
Grand Entrance

The fall season had begun, the bunch of leaves on some pavements making that evident.

Mild, slightly dry winds blew them around.

The temperature was quite low, making it feel as if the awaited winter had already arrived.

As my car moved ahead, I got a glimpse of the beautiful scenery. But as usual, my work forbade me from admiring the sight.

And why wouldn't it? After all, I'm one of the richest person in the whole world.

A lot of people would die just to get a glimpse of me.

But alas, they can't get one because I'm a man of many secrets.

And I like it that way.

Still, she left me.


My thoughts that had been drifting towards a certain lady, were interrupted by my driver.

"We are here, Sir", said the driver in a formal manner.

Just like my mannerism.

Back to it.

Back to reality.

Back to being a cold person, like I am…

Or like I must be.

It's what my post as a CEO demands from me.

To get some work done properly, I need to do this. People only get it through the hard way. If you are too lenient, they start slacking off.

As the sleek black limousine comes to a halt, we arrive at the front gate of the entrance of my multinational office.

Almost everyone's attention was drawn to the beauty, my limousine.

In a scurry, people scattered away, to make a path for me. My driver, Yash, rushed towards the side door. Pulling the black handle with some gold extrinsic, he unlocked the stylish door, opening it wide enough to let everyone get a good glimpse of me.

And with that started the show. The grand performance of might.

A performance depicting my status as a CEO.

Getting out in style, I show off my perfectly tailored suit that was fitted to flatter my chiselled body.

Time to start working.

A man in black, Mr Seth, my manager arrives hurriedly towards me.

"Sir! We have contacted Mr Pott, he will be arriving in about 10 minutes. We will start the meeting as soon as he arrives "

I gave him a slight nod, acknowledging his words and move ahead on my way to the entrance.

"Sir! Mr Hemming is here. We should start the contract signing as soon as possible.", said a sweating office worker. I think his name was Sam.

Stopping before me, he tried to catch his breath.

" Yes, Sam. Is there something else that you want to tell me?", I said nonchalantly.

Poor little boy, he used to be our newest intern, who was promoted to the post of officer worker just recently. And this was all thanks to his hard work. Whenever he's tensed due to some work related issue he starts to panic. Typical newbie habit. I used to be just like him.

" They are currently having a fight with Mr Spark.


"It's ok, Sam. I got it.

Good work."

You need to appreciate your subordinates sometimes if you really want to win them over.

Well, it works on naive people like Sam who are new in this industry.

Big time players can easily catch your lies woven with flattering techniques.

So being the way you are is better, cold and staunch.

Moving ahead, with the support of my cane, I enter the gigantic lobby area. The whole building consisted of 31 floors.

First 3 floors for PR, next 3 for management and similarly 3 each for advertising, management and all.

The topmost floor being my office floor.

With the limited amount of time in hand, I move towards my private elevator eager to get done with this Spark issue.

I think I will just fire him. No use keeping such useless people.

People's heads automatically turn as I enter the great lobby area,just like fireflies attracted to light.

A group of ladies, standing in a corner, sighed in unison.

Oof, can't blame them.

My charm is too much for people to handle. I've been told that my hazel green eyes with hints of gold and sexy ruffles of my smooth brown hair make me irresistible.

"He so sexy."

"He so handsome."

"He looks handsome even with that cane in one hand."

"He's my heartthrob, my Parth Pathak"

To this, the other girls gave her a pointed glare.

Oh well, poor her. It isn't her fault that she can't resist me.

Maybe I'll give her a glance.

Or so I thought, but my plan needed to be kept aside for later.

And then I saw her approaching, Linda, my secretary.

The best words to describe her would be a shameless slutty woman.

Blocking my way, she tried to get a hold of me by falling into my arms.

Unfortunately for her, I'm not a fool to let that happen. Skillfully, I dodged.

Face remaining impassive, I ask;

"Do you want something, Linda?"

"Oh yes, I want you." She bit her lush red lip seductively, blinking her big, beautiful eyes.

"Excuse me", I said,giving her a cold glare combined with my cold aura.

" I...I mean I want your signature on this document." She stuttered, stepping back a little.

I take the file from her hands.

My gaze remained fixed on the file,ignoring her,

while she tried to lean down to show off her huge boobs, through the unbuttoned part of her shirt.

I wanted to get away from her as quickly as possible and so I signed the files without reading.

Anyways, I had given it a glance and I knew what it's about.

With that done, I leave her behind moving towards my private elevator. But some people never learn. Or should I say, they don't want to understand.

And Linda is one of them. She stepped in front of me, trying to block my way again.

I try to be as passive as I can be.

"Anything else?"

"Oh yes, I just wanted to tell you that you look quite handsome today. Let me tell you, I'm all alone tonight. If you want….." She trailed off, suggestively.

She was talking less and moving her hands more. Enough with this nonsense, time to show who is the boss.


Hearing the darkness in my voice, I saw her take in a breath in terror.

"Let me tell you, Miss Linda. You are in an office right now. And this is a complete unethical way of behaviour.

I don't care what you do in your free time. But over here, you need to be serious.

If I see you behaving like this ever again, then I won't hesitate to fire you immediately.

And I shall make sure that no one ever hires you again."

This much should be enough to scare her and keep her quiet for some days.

Yes, only some days. Like I said, some people never change and she is one of them.

This matter has been taken care of.

I made my way towards my office to handle the uncontrolled situation with Mr Spark and Mr Hemming.

I fired Spark and convinced Mr Hemming that it will be his loss if he doesn't sign this contract because of a stupid person's antics.

Anyways, he needed to sign this contract or his company will go bankrupt.

Not like any other company would be willing to sign a contract with him in such a situation.

Finally, the contract was signed.

And that's how my day started.

Hope you will enjoy this novel guys. Please let me know your views.

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