
Chapter 3: The End, part 3

Albert dressed in a heavy protective suit landed swiftly at the underground facility, followed by Ronald and his other crew members.

"Check the radiation level here and estimate the time limit of our stay here. And be quick. The superiors have become more impatient lately"

After sometime, "Sir we've approximately 31 hours before our equipment and instruments start malfunctioning due to the ionisation effect. We can extend the stay by another 12 hours if we use the magneto-electricity driven auxiliary equipment to support our equipment..."

"Him again… fine use whatever necessary. We have to get results anyway. Divide into teams of two and search the whole facility.  I and Ronald will look into the main lab. Bring two crew members to support us. Medics and rescue team, be ready for anything. Alright enough talk. Everyone disperse."

"Sir, yes sir.", everyone saluted him and busied themselves in their own works.

Albert, Ronald and two other members started waking steadily to the heavily reinforced main lab. It took them a minute to arrive at the front of the ruined lab. The  front door had been previously blasted open by the explosion. But the remaining fragments of the door and other ruined structures had been embedded in the outside walls and completely blocked the entrance.. The structure seemed totally ruined, yet it was still capable of holding its own weight.

"Bring out the plasma cannon, we have a door to break in.", Albert ordered.

"Captain your chunni symptoms are showing again,'' sighed the crew as they brought out their plasma converger.

"Shut your c**p. And do your work."

They set up the plasma cannon and focused it beam on the blockages, and began to melt it, creating a big hole in the middle. After almost a minute and a half,a big hole could be seen without any blockage, leading to the inner lab. Albert looked at it satisfied and then stepped forward without waiting for his crew to pack up.

Ronald and the other seemed dissatisfied but could only suck up, pack up faster and follow behind him.

As they stepped inside, an eerie chill pervaded their spines. They were greeted with totally ruined machineries, and dozens of dozens of charred incomplete bodies, pieces and their other body parts scattered here and there, along with white ruined clothes on there bodies. Almost no complete body could be seen. But if focused properly, there was a more complete body at one corner. The environment seemed to be preserving them, as their bodies still looked fresh.

As they started recording, their instruments too recorded something strange. There was no radiation hikes there. The radiation level even seemed to be lower than outside. Even the air seemed to be fresher than the outside.

The atmosphere inside was way too eerie.

'What in the hell is this place', was the only thing in their mind.

"That bigger ruined machine is probably there nuclear fusion reactor. And these seem to be the bodies of only the scientists. But there are no signs of our agents here. As this lab seemed to be in the epicentre of the blast, there should not have been any bodies at all. All should have turned into ashes by the shear force and heat of the blast. But seeing these bodies still present, there is even more of a mystery to this place.", as an analyst reported, even he seemed to drenched in cold sweat.

"Well these bodies can be precious research materials. Call the extras and check these properly for anything else. Then load them up for transport to HQ for better study."

"On it sir."

Some more people with suits came in and then everyone started taking samples and busied themselves.

Just then a person taking reading and samples of the bodies reached a body which seemed more complete in the opposite end. Its frontal flesh was mangled but its back was still intact. Its back seemed to be against the direction of explosion. The degree of burns on it were less, but the organs seemed to all be severely burnt and damaged. The freshness of air seemed even more near this body.

Intrigued by this particular body, the analyst starting taking more tests on it. But as he touched the body, the body was not cold like others. It seemed a little warm. After so many strange incidents, the analyst was not surprised. He thought it to be another coincidence too. But still being curious, he dipped the body scanner probe to it to experience some more peculiarities and switched on the machine and turned to take the readings. Just as he saw the monitor, he paled and screamed as if seeing a ghost.

Seeing his reactions, all the  others were intrigued too. As they approached him, the analyst seemed to recover from the initial trauma. Immediately he shouted, "Commander we have an emergency here. Commander be quick."

"Who the f**k is shouting like a mad bull. I told you to take care of something so easy and yet you still have problems."

Albert walked out and came beside him, "Let me tell you punk if what you have to say is not worthwhile then...", and he grinned cheekily.

Hearing this the man almost broke down in cold sweat, but then he remembered something important. Tremblingly he said, "Commander, I think that body is still alive."

Hearing this everyone became scared sh*tless and turned to look at the body. Even Albert turned solemn as it was a grave matter, "Are you serious??"

The man nodded silently.

"Ronald, turn the body around and check it."Albert ordered.

Ronald came fast and turned the body. Seeing the almost disfigured face, he didn't care about it anymore. He took the reading again. But after that he also became pale. Turning around to confirm the accusation, he saw his captain whole body trembling.

Worried he asked, "Sir are you alright?"

As if suddenly struck by lightning, Albert began shouting, "Kiel ... Kiel… is alive!!!"


After 2 years

12 June 2202

In Manhattan, New York, National Defense and Research Centre

Medical Cloning Lab.

Inside the lab, there were many transparent glass cylinders filled with a deep red liquid. Most of the cylinders contained some limbs floating in the middle connected with some biological wires. Some cylinders even contained full body specimens.

In one of the transparent glass cylinders named c401, a body was kept with its eyes closed, with numerical wires and equipment connected to it. It was being  monitored 24/7. It was a top priority of the facility. But the body seemed to be in a comma. So no one cared most about it. The lab specialists were only told to take special care of it and report if any anomaly occurred.

Although the body seemed to be externally alright, but interior scans showed even the prolonged period of being kept alive was a miracle for it. The body was barely kept alive. The body seemed to be in a  near death state, but death never came to it. It has been in the same state ever since being brought here. No change in either improvement or decay of it.

But everyday someone had to come and check it personally. Today was the day for a new recruit.

As he came in, all the lab technicians were doing there works as per usual. The new recruit greeted everyone on his way and went straight for the container C401. He checked the readings first, but when he turned to the container, what he saw inside was the body staring at it intently. He was dumbstruck for a moment, but then became excited and started running back, shouting, "c401 has woken up. C401 has woken up."

There was a great rustle bustle afterwards.


Kiel's Pov

'Where am I? This darkness, sigh am I dead?I heard that death is all about darkness.'

After some time 'Wait no, what's this stinging sensation?? Ah it's becoming even worse as I think about it.'

'Blast it, I can feel my eyes… Should I open them? But it seems so relaxing now. Sh*t this pain is becoming worse. OK you win I'll open them.'

As he opened his eyes slowly, "Where am I? Wait did I ask the same question to me before? Can't remember, anyway if I asked so what!", he thought narcissistically.

As he looked around, he found himself in a cylinder floating in some liquid"This seems to be some lab."

Then suddenly, "Ah an idiot looking at me!" As he watched the person running off, "Yup definitely an idiot. Wait he's definitely an idiot. So am I in some mental hospital? More importantly who am I? Wait why am I asking this question now? I should have asked this at the start... and how come I am so calm now!!..."

As he kept talking to himself coherently, streams of memories came rushing in. "Again the strange pain comes...." He closed his eyes and began to writhe in pain.

This went on for some period, then as he opened his eyes again, they seemed to have got a sharp gleam, "Oh I am still alive… I thought I had died. Sigh! If I'm still alive then here should be the world council. Wait Im having a feeling that I've to talk much after this. Yawn! Oh I'm feeling sleepy."

And he drifted into sleep.


After a few days in a room two people were sitting. One had a bear shaped body, while the other was the same person who was in a glass cylinder.

"Hello I'm Swallow. Nice to meet you Dr.K"


"What not glad to meet me?"

"What am I having for lunch?"

"..." ,

" I think we are not in the same wavelength here."

"So when I'm having lunch"

"... "

After a few moments of silence, the man took out a cube and displayed a hologram.

"Well let's start it in a different way this time:

Name: Kiel Dmitriev

DOB: 02 March 2145

DOP: Szkoła Podstawo, Świnoujście, Europe

Gender: Male

Qualifications: Masters in nuclear physics, Almost all software courses completed, Masters in electronics, environment study for two years…"

Looking at the calm man opposite him nodding, he continued..

"After two months of birth, parents died in an accident.

Raised in the local orphan for the next ten years.

Adopted by the Dmitriev family in 2150

Excellent performance in junior - high school.

Got a girlfriend in Class 10. After a year breakup. Reasons: Long distance relationships problems.

Got a scholarship for Bachelor degree, due to excellent performance, to join the most reputable college.

But almost average and low key in college.

After 4 years of college went on a world tour for 1 year…", looking at him again nodding without any response, he grew a little irritated,

"And still a virgin…"

"Cough cough.. Well that's enough. Ask what you want"

"Finally got to the  point."

After taking a deep breath

"How come you are still a virgin?!!"



An awkward silence.

"Sorry got a little carried away. I apologize. What we want to know is-

What the hell have you done to the world!?"

"Sigh! Well all I've … Forget it... Before that can I ask you a question?"

"Go ahead"

"How's the world now?"

"The world..."

this explains how he'll behave in the future.

Hope you all are enjoying it.

Well this is it for this week. From next week I'll release more.

Krizzeircreators' thoughts