
Enchantress Girl Broken Heart Healers

Cattle went to the hotel celebrating for an occasion which was unusually offered by her father. Her bright eyes were astonished why Asuncion, her father had left on their table, without any noise. Her mind aptly whiffed at the guy who had trudged the floor. Indeed, the macho man is holding her t-shirt in the private room. She quickly rejected it but the rich man pellucidly uttered his voice," just follow me because your father had done to receive my money,” the enchanting girl was shocked to hear it. Myra, Cattle’s mother unusually asked herself why her husband bought three cars for the family, though she felt thrilled staring at it, why her mind felt doubt about it. These cars were the gift for his wife who positively expected their progress in their business. In fact, it had already failed due to his many debts, anyway he ultimately paid the lender, but he still felt scared if ever his wife would know of his bad actions. He quickly drove his car to the office, to transfer his money to the bank. Unexpectedly, his car crashed into the national highway. His daughter knew it when the boss had driven the car; to return this prepossessing girl, since Cattle were not getting ready for their romantic night. His daughter felt scared looking at his father who had been bathed in blood. Instead, Asuncion might build another business, replacing the failed one, his family used their money in the bank, what they had expected would be their profit for their business. The boss got disappointed because his expected Cattle would no longer go back to him. He decided to get the 1 trillion dollars from his business partner, even if he knew the current situation in him yet he did not understand that. Myrah was shocked why the boss occupied their enterprise,” please return my money, otherwise I will forever operate your business,” the boss said. Cattle met the boss, but she did give an opportunity to talk with him,” why are you here? don’t let me solve your problem.” In the hospital, the doctor did not accept their patient. So, they have transferred Asuncion to Bryce hospital. Dr. Bryce is stressful to entertain the millions of patients who were waiting for his miracle. He has found out an enchanting girl who brought her complicated father. Bryce is seldom to allure a woman but he is abnormally attracted to glance at her. Cattle wore a lovely t-shirt,” will you allow me to court you?” That moment, Cattle rejected his love; hence, doctor Bryce got dejected to hear it. But he still gave a miracle recovery to Asuncion. Then, he resigned his profession as a doctor. Cattle departed her family, to seek other jobs, in order to sustain her family. She had successfully applied as a manager. In the company, she aptly found Kent who never left her, especially when she slipped back her problem. This guy would be willing to give the world for her! After a week, she finally accepted Kent's heart. At night, her spirit was flying above the mesosphere, while Dr. Bryce took an experiment at the terrace on how he will heal his heart. Surprisingly, someone calls his name. When he moved forward, there was an enchantress butterfly who touched his painful heart,” I am cattle, do you still remember me?” A sweet response," can you please heal my pain, Cattle?" Dr. asked her. Her image still butterflies around the people exclusively for him. Her heart eventually showed unmeasurable love for him. But Kent kept on destroying her world!

Ariel_Novelist · แฟนตาซี
15 Chs

Chapter 2 Incredible operation’s discovery

In dark night Asuncion's mansion bloody through snow which fall on rooftop, however the family unable to perceive it including the dogs and security guards. After an hour, something falls down alongside Asuncion's room, while the dogs are glimpsing to stare at the sundown which is converted to unending bloods which enter their room. That time, Cattle and Myrah shouted loudly to their different areas, so the spouse turned on the lights; to tell her husband who is normally lying down on the bed. However, the Police officer calls her,``Hello Missis, please be here in the hospital right now due to the unexpected accident." I replied," oh no! Why does this happen to my husband? What would be the cause of this accident sir?" And the officer replies," madam, we can't give you full details because we are still working to the investigation.``

While Cattle receives a call from his father's voice, yet his hands have unintentionally turned off the mobile phone. So, she goes to her kitchen to have breakfast. But the mother shows grief to her face, "why are you crying mommy? Could you explain to me your reason?" I asked.

"Did somebody call you recently? I regret to inform you father that his car has crashed on the national highway," I told.

"Oh no mommy! I had seen him recently in your couple's room. And he had requested me to prepare food for him," I cried loudly.

"I guessed you were referring to his shadow. Look at the news, it presents a bloody body. I candidly won't accept such news, but the portrait helps me to presume it."

Since the authority forces families to visit the hospital for this occurrence, whether they like it or not; they must do too. Meanwhile, Myrah's hands are trembling her emotion which would affect her movement," I lost my concentration to drive this car, if you are listening to the wind, please pull the car for we can also crash her." And then, her daughter keeps asking herself," might I believe her? But why does mommy get rattle? I might be wishing to talk to my beloved father even in a second since we have not solved our misunderstanding."

In the hospital, the family proves unluckily to the sad incident. Her father keeps pulling the father's shoulder, whereas the mother," my loves, why are you leaving me? As you had said, you would build our business and our daughter's education, you are unable to do your promise." With their sad feelings, no medical experts have approached them yet, unless the wife would have let the doctor enter. On the other hand, the manager watched a worse incident beyond his dream tonight.

Since the family is over to hug and shout beside the patient. So, the nurses and doctors have requested that the guy. So, Cattle and Myrah are heartedly waiting outside the room who look dead to their faces. After an hour, the first doctor declares," we regret to inform you that Asuncion has passed away recently, since his two legs are totally fractured together with the head. Again, we are so sorry to experience this bad incident,"

Cattle listens to the declaration, but her mind asks," how might I know to heal my father's lives? I am unable to measure my grief at my father's informal farewell. Is there someone who can heal him?" I meditated. Her face looks like carabao and is full of acne, but her beauty makes the body to be bonny.

"Darling! Let us now bring him to the chapel for his coffin. I have tried to ask heaven for her miracle, but no one answers my request," mother said. (Her mind is full of darkness to perceive such waves.)

"Is that your final decision, mommy? We must not surrender yet, let us put our heart to stand positively through transferring him to Brown hospital," she heartedly suggested.

Myrah alters her decision through Cattle's words. So, they have paid the bills and then carried the dead in their car. Both of them have not revealed their plan to current hospitals.

Bryce is heartedly working at a public hospital. His service is approximately 20 years, but he still wants to learn more in the field. So, he is longing to go home due to his training. Nevertheless, there are millions of patients who haven't received a miracle's healing from the other doctors. So, he declines the incoming promotion at least everyone must be over the moon on his awesome service. Among the individuals are waiting on his positive response to their respective room. His heart fills with blithe as he views Cattle who sits beside her father, but his heart astonishes to the carabao's face. Anyway, his impression is apparently outstanding, while Cattle likes the posture of a thin doctor who is professionally approaching their bed.

"Hello Miss, are you the daughter of this patient? Can you hold this medical material?" I asked. (His eyes have absorbed the lady's shining eyes, apple eyebrow, and cool skin.)

"Doc, could you heal him? I trust your amazing talent that you have rendered here. I believe you can provide a miracle to my father, so please cooperate with us," she said lonely. (Oh! What is happening to me? I just see her face and heart, but why do I get in love with her! Is she my medicine for a painful heart and mind? I asked myself.)

"Yes, I can use my unique talent, but I desire to articulate my warm love to you. Can you be my medicine, ``the doctor truthfully requested.

(Might I answer him? But he's so busy with his profession, and he is older than me. To my negative side, my educational background is not the same as mine, I asked myself.)

"Sorry to decline your true love, but I am not getting ready to accept you. As I notice, my profession can't magnify on you," I said slowly.

Dr. Bryce, unable to define his night, yet he remembers his commitment, even it gives millions pain; heart, veins, brain, and muscle, but he prioritizes Asuncion's operation. Right now, he gives the family two hours to wait on the specific outcome. That makes his heart as a genuine professional.

Cattle is getting depressed to reach the comfort room; to evaluate her words that she has spoken from her heart, while Myrah believes too much in the doctor's healing. When she moves her right foot to seek Cattle, yet doctor Bryce calls on her. (Her daughter is running in their area, as the doctor talks with her mother.

"Congratulations, Cattle and Myrah, the operation has been successfully done. You may now visit him later," Dr. Bryce said happily.

"What an awesome information doctor," the family clarified astonishingly.

"How much should I give thanks to him? But l am now shy to approach his presence, am I getting wrong to reject his heart? Why does it bother to think of his heart? What should have cheered me up, the recovery of my father!" I asked.

In the public hospital, the family is getting blithe to see and hear Asuncion's words. After a week, Dr. Bryce recommends going back home, since the patient is apparently getting well. So, the kindred pay the charge and fees quickly. Before the red car leaves here. That time, Cattle craves to accept the doctor's love, but Dr. Bryce departs his room to entertain other patients.

At the green apartment, the manager narrates his hurtful experience with Cattle. Although the mother recommends his cousin to him," I won't love anyone, but to obtain the 1 trillion dollars that your husband borrowed from me. (Is his statement true? Why did he come up with such a situation? I asked myself.)

"Sir, please be back after one month, since my husband adjusted his recovery," I requested.

"Make sure to prepare the full payment. Otherwise, I will get his business and three cars," boss said.

(I expected too much for the improvement of our business, why did my husband do it to me? Can I verify it from him, but he is having his bad situation. So, I may need to understand him, what if he will kill himself! Myrah reflected on herself.