
Grovel Before Me

"Fuck!" Was all Abbey could cry out as he watched the lifeless body of his best friend and his protector lying beside him.

The head was bashed in by the girl in the shop in her own misguided way of saving him. Saving him from the only one person who could have had a fix out of the whole situation they were in. After all, Ben was an anime freak. And he could bet his ass that Ben had always been expecting that something like this would happen one day.

That was what he had been counting on, up until she had smashed his head in. All for what?

"You k-killed him…" Abbey whimpered.

"Yeah, thank me later and get off the ground, you wussy." The girls said to him, resting her back against the shutdown metal door.

The glass door was the norm in the mall. While it was not secure enough to be a door that could shut out any trespassers, tiw as pretty much adopted by any modern store around. AFter all,this was the trend for modernity and it was only fair if they at the mall moved on with the trends.

However when it came down to the security of their products, even though the mall had their own security and all, the store management had gone all the way to install a door behind the glass door that was in the mall by default. This door could be shut from the inside as well as it could be shut from the outside.

And right now, this was the same door which had blocked out the ruckus of the mall from them. While protecting them, it brought about another type of trouble to them. They were holed in. The problem with fortresses was once you are surrounded, unless you have even supplies to outlast the siege, it would eventually become a death tomb to you.

This was no different.

They could only hope that some ray of sunlight of hope could get to them while they waited. For the girl, that was what she thought. For Abbey another thing went on in his head as he watched her.

Disgust filled his mind instantly, seeing her act like she knew everything. How the heck did she get that attitude? That attitude, he was supposed to see it only on Ben. And she had taken him, snuffed out his life from him.

"You fucking killed him. You killed Ben." He cried out.

'Was that his name? The girl asked, standing up from where she sat down and coming over to look at Ben and by extension, Abbey.

"You fucking killed him, you bitch!" Abbey ranted on.

"Oh, yo tlak like you have skome balls in you but you couldn't get up to kill him. You know what would have happened if we let him stay here with us? Dead like a motherfukcer. Dead." She hissed at him..

"You don't know that. He was not a zombie. He could not be. He was the one who could have found a way for us to get out of here. Now, now what have you done.." Abbey whimpered, biting down on his lower finger.

'EEW." The girl snickered at him "You know, if this was some novel I was reading, I would beat up the author for writing such a useless character as you. Are you even a man? You are crying because I saved your life? Well, thank you for your concern but I was not about to become some zombie food for him to eat,okay?" She rnated at him, even going as far as kicking off the feet of Ben now.

Aggravated by this very act, Abbey snarled at her.

``You don't get to do that."

"Oh what will you do, you pussy?" She laughed at him.

"Agghhhh!" Abbey cried out, shooting up instantly as he rushed to her, his fists folded by his sides.

Seeing that, the girl jerked backwards. But Abbey was already in her sight. His right fist drove in from her stomach, But only inches apart, he stopped heaving out.

Seeing this, the girl smiled. She neared him, hugging him to herself while he began to sob into her shoulders.

"You, my friend. You are a weakling." She said to his ears,softly.

Abbey Was about to react but she pulled him close.

"You should never have been born. The world does not have any need for weak men like you. You should just die now." She said,

"What?" Abbey jerked off, using his might to pull off from her embrace. Standing a few inches apart from her, his eyes widened as he watched her now.

"You think the world has a space for good hearted men like you? You think your cries can bring him back to his sanity? FUCK am I stuck in here with you?" The girl roared out. "This is not the way I expected an apocalypse to begin, With a loser like you!" She scoffed, dropping the rod to the ground.

However, at the sound of the metal clanking against the door, glass shattered. Cries rapped out as movement of shuffled feet began to drag to the door. The metal door from which safeguarded them from the rest of the mall.

Abbey and the girl froze, their breathing slowed as several bangs erupted against the dors. The Zombies were attracted to them.

"Damn, They are attracted to noise. You better not squeal a sound or I will make sure you are the first to die." She said, shaking her head.

Stricken by her words, Abbey could not react. His head burned with the amount of hatred she looked at him. And the harsh words she said to him. Usually, he did not allow the words others said to him but this time, this was a little too much.

He had lost his best friend. Then again this?

His innocent heart pounded within his rib cage, searching for a reason why he was this cursed by fate? He felt the weight of the words stabbing painfully into his chest, making it so hard to breathe.

What had he done to deserve a life like this? All he ever wanted to do was to live a quiet life, away from others. Away from things like this, yet, eh kept on getting stuck in them.

"Look. I am sorry for my reaction. I am scared." The girl's voice came from behind the counter. Abbey looked towards the counter but did not see anyone. So, curiosity piqued, he moved over there, only to see her hiding behind the counter.

"When I'm scared, I say things I don't mean. Even though you kind of deserved it for being a wussy." She said, looking away while hugging her knees the moment Abbey came by. "I don't want to die. But I think I do know how it feels to lose someone important to you. Ben must have been that but I did so we can live."

She shook her head, bending down her head. "I did it, so that you could live and protect me." The girl sniffed, looking upwards, her face a mess of tears now.

"I did it so that you can protect me because after locking down the door, I don't know what else I am going to do. But having you with me, alive. It means something to me. Seeing you still here with me, it gives me hope that I would never be abandoned especially in a time like this."

She slumped her shoulders, burying her face in the curve of her right arm.

"I am scared of being left alone. Please, you have to protect me."

"Heh!" Abbey could only laugh mirthlessly as he watched her. So after the whole thing that he did, she was actually a wimp? So much for acting tough.

He shook his head. He hated taking responsibility for anything. But she was right.

Men like him had no reason to be alive. If he was stronger, then maybe he would have stopped her from doing what she did. But no, he was weak. So weak he could not hold back Ben and also stop her at the same time.

But never again.

He looked at the blue screen floating before his eyes. It was faint, so faint. But when he focused on it, the screen began sharper in his eyes.

The prompt from the system was still there.

[Permission to go into Auto Pilot Mode?]

It was time to show the girl how much she was wrong. Never again would he be weak to be insulted by anyone. Never would he be weak that he could not protect those who meant a lot to him.

"You want me to protect you, yes? Why?"

"Isn't it obvious? Because you are a man!" She whimpered but the disgustful stare was back in her eyes.

Abbey merely shook his head at this, coldly looking at her. She just made a mistake. A mistake to look at him like she was below him.

"I would protect you. But on one condition…"

"Which is?"

"Grovel before me and be my slave! Call me Master!"

Okayyyy..I did not see that coming.

Abbey may look cool and deatched but boy has some cold trigegrs. And I guess, this girl just set off everything he had been holding back.

Turning point for him, I guess. But i dont know how things would be before them. A slave and master relationship... Hmmm

sir_impeccablecreators' thoughts