
chapter 10

You know what to do right?" she heard them call as she was glued to her place. "We are waiting for another 15 minutes behind the same bushes, get your ass there as soon as possible, we don't have all day you see?" with that the last guy smirked and the group walked away.


Having done with his sandwich and coke and after noting down the required details for the coming up semester Arnav walked around towards the driving seat of his car right when he heard the velvety voice with a hint of huskiness in it.

"Arnav!" his hands froze on the door knob and his stance stilled. No one ever called him by his first name other than his own sister. His nani called him chote and the other people whom he interacted with him often called him ASR. So the sound of his name from a foreign voice surprised him.

He turned around in one swift moment to come face to face with a very petite girl, with a ridiculously fair complexion and immensely expressive big eyes, dressed in a floral top and jeans, quite unusual from the kind of girls who hit on him often; she walked nervously and her legs stilled at an audible distance from him while she looked like she was pondering over something.

"A-Arnav right?" she said looking apprehensively.

"You don't look like you don't know my name?" he said with a hint of smirk in his eyes. (Self-obsessed Ass.)

"Ofcourse!" she smiled too widely for own good and extended her hand offering a hand-shake. (Get done with it Khushi, you can do it! You will ask and he will reject, just a matter of asking!)

"I'm Khushi---Khushi Guptha"

He arched an eye-brow and looked at her extended hand for a brief second and turned around to sit back in his car. (Arrogant Ass!)

"uh Arnav!" He stopped again and rolled his eyes.

"What do you want?!" he sounded oddly exasperated and annoyed as he turned around to face her again.

"Uhh--- you"you have a great car!"

"Right, I'm aware of it!" he nodded looking impatiently at her.

"Yeah, you"you even have nice bodyguards!"

He looked to his either side at the men who had been silently witnessing all of it and looked back at the weird girl in front of him. "Oh!" he exclaimed sarcastically.

"They are very much single, you can take them, do you want both or one would do?"

"What?????!!" she exclaimed looking horrified and stole a glance at the two strongly built men, their biceps peeping out of their black too short tee shirts. She gulped looking at them and back at those brown orbs which now held a teasing glint.

She let out a sigh through her pouted mouth and smiled a fake one again. "NO! I mean you have nice Bodygaurds; nice as in who take good care of you. It's really nice of them you know?"

"Like I said, you can take them" he said with a straight face while the men on his either side grinned expectedly.

"----no, they are nice as in normal nice not i-like-them-nice' just normal nice. Why do you even need bodyguards anyway? Do you have a terrorist threat or some political threat? Even Kareena has just one bodyguard in that movie, of course one Salman khan would be enough though---- but you are not even a girl like Kareena in Bodygaurd, are you?"I mean not that----"
