
Shanaya Bhatt

While looking out of the window, I was recalling my past. My mind flew to the memories those days, when I didn't know the meaning of failures. When I was called the perfect example of success. And now...

A mere decision of mine had brought a drastic change. From an unimaginable height, I had been dropped to the hard, cracked ground. There was a time when I used to wait to go home and rest, from all the arduous work. And today, I am in a condition where I want to go out and do things I used to love. I am trying to escape from those ambushes, those traps, which people have designed especially for me.

This downfall has led to so many things. Even if I am trying so hard to get up, there are people at every corner, trying to pull me down. There are people looking for every opportunity to stain my name, make me appear as filthy as their minds. And how can I forget him? The one who was once my strength, now one of my greatest weakness.....


Disrupting my thoughts, someone called me from behind.

"Oliver? You showed up so early?"

Unlike every day, there was a sense of shock on his face. Only by noticing that expression, my legs trembled. Somehow I got up from the chair. Sun rays fell on me, making my fair skin glow brightly. My black as coal, wide eyes implored God to not give me any more trouble than I already have at hand. Involuntarily, I bit my rosy pink, luscious lower lip. While turning half around, my long black, thick hair swayed a little.

Every part of mine prayed that my secretary shouldn't come with a piece of bad news as usual.

"What is it now?"

Oliver's shoulders drooped down, a sign that showed;I was screwed now. Mustering courage, I said to him;

"I want it loud and clear, Oliver."

"A fake news has been circulating from a while now. About you and...


"And him."

I didn't get what he said. But the man he was indicating to...


The name he said... the name that sent a chill down my spine. When the world hears it, it trembles. And so do I. The name which used to make my heart flutter, now made it shiver. And the fear I had...

"Have the people found about it?"

"Not yet. But soon they will, I guess. The news is about you being involved with him in drug smuggling. As quite a number of people know that you were once a drug addict, this fact confirms the fake news to be 'real'."

This was something every thriving actress or actor should expect. Of course, the news is false. But these things are normal in showbiz. Every other day, someone's image is pulled down by others. But this... Involved with Parth... Or 'The Parth Pathak' as the world says. And this is something that will invite an inevitable storm in this glamour world.

What should I do now? How can I claim that this is false? Even if the proofs are deceptive, how can I prove that? I don't have many supporters. And who will willingly support a third-grade actress? No one! Anyone whom I would ask for help will take advantage of my situation.

I could see that Oliver was clueless too. In such a circumstance, the only thing which popped in both minds was

"Call Parth?"

"Call Parth?"

As we said that simultaneously, we gaped at each other's face.

"That is the only option. If you want to clear your name in this lifetime."

"But... I can't. There are some...

"You still care about that? You came here to rise again. And your promises...

"Oliver you won't understand! I am indeed serious with my life and career. But think about it realistically..

Will he accept my plea to clear this mess? Are you sure he has forgotten the past? Tell me!"

"First of all, he will definitely listen to you. Even if he does not like it, he will do it unwillingly. Because the drug smuggling case will also include the police inquiry. He won't take the risk to not clear his name along with you. Secondly, I don't know if he has forgotten the past. And you shouldn't be worried about it either. Thirdly, even if this is not a publicity stunt, you will get publicity. We can use that later on."

Hearing Oliver be so confident, I felt relieved. After all, he was the one who had taken care of me all these years. And the facts he said weren't wrong. Indeed it is true, that other than supporting each other, me and Parth don't have any way.

"Then you must contact him. But won't it be difficult to do so?"

"It is difficult to reach him. But I will try my best."

In my mind, I was naively hoping that God show me a way that won't include our meeting. But as they say, things never happen to you as you wish.

We are born with our destiny written on the stars, and no power other than God Himself can change it.

Hey guys, I hope you like this chapter.

This is the female pov which I will write (Anjali_01)

This is my first time writing a collab, with tinni_15, so I hope you all support us.

Also, this novel is a part of an ongoing contest.

So if you see any scope for this novel, do vote.

And do share your views, do comment

Stay tuned:)

Tinni_15AndAnjalicreators' thoughts