
First chapter:

*rain sounds*

The rain was unending. The night was torturous. He had no idea what was lurking in the short chapter of his 18 years of age.

*Sighs* " Why didn't my boss let me leave on time even though he knows about the attacks that have been going on?" Lin said, a trace of contempt present in his words.

Lin walked on into the night down a dark alley way. Not caring of the absence of light, he was long since used to working the torturous experience known as 'overtime'.

As he was walking, a flicker of movement could just barely be noticed in the direction Lin was heading in if anyone was paying a small semblance of attention.

Lin did not notice as his attention was diverted to his mobile device. That was true up until some of the light from his phone began to reflect on an object that was seemingly getting closer to him.

It was not until the object was Infront of his chest did he finally see what it was, it was...

A blade, Lin did not have any time to react as the blade immediately pierced his chest.

He fell to the ground, praying that this was a dream, that he was just sleeping at work, and that his boss would soon wake him and scold him for sleeping whilst slacking of his overtime.

His boss's scolding words did not come, a voice however... Did.

"Kekekekeke, that's the 5th one this week, gosh Im really making big cash this week."

The voice came from a man who had appeared as the words were heard.

Lin cared not for the man's cruel and cold words. He only cared for the amount of blood he was losing with each passing second.

'ha, *cough* ,ha ,*cough*, im going to die. Jeez why did this have to happen to me. What did I do wrong?'

Just as Lin's question to god was thought, the man who had be motionless for a while, walked closer to Lin and pulled his blade out from Lin's chest. He then proceeded to take Lin's Wallet and walk away.

Lin did not put up any signs of resistance, he felt it was pointless. He prayed for the sweet release of death to come quicker.

His eyelids began to feel heavy and then...

Nothing. His body had died.

Lin thought to himself,

'where am I? I thought I died. I don't accept this. I won't accept this!'

He then calmed down, since there was no denying the fact that he had obviously died.


A noise pinged through Lin's non existent ears. Words appeared in his mind. No voice speaking them.

[Daily Talent Refresh System binding sequence initiated]

[Initiation 1% completed]

Lin looked at the words in his mind and thought that the process would be done soon but he slowly realised that what he thought wasn't true.

*1 Day passed*

[Initiation 2% completed]

'Why is it taking so long?'

*1 Week passed*

[Initiation 3% completed]

'Does it takes longer for each percentage'

Worry was ever present throughout each word thought.

Lin decided to divert focus his attention to something other than the words in his mind.

But then he quickly came upon a problem, what would he focus on.

*1 month later*

[Initiation 4% completed]

'What is my form currently, why can I see the words in my mind, maybe I'm not seeing them, maybe I'm sensing them.'

This was Lin's first step to improving his comprehension of the space he was currently residing in.

*1 year later*

[Initiation 5% completed]

Lin's comprehension of the space he resided in has increased. He has discovered he was currently residing in the space within his soul.


*100 years later*

[Initiation 10% completed]

After his discovery, Lin began to experiment in the space and discovered he can give himself a physical appearance, he called this his manifestation of his soul.

*1,000 years later*

[Initiation 20% completed]

Lin is not even surprised by the speed that the percentage increases. He has long become accustomed to it. His spirit is calm.

He has discovered he can sense how large the space within his soul is, of which he now calls his soul space.

*10,000 years later*

[Initiation 40% complete]

'Why did the world refuse me?'

Lin thinks this from time to time but focuses elsewhere every time without fail because he believes these thoughts are useless.

Lin has now discovered the existence of an energy he seems capable of controlling.

If he exerts this energy outwards on the boundary of the soul space carefully, he can increase the size of the soul space although it causes immense pain, the pain goes away after a short while.

With an increase of size of the soul space, he seems able to focus better and is also able to access more energy which he has named mental spirit.

Lin now spends his time increasing the soul space and experimenting with it.

*100,000 years later*

[Initiation 80% complete]

The size of Lin's soul space has increased ridiculously over the years. He can focus to an incredible degree that wouldn't be thought humanly possible without much effort.

Lin has begun to realise he can exert some mental spirit to create things other than his physical manifestation in the soul space.

Lin has realised that he mind and mental spirit take on a qualitative increases with each thing created and present in his soul space.

Lin has now decided to experiment with creating in his soul space while still increasing the size of the soul space.

*1,000,000 years later*

[Initiation 90% completed]

Lin's soul space is no longer devoid of all presence other than himself. His soul space is now much large than it was previously and has floating within it what seems to be a miniature planet.

Lin has no time for useless thoughts such as when he was going to be able to leave this space he is now fully focused on making his version of the galaxy while still expanding his soul space.

*100,000,000 years later*

[Initiation 98% completed]

Lin's soul space has increased in size, by how much is unknown to anyone but him.

His soul space is filled with planets and stars.

Lin has discovered how to simulate rules and laws into his soul space, such as gravity.

He spends his time creating more planets and stars while also expanding his soul space. He has also begun experimenting with increasing his efficiency and experimenting further with his mental spirit.

*??? Years later...*

He has long forgotten why he has began doing these things, the reasons just out of his grasp.

His soul space is no different from a real galaxy, he still lacks life within it, he can create images and matter but that was entirely different to creating life.

He had almost given up, just then...


A sound rang in his ears.

[Daily Talent Refresh System binding sequence completed.]

[Would you like to refresh for the first time.]


Lin did not know how long it had been, he quietly began to cry.

*5 minutes later...*

Lin clicked yes on the system panel in his mind using his mental spirit.

[Refreshing talent...]



[Talent refreshed.]

[The (Host) has gained the talent(Reincarnation).]

[As the (Host) has refreshed for the first time, the talent has been upgraded to the talent(Endless Reincarnation).]

[The (Host) is in a soul state, the talent(Endless Reincarnation) has been activated.]

'What? What does that mean?' Lin thought, sounding confused.

Just then, the previously unable to see Lin, became able to see everything around him. It had felt as if he had filled a vessel, of which he came to understand to be his new body.

To be continued...

I'm busy for another 2 months but I decided to write this chapter because I just thought of an idea.

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