam of light shot at the dragon along with the six phantom blades.

The two skills clashed and because of Radiant Armor, Sefia gained a huge boost in power. They were even and the clash caused a large light to shine and powerful winds to blow.

"Dragon!" Yan yelled.

"I won't lose to anyone! Not to you, not to Kikuri! Nobody! I am much more than my blades and angelic abilities! I am the very light that shines within!" Sefia bellowed and the clashing skills caused an explosion, blowing everyone in the vicinity away.

Sefia hit a wall and her aura vanished then she fell on one knee and panted. Joshua grunted and was blown back into a pillar. Vildron and Yan were blown into the fountain. All four combatants were unable to fight.

"That shockwave..." Aria looked back.

"Aria we are at the gate! We should enter!" Uchi said.

"R-Right." Aria said and entered through the gate with Uchi.

The main battleground was mostly water and there was a floodgate present, preventing water from entering the designated path for it. Aria looked around and saw no warlord present. The gate closed and they looked back. They heard music being played on a Shamisen and looked to the front.

"It's Motoshiki.." Uchi said.

"Are you the Warlord we are to fight?" Aria asked.

"No. My days of replacement are over. Relax and take a seat while wait and listen to my melodies." Motoshiki said.

Uchi looked at Aria. Aria smiled and nodded. The both sat down and listened.

"I am aware of your goals..To unite Genten. You aren't the first to do it, but you are the first to unite it for a good cause.." Motoshiki said.

"What do you mean?" Uchi asked.

"Nobunaga united Genten with the soul purpose to destroy it until Lord Astros defeated him. They were like Night and Day...after realizing his way of saving the people from the legend of the Dragon Continent, he resigned from Lem for a while, but strangely disappeared from Genten all together. Oichi also vanished after Nobunaga did. The only one who knew the truth was Astros and he is now dead." Motoshiki said.

"Destroying the entire region would prevent the Dragon Continent from appearing but millions of lives would be scarified..I am glad Astros stopped him..but now I am walking into an inescapable fate." Aria said.

"You don't sound conflicted." Motoshiki said.

"Yes because there is always a price to pay for salvation and peace. Once I unite the 18 Kingdoms the Dragon Continent will appear. That fate is inescapable." Aria said.

"You sound quite relaxed..you must know the history of that land?" Motoshiki asked.

"Nope..I grew up with mythical birds, but they never spoke of dragons. I know they exist, but I choose to not believe in legends. After all my only goal in to unite Genten, not be a dragon trainer." Aria said.

"I see.." He opened his eyes and stopped playing. "He's here.."

"Who?" Uchi asked.

"Motochika." Motoshiki smirked.